Data available from the UK Health Security Agency suggests things are about to take a turn for the worse for those who have succumbed to the lies and propaganda about how taking an experimental injection is the worlds only route back to normality, by foolishly rolling up their sleeves and being vaccinated against an alleged disease that had just a 0.2% fatality rate prior to the world-wide roll-out of experimental gene therapies.

To put it bluntly, the “fully vaccinated” are on the precipice of disaster.

The sinisterly named UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) recently replaced Public Health England (PHE), with the UK’s ex-Health Secretary Matt Hancock announcing in August 2020 that the governments intention was to –

“Create a new body, bringing together the at-scale operational response capability of NHS Test and Trace, the joint biosecurity centre’s intelligence and analytical capability and the public health science and health protection expertise of Public Health England into an organisation focused wholly on protecting people from external threats to this country’s health.”

Thankfully, the new UKHSA has continued the work of Public Health England in highlighting the number of recorded Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status on a regular basis.

Regular readers of The Exposé will know that since at least June 2021, the fully vaccinated have accounted for the majority of Covid-19 deaths. We first highlighted on June 26th that whilst Brits had been distracted by Matt Hancock’s affair, Public Health England had released a report revealing 62% of alleged Covid-19 deaths were people who had been vaccinated.

But whilst the number of Covid-19 deaths have increased significantly alongside the percentage attributed to the fully vaccinated since June, other things have decreased significantly, unfortunately though that is the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Pfizer claim that their Covid-19 mRNA injection has a vaccine effectiveness of 95%. They were able to claim this because of a simple calculation (full details of which can be viewed here) performed on the number of infections confirmed amongst the vaccinated group and the not-vaccinated group during the earliest stages of the still ongoing clinical trials.

We don’t need to go into the fact that this calculation was extremely misleading and only measured relative effectiveness rather than absolute effectiveness. Neither do we need to go into the fact that Pfizer chose to ignore thousands of other suspected infections during the ongoing trial and not perform a PCR test to confirm the infection because it would have thrown efficacy below the required minimum of 50% to gain regulatory approval.

Now, thanks to a wealth of data published by the new UK Health Security Agency we are able to use the same calculation that was used to calculate 95% effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine, to calculate the real world effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the data unfortunately paints an extremely concerning picture.

Public Health England had just begun to publish the number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status within their weekly ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report after previously only publishing these on a bi-weekly basis in their ‘Variants of Concern – Technical Briefing’ reports’.

The UK Health Security Agency have continued to publish the weekly numbers in the ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ reports but have however, decided to stop publishing the numbers in the bi-weekly Variants of Concern – Technical Briefing’ reports, and by doing so have made it harder to keep track of the grand total number of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status.

This is because the ‘Variants of Concern’ reports included a running total on the number of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status from as far back as February 1st 2021, whereas the weekly ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ reports only include the number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status for the previous four weeks.

This means that it has been a lot harder to track the true meaning of the available data because three weeks worth of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would be included from the previous weeks report in the most recent report due to only providing a grand total over a period of four weeks.

However, now that several weeks of ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ reports have been published we are able to see a much clearer picture on the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections, and the number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths over the past few months without having to use data that overlaps into other reports.

So we calculated the real-world effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections over a period of 12 weeks / 3 months by analysing the data available from the following ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ reports –

The week 37 Vaccine Surveillance report included the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status between week 33 and week 36 of 2021 (August 16th to September 12th), and the real-world vaccine effectiveness during this period was proving to be as follows –

The real-world effectiveness of all available Covid-19 vaccines combined was as low as minus-47% in the 60-69 age group, and as high as +66% in the under 18 age group between August 16th and September 12th 2021. The only other age groups that the vaccine was showing to have positive effect at this point were 18-29, 30-39, and 80+. But as you can clearly see none of the age groups were showing a vaccine effectiveness anywhere near 95%.

However, just look at how the tables turn just one month later.

The week 41 Vaccine Surveillance report included the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status between week 37 and week 40 of 2021 (September 13th to October 10th), and the real-world vaccine effectiveness during this period was proving to be as follows –

The real-world effectiveness of all available Covid-19 vaccines combined was as low as minus-109% in the 40-49 age group, and as high as +89% in the under 18 age group between September 13th and October 10th 2021. The only other age group that the vaccine was showing to have positive effect at this point was 18-29.

What’s concerning here though is how far the real-world effectiveness of the vaccine has fallen in all age groups, but especially the 40-49 age group which fell from a real world of effectiveness of minus-36% to minus-109%.

