Two major Catholic leaders, Patriarch Ignace Joseph Younan and Bishop Georges Khazen, are condemning Trump's bombing of Syria. According to one report:Two prominent Catholic leaders in Syria criticized the U.S. missile strikes against their nati…
Burmese Military Arrests And Jails Christian Pastors On Bogus Charges And Without Trial For Months
While primarily a Buddhist country, Burma is one nation where Christians are severely persecuted for the last 60 years. Christians and missionaries are routinely arrested, tortured, and killed over there. The persecution is so bad that the last …

Iraqi Christians Declare To The West 'Please, We Don't Want To Return To Iraq Because We Have Been Through Enough'
While there has been much talk about returning Iraqi Christian refugees to their homes, we at have been saying that is irresponsible and dangerous because ISIS might return. We know this because we actually have worked in these count…

What The Media Is Not Showing You: Years Ago, Islamic Rebels In Syria Were Testing Chemical Weapons On Rabbits Before Using Them On Humans
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid ShoebatIn 2012, revealed how Islamic rebels in Syria were testing chemical weapons on rabbits before using them on human beings. Here is the video: document.createElement('video'); Video of Syrian r…

The Islamic Government Of Sudan Plans On Destroying Twenty Five Christian Churches. Christians Gather Together To Protest, And Muslims Attack Them And Stab One Church Elder To Death
The Islamic government of Sudan is planning to destroy twenty five Christian churches. Christians recently gathered together to protest this persecution, and Muslims came in and attacked them, stabbing one church elder to death. Here is one repo…

Trump Betrays His Supporters And Syria's Christians, Goes All In To Support Islamic Terrorists, The Neocon Swamp, And Its Evil Agenda
This attack by President Trump is an act of outright betrayal. Let's not mince words- he made a promise that he would not worsen the situation with Syria. Now he has turned against this promise and acted even more aggressively than Obama has:LIA…

What The Media Is Not Telling You About Who Is Behind The Chemical Attack: Muslim Rebels Were Behind The Chemical Attack And Now The Us Government Is Using It To Justify Bombing Syria
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)So what is the truth behind this chemical attack that never circulates the western media? Lets examine footage never seen before in the West and the evidence regarding the latest chemical attack narrative from…

Donald Trump Just Ordered Military Strikes Against Syria, Dozens Of Missiles Just Struck Syria
Donald Trump ordered an airstrike on Syria, and dozens of missiles just struck a Syrian base. I did a whole video on this:According to one report:U.S President Donald Trump said on Thursday he ordered a targeted military strike against an airfie…

The Trump Administration Now Wants To Remove Bashar Al-Assad, Calls For Regime Change. The Trump Administration Is Now Helping The Islamic Nation Of Turkey
The Trump administration now wants to remove Bashar al-Assad, and has called for regime change. With this, the current administration is helping to advance the Islamic nation of Turkey. I did a whole video on this:…

Muslim Terrorists Take Thirty-Three People, And Butcher Every Single One Of Them
As Assad is fighting against terrorists, ISIS thugs have just butchered thirty three people with sharp blades. This carnage continues as the Trump administration is currently talking about using military force as means to regime change in Syria,…

Iraqi Christian Doctor Opens His Home And Saves 50 People From ISIS Terrorists
While ISIS has been slaughtering Christians and turned Iraq into an Islamic wasteland, some Christians have stayed behind, braving the conflict to try and save others.In one story coming out of Iraq, Christian doctor Dr. Bashar Alsaqat has opene…

ISIS Slaughters 33 Young Men And Women With "Sharp Tools" And Fills A Hole In The Desert With Their Blood
ISIS captured 33 young men and women and led them out into the desert. They then dug a hole, slaughtered them with 'sharp tools' and filled a hole with the blood according to a recent report:The Islamic State terror group has killed 33 young peo…

Muslim Mob Stabs Christian Elder To Death During Frenzied Attack On Christian School
Several days ago we reported how Muslims were harassing and arresting Christians who refused to sell their school building to them. The Muslims were becoming more aggressive, and it was only a matter of time before somebody was seriously hurt or…