Since this war in Ukraine broke out in late February of 2022, there has been much whitewashing and undermining being done in regards to the presence of the far-Right in Ukraine, and their power. In this article, we would like to present facts that d…
Ukraine Bio-Labs Exposed! – Watch
Proof of the existence of U.S.-funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine are no longer a conspiracy theory. As the majority of US media, as well as the federal government, refuse to admit the truth about the labs while alternative media outlets like Infowars have …

The Great Reset is The Great Con
More than a year ago, I pointed out that you shouldn’t look for logic in trying to figure out why COVID necessitates The Great Reset. It’s a hustle, and not a very good one. The main PR grifter, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, poin…

Watch: Biden Blames Covid, Putin for Skyrocketing Inflation, Gas Prices
Joe Biden attempted to convince fellow Democrats his administration’s policies aren’t responsible for soaring inflation hitting the pocketbooks of everyday Americans. Speaking at a House Democrats retreat in Philadelphia Friday, Biden blamed everyth…

Ben Swann Report: Truth About U.S. Funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine
CLICK HERE to watch our live feed that’s now streaming 24/7 on GETTR! Also, be sure to follow Alex Jones and on GETTR for breaking news and exclusive information! source…

The War In Ukraine Is A Step Towards Global War
The war in Ukraine does not mean that America is going to have troops on the ground tomorrow. The Ukraine conflict is merely one incremental step towards a global conflict: [embedded content] source…

Can Russian oligarchs influence Putin’s war?
Sanctions are one of the key ways the US and Europe are retaliating against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. These sanctions are throttling the Russian economy, and they’re particularly making life and business difficult for Russia’s oligarchs, a…

Confirmed: US-Funded Biolabs In A Dangerous War Zone
Proof of the existence of U.S. funded Bio-Labs in the Ukraine are no longer a conspiracy theory. As the majority of US media as well as the federal government refuse to admit the truth about the labs, alternative media outlets like Infowars have bee…

Jussie Smollett Sentenced to 150 Days for False Flag Hate Crime
A judge sentenced actor Jussie Smollett to 150 days in prison Thursday for filing multiple false police reports alleging he was the victim of a brutal homophobic hate crime. Cook County Circuit Court Judge James Linn tore into Smollett during sentenc…