The fact that the real-world effectiveness of the vaccines had surpassed the minus-100% barrier in suggested that not only were the vaccines failing, but they were also completely decimating the immune system of the recipients.

This makes the most recent Vaccine Surveillance report frightening reading.

The week 45 Vaccine Surveillance report included the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status between week 41 and week 44 of 2021 (October 11th to November 7th), and the and the real-world vaccine effectiveness during this period was proving to be as follows – –

The real-world effectiveness of all available Covid-19 vaccines combined was as low as minus-126% in the 40-49 age group, and as high as +78% in the under 18 age group between September 13th and October 10th 2021. The only other age group that the vaccine was showing to have positive effect at this point was again 18-29.

What’s concerning here is that two more age-groups have surpassed the minus-100% barrier, with the 50-59 age group falling to minus-116% and the 60-69 age group falling to minus-120%. But what is perhaps more concerning is that the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections has continued to decline in the 40-49 age group after already surpassing the minus-100% barrier in the previous month.

What we can also see from the above is that the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injection in persons over the age of 80 has climbed from minus-22% to minus-9 percent. This coincides with the booster jab roll-out to this age group, suggesting the vaccines may provide very short term protection against the alleged Covid-19 virus. However, it is worth noting that there is still a negative effectiveness in this age group, and it still lower than the minus-3% effectiveness seen between week 33 and week 36 of 2021.

The above chart tracks the real-world effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections in each group across the past 3 months and clearly illustrates the decline seen in all age groups from week 33-36 to week 41-44.

What this shows is that the biggest decline in vaccine effectiveness has actually been observed in the 30-39 age group, closely followed by the 40-49 age group which took a huge hit in week-37-40 and then by the 60-69 and 70-79 age group.

Based on the above we have been able to project the real world effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections in each age group up to the end of 2021, and the results were as follows –

Unfortunately, by the turn of the year, the Covid-19 injections may have a negative effectiveness in every single age group except for the under 18’s which may fall to +38%. Whilst a negative effectiveness below the minus-100% barrier will be seen in everyone between the ages of 40 and 79. With the 40-49 age group falling to a negative effectiveness close to minus-180%.

But the real question is, what does an ever declining negative effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections actually mean?

Well here’s what it means in terms of Covid-19 cases –

The above chart shows the number of recorded Covid-19 cases in England over a period of three months by vaccination status of everyone over the age of 18. Between week 33-36 and week 37-40 Covid-19 cases declined overall, falling from 101,867 to 60,479 in the unvaccinated; a reduction of 41,388, but falling from 288,470 to 287,527 in the fully vaccinated; a reduction of just 943.

However where things get both interesting and concerning is the difference between week 37-40 and week 41-44. That’s because the number of cases among the unvaccinated increased from 60,479 recorded cases to just 79,516 recorded cases, but the number of cases among the fully vaccinated increased by 57% from 287,527 to a frightening 450,186.

As well as proving without a shadow of a doubt that the vaccines are clearly incapable of preventing infection or transmission of the virus, the above chart clearly demonstrates that the vaccinated are much more likely to be infected or transmit the virus. This makes the projected number of cases by the turn of the year even more troubling.

The above chart shows the cumulative number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status over the past three months alongside the calculated projected number of cases up to the end of 2021. However, it must be noted that this has been calculated with cases that were recored in summer, a period where respiratory viruses are historically kept at bay, therefore the actual projection for winter could well be far worse.

But nethertheless, the picture does not look good for the fully vaccinated population. Cases among the unvaccinated are projected to rise to a cumulative total of approximately 575,000. Therefore over the next two months a further 333,000 cases may be seen across the unvaccinated population.

But the projection shows that cases among the fully vaccinated are going to rise much more steeply, hitting around 3.75 million by the end of the year, meaning a further 2.75 million cases may be recorded among the fully vaccinated population over the next two months.  

Here’s what that means in terms of hospitalisations –

The above chart shows the number of recorded Covid-19 hospitalisations in England over a period of three months by vaccination status. Between week 33-36 and week 37-40 Covid-19 hospitalisations declined overall, falling from 3,425 to 1,842 in the unvaccinated; a reduction of 1,583, but falling from 4,376 to 3,034 in the fully vaccinated; a reduction of 1,342.

But yet again, where things get both interesting and concerning is the difference between week 37-40 and week 41-44. That’s because the number of hospitalisations among the unvaccinated increased from 1,842 hospitalisations to 3,313 hospitalisations, but the number of hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated increased by 113% from 3,034 to a worrying 6,461.

