AMAZING: Instead Of Praying To Allah On The Temple Mount In Jerusalem,
Muslims Chose To Bow To Jews Instead
AMAZING: Instead Of Praying To Allah On The Temple Mount In Jerusalem, Muslims Chose To Bow To Jews Instead

By Walid ShoebatIt looks like the Palestinians will have to bow again in worship towards Jewish soldiers instead of bowing to Mecca during the Friday prayers on the Temple Mount.Here is how this story goes. Last Friday, when three Palestinian ci…

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Over Forty Thousand Civilians Were Butchered During The Taking Of Mosul
Over Forty Thousand Civilians Were Butchered During The Taking Of Mosul

A new report reveals that over forty thousand civilians were butchered during the taking of Mosul, as we read:More than 40,000 civilians were killed in the devastating battle to retake Mosul from Isis, according to intelligence reports revealed …

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American Media Freaks Out That McCain Is Dying, Meanwhile Doesn't Care
About Actual Helpless Child Being Tortured To Death By The Government
American Media Freaks Out That McCain Is Dying, Meanwhile Doesn't Care About Actual Helpless Child Being Tortured To Death By The Government

Fish left in the refrigerator for 3 days, bread on the counter for 3 weeks, and canned goods on a shelf for 3 years are too old and need to be replaced. So do politicians after 3 decades of failed policies and manipulation of the people one is …

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'They Told Them To Renounce Christ But They Persevered To The End'
Survivors Tell How ISIS Slaughtered Egyptian Christians Who Refused to
Deny Christ
'They Told Them To Renounce Christ But They Persevered To The End' Survivors Tell How ISIS Slaughtered Egyptian Christians Who Refused to Deny Christ

Two months after ISIS terrorists slaughtered 29 Christians in Egypt, the survivors are coming forth with their stories, saying that ISIS told the Christians to renounced Christ and convert to Islam or die. However, all of them refused and accept…

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Christians Fleeing Muslim Lands Are Now Being Persecuted By Muslims In
The West And Governments Are Refusing To Help Them
Christians Fleeing Muslim Lands Are Now Being Persecuted By Muslims In The West And Governments Are Refusing To Help Them

For a full century now Christian refugees have been fleeing Muslim lands for the West. However, with the now large Muslim migrations to the West coordinated by Western elites themselves, Christians are finding themselves at the mercy of the same…

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How Modern Women Are Destroying Society (And Before You Scream Sexist,
How Modern Women Are Destroying Society (And Before You Scream Sexist, WATCH THE VIDEO)

I did a video on how modern day women are destroying society:…

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Islam's Caliph Erdogan Betrays The U.S. And Leaks Secret Locations of
All U.S. Troops in Syria
Islam's Caliph Erdogan Betrays The U.S. And Leaks Secret Locations of All U.S. Troops in Syria

By Walid ShoebatIt is highly unusual for a NATO ally to reveal details of a U.S. military deployment during active operations in a war zone, but this is exactly what happened when Turkey spilled the beans on the U.S. revealing all their military…

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Hindu Terrorists On Motorcycles Gun Down Christian Pastor Outside His
Church For Preaching The Gospel
Hindu Terrorists On Motorcycles Gun Down Christian Pastor Outside His Church For Preaching The Gospel

Pastor Sultan Masih was known for sharing the Gospel with Hindus. He had been receiving threats, but continued his ministry. Recently he was talking on his phone outside of his church when Hindu terrorists on motorcycles gunned him down accordin…

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Christian Teen Arrested And Nobody Knows Where He Is After Muslim
Terrorist Supporter Falsely Accuses Him Of 'Blasphemy'
Christian Teen Arrested And Nobody Knows Where He Is After Muslim Terrorist Supporter Falsely Accuses Him Of 'Blasphemy'

A 17-Year-Old Christian teenager Shahzad Masih of Pakistan had gotten into an argument with a Muslim pharmacy employee. The details of the conversation are not being released, but according to reports the Muslim after went an accused the teen of…

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Massive Migration To The American South Will Forever Change The Face Of
Massive Migration To The American South Will Forever Change The Face Of Dixieland

Mass migration is one of the greatest crises facing the world today as people from all parts over the world are flooding Western nations and changing them forever from within. We and many others have covered the Muslim and African migrations to …

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New Study on Shroud of Turin Leaves No Doubt And Concludes The Image To
Be Genuine
New Study on Shroud of Turin Leaves No Doubt And Concludes The Image To Be Genuine

By Walid ShoebatAnalysis of blood stains on Turin Shroud reveals ‘severe polytrauma’ and a 'violent death' the new study, in the science journal Plos One revealed. Last week's conclusions by researchers, professors and scientists now leaves less…

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Catholic School In Germany Ran Like
Catholic School In Germany Ran Like "A Concentration Camp" As Over Five Hundred Boys Were Raped And Physically Tortured By Homosexual Teachers

A Catholic school in Germany, the Regensburger Domspatzen, has been investigated and the findings are very disturbing: hundreds of boys were sexually and physically abused, and victims have said that the place was ran like "a concentration camp.…

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