By BI: Vladimir Putin is doing what Barack Hussein Obama only has been pretending to do for over a year. Has it ever been as clear which side Obama is actually on? -- Delivered by Feed43 service …
GERMANY finds it now has to teach Muslim economic asylum seekers how not to behave like savages
By BI: It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it. The Mayor of Hardheim has drawn up a set of ‘Rules for Refugees’ that include: “Don’t pee in public” and “Don’t eat food in the supermarket before you pay for it.” Express Mayor Volker Rohm leaves …

Islamic State (ISIS) to Christians in Syria: “Pay Jizya (non-Muslim tax) or you will be executed and your wives will bec...
By BI: On October 3, 2015, the information office of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Damascus Province posted a five-minute video titled “[Fight Those Who Do Not Believe In Allah] Until They Give The Jizya Willingly While They Are Humbled” (from Koran 9…

As GERMAN (people’s) RESISTANCE to the out-of-control massive Muslim invasion goes nationwide, some Germans have begun p...
By BI: CAUTION: This is pathetic attempt by the sharia-compliant, leftist BBC to brand German patriotic resistance to Angela Merkel’s massive Muslim invasion policy as far-right extremism and Nazism. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

Ah HAH! Now we know how faithful Muslims get to have 72 virgins to deflower repeatedly in Paradise
By BI: Saudi Sheik Yahya Al-Jana’ talks about the joys of Paradise, saying that Muslim men will have the strength of a hundred men and will be very busy “tearing hymens,” of the virgins of Paradise, whose breasts are “like pomegranates.” Best of all…

Shocking look at how African Muslim ‘refugees’ are assimilating and “making friends” with Christians in Europe
By BI: Isn’t multiculturalism a wonderful thing? -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

Oh, this is rich! Obama actually thinks Russia’s attacks on ISIS and other terrorist rebels in Syria are strengthening I...
By BI: Hey, Barack Hussein Obama, you fool, when you’re already knee deep in doodoo, STOP DIGGING! -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

Muslims Force Woman To Watch Her Nine Year Old Daughter Getting Raped To Death
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq forced a woman to watch her nine year old daughter get raped to death. The Muslims who did this were all members of ISIS. According to one recent report: Another mother was forced to watch her 9-year-old daughter …

A Woman Is Starving, Muslims Feed Her Some Meat And After She Eats They Cruelly Tell Her, ‘You Just Ate Your Infant.’
By Theodore Shoebat A woman in Iraq was starving when her captors, all members of ISIS, gave her some meat. After she had eaten, the Muslim thugs cruelly told her that she ate the meat of her infant. According to the report: A Yazidi community membe…

Homosexual Man Grabs Young Boy, Sodomizes Him And Forces Him To Commit Horrific Sexual Acts, And He Will Only Be Getting...
By Theodore Shoebat A sodomite grabbed a 13 year old boy and sodomized him and also forced him to commit all sort of horrific and very disturbing acts. According to a report: The victim, Padraic Hoban, returned from Australia to attend his abuser Jo…

China Declares All Out War On Islam. So How Could China Be The 200,000,000 Man Army Declaring War On The Jews?

Individualism Is Evil, The Whole Society Needs To Be Under Christianity, And All Anti-Christian Views Need To Be Uproote...
By Theodore Shoebat Individualism is evil. What we need to adopt is a Christian collectivist society, where evil beliefs are viewed as diseases that need to be uprooted. I did a whole video explaining this: FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER…

Mass Kidnappings Have Been Happening Against Christian Girls And Entire Families Have Lost Their Daughters
By Theodore Shoebat “There are whole families that lost all their children,” says one Christian man in a recent interview. He too lost his daughter who was kidnapped by ISIS in Iraq. Members of ISIS gave him call saying, “We have her,” and while wat…

Muslim Immigrants Spread Plagues And Disease In Germany: Watch Doctor Blow The Whistle On The Horrific Exotic Diseases M...
Courtesy of The Right Scoop: This is unbelievable. You think when Revelation 12 talks about the “flood” of immigrants who will hunt the “saints” that God was kidding? You think that when God promised the curses of plagues that He was kidding? Parts …

NEW ZEALAND Christian Golden Rule trumps Muslim hysteria over pigs
By BI: When it comes to showing compassion for one of God’s precious creatures, ‘Vodafone’ mobile phone company couldn’t care less about offending Muslims and their obsessive compulsive aversion to pigs. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

Traitor-in-Chief Obama threatens to defund the military if he can’t give all of the most dangerous Muslim terrorists at ...
By BI: The Fascist Obama Regime announced that Barack Hussein Obama would veto the defense authorization bill if Congress did not close down Guantanamo Bay prison for Muslim terrorists, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Breitbart Wh…

Syrian Muslim gang-rape victim, who fled to Germany, is stabbed to death in ‘honor’ killing ordered by her own mother
By BI: A young woman, Rokstan M, 20, (photo below) whose family branded her ‘unclean’ after she was gang-raped by Muslims in her Syrian homeland has been found murdered, allegedly by her father and brothers in Germany, evidently on the orders of her…

How many wives can a Muslim freeloader support living on public welfare assistance in Michiganistan?
By BI: FOUR. Not to mention all their litters of future jihadists. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

Who says Donald Trump can’t deport all the illegal aliens? President Dwight D. Eisenhower did it in 1954.
By BI: Back then, it was called ‘Operation Wetback.’ Today it could be called “Operation Wetback and IslamicFront.” -- Delivered by Feed43 service …