Europeans Will Murder Each Other For The Cause Of The Antichrist
Europeans Will Murder Each Other For The Cause Of The Antichrist

By  Europeans will murder each other for the cause of the Antichrist. This is the subject of my latest video: …

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ISIS Declares To French Parents 'We Will Slaughter Your Children In
Front Of You, We Are Waiting For You'
ISIS Declares To French Parents 'We Will Slaughter Your Children In Front Of You, We Are Waiting For You'

ISIS has just released a series of posters close to the anniversary of the November 2015 terrorist attacks, promising to slaughter children in front of their parents and they are waiting for them according to a recent report:ISIS is threatening …

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Canadian Government Declares To Christian Couple 'You Are Unfit ToAdopt A Child Because You Are Bigots That Believe In The BiblicalDefinition Of Marriage'
Canadian Government Declares To Christian Couple 'You Are Unfit ToAdopt A Child Because You Are Bigots That Believe In The BiblicalDefinition Of Marriage'

A Christian couple was barred from adopting a child in Canada after they were told that their support of the Biblical definition of marriage made them unfit to be parents according to a recent report: An evangelical Christian couple from Alberta, Ca…

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First Ever 100% LGBT City Council In The USA Elected, This Is Just
Another Proof That The LGBT Has Conquered America
First Ever 100% LGBT City Council In The USA Elected, This Is Just Another Proof That The LGBT Has Conquered America

In a first ever occurrence following elections, the Palm Springs, CA city council is now 100% comprised of LGBT people according to a recent report:The Palm Springs, Calif., City Council is entirely LGBT or queer after two new members were elect…

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While Canada Aggressively Persecutes Christians Who Preach What The
Bible Teaches About Homosexuality, Canadian MP Declares 'All
Homosexuals Need To Be Given Reparations From The Government And
Preferential Treatment In Society'
While Canada Aggressively Persecutes Christians Who Preach What The Bible Teaches About Homosexuality, Canadian MP Declares 'All Homosexuals Need To Be Given Reparations From The Government And Preferential Treatment In Society'

Canada has become increasingly anti-Christian as it has been persecuting Christians who speak what the Bible says about the LGBT. Now according to a new proposal by one Canadian MP, homosexuals would receive 'reparations' from the government and…

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Woman In UK Douses Her Ex-Boyfriends Face In Acid While Laughing, She
Declares 'If I Can't Have You Nobody Else Can,' He Survives But Then
Commits Suicide After The Attack
Woman In UK Douses Her Ex-Boyfriends Face In Acid While Laughing, She Declares 'If I Can't Have You Nobody Else Can,' He Survives But Then Commits Suicide After The Attack

Bernilah Wallace was arrested after she doused her ex-boyfriends face in acid, laughing and declaring 'if I can't have you nobody else can.' The boyfriend was so depressed after the attack that although he survived, he committed suicide:An acid …

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Muslims In Russia Try To Organize Their Own Islamic State, Demand Power
Separate From Moscow And Promote Their Language And Culture Over That
Of Russia
Muslims In Russia Try To Organize Their Own Islamic State, Demand Power Separate From Moscow And Promote Their Language And Culture Over That Of Russia

Russia has a very large Muslim population, especially in the regions of Siberia. One of the most Islamic areas, an autonomous region known as "Tartarstan," is attempting to assert itself by demanding that the Tartar language is taught and promot…

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Mexican Drug Cartel Cannibalizes Its Victims, And Enjoys Consuming
Their Flesh In Tamales And Stews
Mexican Drug Cartel Cannibalizes Its Victims, And Enjoys Consuming Their Flesh In Tamales And Stews

The Mexican drug cartel, Las Zetas, is known to cannibalize its victims and enjoys eating human flesh in tamales and stews. Juan Sánchez Limón, a Mexican narco, recounted this in an interview published by Blog del Narco.He was asked, "Does Lazca…

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Heretical German Bishops Declare To Christian Teenagers 'Homosexuality
Is Normal, Fornication And Pedophilia Are Fine As Long As It Is
Consensual, So Is Abortion And Your Parents Have No Right To Know'
Heretical German Bishops Declare To Christian Teenagers 'Homosexuality Is Normal, Fornication And Pedophilia Are Fine As Long As It Is Consensual, So Is Abortion And Your Parents Have No Right To Know'

Evil heretics have infested many offices of leadership in the Church today, and this shows in a recent story of how the Archdiocese of Berlin has just given license to an 'education program' for teens that blasphemes and opposes all aspects of C…

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Germany Supports Anti-Government Activist Groups In Poland, Which Means
That Germany Is Still Trying To Cause Chaos That Will Lead To Another
Major War In Europe
Germany Supports Anti-Government Activist Groups In Poland, Which Means That Germany Is Still Trying To Cause Chaos That Will Lead To Another Major War In Europe

The German defense minister, Ursula van der Leyen, expressed her support for anti-government activist groups in Poland. It looks like Germany is trying to start an uprising in Poland, similar to what is happening Catalonia. According to one repo…

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Hindu Saffron Terrorists Are Putting Cows Into Shelters And Then
Attacking And Murdering Farmers And India's Government Is Backing Them
Hindu Saffron Terrorists Are Putting Cows Into Shelters And Then Attacking And Murdering Farmers And India's Government Is Backing Them

Hindu terrorists value cows more than people, and they have proven this by an explosion of attacks against cow farmers in India. Cow farmers are being beaten, tortured, and even murdered for raising cattle, and India's pro-Pagan Hindu government…

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Five Year Old Boy Lost His Mother And Two Sisters In The Church
Massacre In Texas, He Was Also Shot Twice And Is Now Fighting For His
Life In The Hospital
Five Year Old Boy Lost His Mother And Two Sisters In The Church Massacre In Texas, He Was Also Shot Twice And Is Now Fighting For His Life In The Hospital

By Walid ShoebatA five year old boy who was shot twice in the Texas church massacre has survived, though he his now fighting for his life in the hospital. This is after his mother and sister were murdered. As we read in one report from the Chris…

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