The Evangelical Movement Has Created Terrorists Who Are Just As Violent As Muslim Terrorists, And They Are Slaughtering ...
The Evangelical Movement Has Created Terrorists Who Are Just As Violent As Muslim Terrorists, And They Are Slaughtering ...

By Theodore Shoebat The Evangelical movement in America has helped produced terrorists who are just as violent as Muslim terrorists: they are called the Knights Templars, and they are heavily influenced by major Evangelical leader, John Eldredge. Th…

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RUSSIA: When Muslim invaders go clubbing just to harass and molest Russian women, they get beaten up by Russian men and ...
RUSSIA: When Muslim invaders go clubbing just to harass and molest Russian women, they get beaten up by Russian men and ...

By BI: A group of 51 Muslim migrants were brutally assaulted outside a night club in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a night club. Daily Caller  The Muslims had previously been ordered to leave Norway for “bad behavior” and…

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AUSTRALIA: Look what happens when Christians attempt to pray in a ‘MUSLIM ONLY’ prayer room at a public university
AUSTRALIA: Look what happens when Christians attempt to pray in a ‘MUSLIM ONLY’ prayer room at a public university

By BI: The Muslim supremacists are outraged, especially because they didn’t take off their shoes and even worse, one of the Christians was a woman. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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Forget the pepper spray, German women have found the best protection against Muslim rape gangs
Forget the pepper spray, German women have found the best protection against Muslim rape gangs

By BI: Video has emerged from a subway train in Cologne showing a huge pig grunting at potential attackers. Dressed in its own bright pink cape, the portly pig is seen having a good sniff around the subway car…looking for potential threats. As you k…

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NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Muslim sympathizer with a dead animal on her head gives a lecture on “Islamophobia”
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Muslim sympathizer with a dead animal on her head gives a lecture on “Islamophobia”

By BI: Melissa Boigon, a graduate of the NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study, took it upon herself to  focus on the relationship between international political dynamics and prejudices against Muslims in the United States. A self-appointed ‘…

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GENDER APARTHEID: University of Iowa caves to Muslim supremacist demands for two segregated prayer rooms
GENDER APARTHEID: University of Iowa caves to Muslim supremacist demands for two segregated prayer rooms

By BI: The University of Iowa is re-configuring two former offices in the Iowa Memorial Union to serve as full-time prayer spaces for Muslims – one for men and one for women – that will serve the university’s handful of Muslim students and faculty. …

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Amazing Times: A Woman Gets The Stigmata, Sees Christ In Syria Where Thousands Of Muslims Convert To Christianity
Amazing Times: A Woman Gets The Stigmata, Sees Christ In Syria Where Thousands Of Muslims Convert To Christianity

By Walid Shoebat From sunrise to sunset, the bride of Christ does a perpetual sacrificial offering (Malachi 1:10-11). The devil chased this bride, yet he can never take away her inspiring virtue and fidelity for her husband who is the Lamb of God an…

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#NOTYOURWOMAN- Evil Swedish Feminists CURSE Out Swedish Men Who Rose Up Against The Muslim Gangs In Stockholm, Call Them...
#NOTYOURWOMAN- Evil Swedish Feminists CURSE Out Swedish Men Who Rose Up Against The Muslim Gangs In Stockholm, Call Them...

#inteerkvinna – meaning #notyourwoman- is the new social justice warrior tag being used by Swedish feminsts- because they are angry at Swedish men for standing up and defending them against Muslim gangs in the Stockholm subway, which we reported fou…

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EVERY 96 Minutes- That’s How Many REPORTED Cases Of FGM Happen In The UK Each Year And Its Going Up Because Of All The M...
EVERY 96 Minutes- That’s How Many REPORTED Cases Of FGM Happen In The UK Each Year And Its Going Up Because Of All The M...

Where are the American and European Feminists? Are they going to speak out for the 137,000 women who have had their genitals permanently mutilated? Where are the “moderate Muslims” speaking out against this? As we have noted before, according to Isl…

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“Women Only Need To Listen To Men” Muslim Teen Laughs At Police After Admitting Gang Raping Dutch Girl
“Women Only Need To Listen To Men” Muslim Teen Laughs At Police After Admitting Gang Raping Dutch Girl

The face of the new Europe. Via DH News: The incident took place last November. But it was revealed by accident last week. A teacher at Ostende Technical Institute drew the attention of the police to a a pupil who had made himself noticed through a …

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Turkey Is Preparing To Invade Syria And Will Commence War With Russia And Spark World War III
Turkey Is Preparing To Invade Syria And Will Commence War With Russia And Spark World War III

By Walid Shoebat Russia has serious grounds to suspect Turkey of preparing for a military incursion in Syria. “We have serious grounds to suspect intensive preparations by Turkey for a military invasion on the territory of the sovereign state of Syr…

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