The state of California just became the first nation in the union to formally recognize a third gender according to a recent report:California just became the first state in the union to officially recognize a third gender option, paving the way…
Prophecy Is Taking Shape As Iran Is Now Conquering Northern Iraq And Forming Its Shiite Crescent
By Walid ShoebatWe have been saying it all along, that whenever ISIS is defeated in Iraq, Iran will move in. While the media says that "Iraqi forces took over Kirkuk this week", reality is it was Iran and not Iraq that took Kirkuk. The military …

Russian Christian Man Is Arrested And Faces Jail Time For 'Hate Crimes' For Writing Poem Calling Atheists 'Despicable' And Hoping For A Return Of The Inquisition
A Russian orthodox Christian man was arrested and is facing possible jail time under a hate crimes law in which he called atheists 'despicable' and hoped for a return of the Holy Inquisition according to a recent report:A Russian poet is facing …

Major Catholic Charity Admits 'ISIS Is Defeated But They Won The War- Christianity Is Gone From Iraq And All That Is Left Is To Help The Survivors'- We Warned You This Would Happen
We don't take pride in being right in a situation like this, but we warned months ago that Christianity in Iraq was finished. Lots of people did not want to believe us, but based on our work in Muslim nations directly helping Christians escape p…

Christian Pastor Kidnapped, Has His Hands Tied Behind His Back And His Body Burned Alive Beyond Recognition
Pastor Martin Beneke in South Africa was kidnapped and murdered in a horrible way. His hands were tied behind his back and his kidnappers set him on fire in his car, and his body was so badly burned that it was beyond recognizable according to a…

Parents In The UK Persecute Christian School For Teaching About Sin And Hell At The Same Time Countless Numbers Of Brits Are Traveling To Serbia To Have Sex With Animals
The UK Mirror recently uncovered a highly disturbing story which found that large number of British people are regularly traveling to Serbia for the express purpose of having sex with animals. The problem is so large that local animal rights gro…

Muslim Terrorists Attack Christian Village And Slaughter 28 Civilians At Random
Fulani Muslim terrorists attacked a Christian village, killing and murdering at least 28 people at random. This makes for the 30th attack against Christian villages this year according to a recent report:Islamic Fulani herdsmen have reportedly k…

UK Sniper Saves Christian Family Of Eight Just Seconds Before Being Beheaded By ISIS
According to a story published by the UK Daily Star and coming from the UK Express, a Christian family was moments away from being executed by ISIS soldiers when a British SAS Sniper shot the terrorist, killing him:A Christian family was moments…

Woman Takes Her Babies Aged 1 And 2 Years Old, Puts Them In An Oven And Makes A Video On Her Phone Of Her Cooking Them Alive And Then Sends The Video To Their Father
A woman in Atlanta was arrested after she took her 1 and 2 year old sons, put them in an oven, and cooked them alive as she made a video of the horrible scene and then sent it to the childrens' father according to a recent report:An Atlanta mom …

Pagan Makes Anti-Hindu Comments Online, Blames It On His Christian 'Friend,' The Christian Is Arrested And Now Facing Charges Under Indian 'Blasphemy' Laws
Muslims are infamous for using blasphemy laws to have Christians persecuted, such as with posting anti-Islamic comments under a Christian name. However, Hindu pagans also regularly do the same to Christians to prosecute them under blasphemy laws…

Turkish Menace Erdogan Goes On Worldwide Rampage Demanding Nations Extradite His Personal Enemies To Turkey So He Can Torture Them To Death- Will Trump Submit To Erdogan Over Fethullah Gulen?
Turkey's security cabinet, which is chaired by and at the recommendation of President Recep Erdogan extended Turkey's "state of emergency" for another three months. This makes fifteen months that Turkey has been in a "state of emergency" since t…