What’s also interesting to note here is that hospitalisations among the unvaccinated in week 41-44 were still lower than those seen in week 33-36, whereas hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated in week 41-44 were much higher than those seen in week 33-36.

This means the projected number of hospitalisations shows that Covid-19 injections will have done nothing to protect the NHS this winter.

The above chart shows the cumulative number of Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status over the past three months alongside the calculated projected number of hospitalisations up to the end of 2021. However, again it must be noted that this has been calculated with hospitalisations that were recorded in summer, a period where respiratory viruses are historically kept at bay, therefore the actual projection for pressure on the NHS this winter could well be far worse.

Hospitalisations among the unvaccinated population are projected to rise to a cumulative total of approximately 21,000 by the end of the year. Therefore, over the next two months a further 12,500 Covid-19 hospitalisations may be seen among the unvaccinated population.

But the projection shows that the fully vaccinated are going to be a much bigger burden on the NHS this winter with a projected cumulative total of approximately 43,000 hospitalisations by the end of the year, meaning a further 29,200 hospitalisations may be seen among the fully vaccinated population over the next two months.  

But whilst the data shows a more closely related curve between the unvaccinated and fully vaccinated in terms of projected hospitalisations, the same cannot be said for the projected number of Covid-19 deaths.

The above chart shows the number of recorded Covid-19 deaths in England over a period of three months by vaccination status.

What’s interesting about this is that whilst cases and hospitalisations declined in both the fully vaccinated and unvaccinated between week 33-36 and week 37-40, there was only a decline in deaths during the same time frame in the unvaccinated population, whilst deaths among the fully vaccinated population actually increased.

Between week 33-36 and week 37-40 Covid-19 deaths fell from 726 to 557 in the unvaccinated population, but increased from 2,094 to 2,136 in the fully vaccinated population.

But for a third time, where things get both interesting and concerning is the difference between week 37-40 and week 41-44. That’s because the number of deaths among the unvaccinated increased by just 30 to a total of 587 between weeks 41-44, whilst the number of deaths among the fully vaccinated increased from 2,136 to 2,732 between week 41-44.

Here’s what that means in terms of the projected number of Covid-19 deaths by the end of the year –

The above chart shows the cumulative number of Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status over the past three months alongside the calculated projected number of deaths up to the end of 2021. However, again it must be noted that this has been calculated with deaths that were recorded in summer, a period where respiratory viruses are historically kept at bay, therefore the actual projection for deaths could well be far worse.

Covid-19 deaths among the unvaccinated population are projected to rise to a cumulative total of approximately 4,000 by the end of the year. Therefore, over the next two months a further 2,130 deaths may be seen among the unvaccinated population.

But projections show that the fully vaccinated are going to suffer far worse than the unvaccinated population this winter, with a projected cumulative total of approximately 24,000 deaths by the end of the year. This means a further 17,038 deaths may be recorded among the fully vaccinated population over the next two months.

These projections suggest that the Covid-19 injections increase the risk of death due to Covid-19 based on the expected hospitalisation-fatality rate over the next two months.

The data shows that the fully vaccinated are statistically 241% more likely to die after being hospitalised with Covid-19, the question is, why?

Well, the data available from the UK Health Security Agency suggests that the Covid-19 injections are decimating the immune systems of the vaccinated.

A vaccine effectiveness of +50% would mean that the fully vaccinated are 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.

A vaccine effectiveness of 0% would mean that the fully vaccinated are 0% more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated, meaning the vaccines are ineffective.

Whilst a vaccine effectiveness of -50% would mean that the unvaccinated were 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the fully vaccinated, meaning the vaccines actually decimate the immune system.

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As we revealed earlier and shown again above, the most recent data shows that the Covid-19 injections are currently proving to have a negative effectiveness in everyone over the age of 30, and a negative effectiveness surpassing the minus-100% barrier in everyone between the age of 40 and 69.

However, this calculation was based on the exact calculation used by Pfizer to demonstrate that their vaccine had an alleged effectiveness of 95%.

  • U = No. of Cases among the unvaccinated  
  • V = No. of Cases among the fully vaccinated
  • U – V / U = Vaccine Effectiveness

However in order to calculate the immune system performance we need to perform a slightly different calculation that divides the answer to U – V by the largest of the number of cases among either the unvaccinated or fully vaccinated.

