One hundred thousand Christians have fled the Buddhist nation of Myanmar to flee major Buddhist persecution, which includes rape, explosions, indiscriminate killings and forced displacement. The 100,000 Christians have actually fled to Malaysia.…
Sick Child Murder Activists Go In Front Of Catholic Church And Act Out Mary Aborting Jesus
In a sick and evil demonstration of the filthy levels that Western society has stooped to, a group of child murderers went in front of a Catholic Church in Argentina and acts out St. Mary having an abortion:Abortion activists in the pro-life nat…
Tomi Lahren Declares That She Supports Infanticide And Believes That Women Have The Right To Murder Their Own Children
Tomi Lahren recently declared that she supports abortion, which is just another way of saying she is for infanticide and for a woman's right to murder to her own child. This is just another evidence as to the dark reality of the right-wing: many…
Make No Mistake, The Name Calling In Black American Discussion Circles Is Mirrored In American Politics And Is A Reflection Of The Lack Of Reasonable Discourse In Society As A Whole
In all societies there are "minority" groups which exist within the relative "majority." Because these groups are a "minority," while they do not always reflect the opinions of the greater society, the opinions and the effects of the opinions of…
Man In Britain Murders Woman In Hotel With A Screwdriver, And Then Begins Eating Her Flesh Raw Like An Animal
A man in Britain murdered a woman in a hotel with a screwdriver, and then began eating her flesh raw like an animal. This crime was not committed by a Muslim, so don't expect the counterjihad loons to talk about this one. According to the report…
US Immigration Deports Muslim Man After He Takes A Pair Of Scissors And Uses Them To Mutilate His Two-Year-Old Daughter's Genitals
Khalid Adem of Ethiopia is being deported from the USA for his crime of being the first person in the USA convicted of Female Genital Mutilation. According to the reports, he as arrested after he used a pair of scissors to forcibly "circumcise" …
A Massive Apostasy Is Taking Place Right Now As American Evangelical Christian Leaders Admit They Are In A Free Fall Collapse
Christianity worldwide, especially in Muslim nations has been exploding with converts in the millions. However, the opposite is happening in America. Just as Europe is suffering from an ongoing and seemingly irreversibly apostasy from its Christ…
Teenager In North Carolina Beheads His Own Mother, Mutilates Her Body And Face
Oliver Mauricio Funes Machado, beheaded his motherAn 18 year old male beheaded his own mother in North Carolina, as we read in one report:The Franklin County teen deputies say beheaded his mom Monday afternoon was released from a mental health f…
Muslims In Australia Tell Students In Public School: 'Read The Koran Or Else We Will Behead You.'
Muslim students in a public school in Australia have been threatening both students and teachers that they must read the Koran or else they will be beheaded. They pushed one teacher into a corner and screamed Koranic verses. Three teachers have …
Belgian Man Converts To Islam, Drives His Car Through A Funeral Home And Then Gets Out And Starts Praying To Allah While Screaming "Islam Will Vanquish The Infidels Of Europe"
The police said it was "mental illness," which is a common cover for another violent Islamic terrorist attack, this time committed by a Frenchman who, after converting to Islam, drove his care into a funeral home, took out a prayer rug, and bega…
ISIS Is Getting Annihilated As Iraqi Troops Surround Them, And The United States Government Just Declared That It Plans On Sending 1000 More Ground Troops Into Syria
"They’re lacking purpose motivation and direction,” Army Maj. Gen. Joseph Martin said in a phone interview from Baghdad. “I’ve never seen them so disorganized.” "You're watching ISIS be annihilated," Martin said of the terrorist group. ISIS is …
Tens Of Thousands Of Muslims In Bangladesh Are Embracing Christ As Their Savior And It Has Gotten So Huge The Muslims Can't Hide It Any More
Bangladesh is one of the most populous Muslim majority nations in the world. However, it has a secret that has become so huge the Muslims cannot hide it any more, and that is tens of thousands of Muslims are abandoning Islam and turning to Chris…
Mother And Son Take Turn Horribly Mutilating Each Others Genitals So She Can Be A Man And The Boy Can Be A Girl
The LGBT movement in America is becoming more and more extreme. First about allowing people to "love" each other, it is rapidly showing its true colors, which is an obsession with disordered, dangerous, and evil behavior that gets worse with eac…