Therefore, the calculation for a positive immune system performance is –

U – V / U

Whilst the calculation for a negative immune system performance is –

U – V / V

The following table shows the monthly decline in the immune systems of the vaccinated population against the unvaccinated –

What this shows is that the fully vaccinated 30–39-year-olds have seen the largest drop in immune system performance over the past three months, with a 40% decline between week 33-36 and week 37-40, and a 13% decline between week 37-40 and week 41-44. This equates to an average monthly decline of -26.5% and means that in less than three months fully vaccinated 30-39-year-olds could be facing total immune system failure.

The fully vaccinated 40-49-year-olds are also not far behind having seen the second largest drop in immune system performance over the past three months, with a 26% decline between week 33-36 and week 37-40, and a 4% decline between week 37-40 and week 41-44. This equates to an average monthly decline of -15%. However, due to the fact that their immune system was already significantly compromised between week 33-36, they could be facing total immune system failure in just 3 months.

The anomaly in this data though is the immune system performance of the 70-79 and 80+ age group. As we know, prior to the vaccination campaign beginning the average age of a person to die following Covid-19 infection was over 85, even though the average-life expectancy in the UK is 81.

Therefore it’s odd to find that the largest immune system decline is among the younger age groups, but this is because the UK Health Security Agency data for week 41-44 is a time period in which the over 70’s were being giving their booster jab, so we’ve compiled the following table to demonstrate the immune system performance pre-booster jab and post-booster jab in fully vaccinated individuals over the age of 70.

As you can see from the above the 80+ age group had just 4 months remaining until they possibly reached total immune system failure, but following the roll-out of the booster jab this has increased to 16.7 months.

However, since we know the vaccine effectiveness is proving to decline at a significant rate after a short period, and with evidence suggesting the vaccines are not only ineffective but also decimate the immune system, within the next month of two we could see that the booster shot has actually compromised the immune system of recipients even further, and an even quicker decline in immune system performance may materialise.

Which leads us to ask if the authorities are aware of this and this is the reason why they are so desperate for everybody to receive a booster shot before they hit the point of total immune system failure?

This data suggests that the vaccinated population will now require an endless cycle of booster shots to boost their immune systems to a point where it does not fail but is inferior to that of the unvaccinated population, and we are seeing further clues hidden in official government reports that this is the case.

For instance, the Week 42 Vaccine Surveillance report published by the UKHSA states the following –

“Recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination.”

What this means is that the Covid-19 vaccines interfere with the immune systems ability to produce antibodies against other pieces of the SARS-CoV-2 virus following infection, in the case of the N antibody this is against the nucleocapsid protein which is the shell of the virus, and a crucial part of the immune system response in the unvaccinated population.

Therefore, if any mutations to the spike protein of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus occur in the future, the vaccinated will be far more vulnerable and possibly unprotected due to their inability to produce the N antibody, even if they have already been infected and recovered from Covid-19.

Whereas the unvaccinated would have much better immunity to any mutations due to their ability to produce both S and N antibodies after infection.


We’ve clearly demonstrated that the real-world effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections wains significantly in a short amount of time, but unfortunately for the vaccinated population, rather than the immune system returning to the same state it was prior to vaccination, the immune system performance begins to rapidly decline making it inferior to that of the unvaccinated.

This is evident from the huge number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths among the fully vaccinated and the worrying projected number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths among the fully vaccinated up to the end of 2021 compared to the projected numbers among the unvaccinated population.

We’ve also shown that the fully vaccinated have a much higher hospitalisation-fatality rate and the projected hospitalisation-fatality rate is predicted to be up to 241% higher in the fully vaccinated than the unvaccinated this coming winter.

This again cannot be explained away by the fact that the vaccines are ineffective, but can only be explained by the fact that the vaccines must make the recipient worse and do this by decimating the immune system.

The question is what’s causing this. The fact that the UK Health Security Agency have admitted the fully vaccinated are much less capable of producing N-antibodies following infection, suggests the much-feared antibody-dependent-enhancement may be at play here.

However, this wouldn’t explain the decimated immune system performance in the fully vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a condition that is thought to be caused solely by the alleged HIV virus, and it leads to the loss of immune cells and leaves individuals susceptible to other infections and the development of certain types of cancers. In other words, it completely decimates the immune system.

Therefore, could we be seeing some new form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome?

Only time will tell, but isn’t it interesting to find that Pfizer has said its new Covid-19 pill cuts the risk of hospitalisation or death by 89% when used in combination with an HIV drug?

The current data shows that the outlook this winter for those who have been fully vaccinated with an experimental Covid-19 injection looks terrible, and to put it bluntly, as we said at the beginning, the fully vaccinated are on the precipice of disaster.

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source https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/11/21/official-government-data-proves-the-fully-vaccinated-are-on-the-road-to-disaster-ade/

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