The People Who Run The World Destroyed Yugoslavia, And Then They
Brought Chaos And Genocide To The Middle East, And Now They Are
Dividing And Destabilizing Western Europe. World War Three Is On The Way
The People Who Run The World Destroyed Yugoslavia, And Then They Brought Chaos And Genocide To The Middle East, And Now They Are Dividing And Destabilizing Western Europe. World War Three Is On The Way

Very interesting. Yugoslavia was divided and fragmented in the 1990s, with the Kosovo War ending in 1999. The Iraq War happened in 2003, and the removal of Saddam was already planned out in the 90s (as far as we know). The destabilization of the…

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Michael Voris Threatens Because Of His Video Confronting Him On His
Promotion Of Pedophilia Advocate Milo Yiannopoulos, Declaring:
Michael Voris Threatens Because Of His Video Confronting Him On His Promotion Of Pedophilia Advocate Milo Yiannopoulos, Declaring: "You Have Exactly One Hour To Take That Video Down!"

By Walid ShoebatMichael Voris threatened after he posted a video confronting him over his promotion of pedophilia advocate, Milo Yiannopoulos. Voris told Theodore: "you have exactly 1 hour to take that down." Theodore played the recording of Vo…

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Catholic Archbishop Declares To City Of San Francisco- 'Homosexuality
And Abortion Is A Living Reflection Of The Hell You Will Go To Unless
You Repent'
Catholic Archbishop Declares To City Of San Francisco- 'Homosexuality And Abortion Is A Living Reflection Of The Hell You Will Go To Unless You Repent'

San Francisco is an American equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah. The city loves homosexuality, abortion, and all kinds of perversity while it hates God and persecutes Christians.The Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco took a public stand against …

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Muslim Terrorist Brutally Slaughters Coptic Christian Bishop With A
Dagger In Broad Daylight And Then Draws Crosses On Himself With His
Blood, CCTV Captures The Entire Ordeal
Muslim Terrorist Brutally Slaughters Coptic Christian Bishop With A Dagger In Broad Daylight And Then Draws Crosses On Himself With His Blood, CCTV Captures The Entire Ordeal

CCTV camera captured an Egyptian Christian bishop being slaughtered by a Muslim in broad daylight. The Muslim man puled out a large knife and stabbed the bishop repeatedly in the torso and the neck, then drew crosses on himself with the bishop's…

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Massive Crowd Cheers On As Pagans Kidnap Woman And Her Son, They Make
The Son Rape His Mother, Then They Slice Their Heads Off And Drink
Their Blood
Massive Crowd Cheers On As Pagans Kidnap Woman And Her Son, They Make The Son Rape His Mother, Then They Slice Their Heads Off And Drink Their Blood

A woman and her son were horrible tortured to death by a group of pagan militia soldiers after they thought some food she served them, which contained a "forbidden fish", removed their 'divine protection' for battle. The pagans forced the son to…

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The Greek Government Wants To Force Its Society To Accept
Transgenderism. Major Christian Leaders In Greece Declare To The
Government: 'You Are Breaking God's Law And You Are Destroying Human
The Greek Government Wants To Force Its Society To Accept Transgenderism. Major Christian Leaders In Greece Declare To The Government: 'You Are Breaking God's Law And You Are Destroying Human Lives!'

The Greek government wants to enforce transgenderism on its society. Major Christian leaders, from the Greek Orthodox Church and monks from Mt. Athos, have declared to the evil government that they are "in violation of God’s law." And that this …

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Pakistani Government Publishes Anti-Christian Job Advertisement In
Newspaper, Says It Is Looking For
Pakistani Government Publishes Anti-Christian Job Advertisement In Newspaper, Says It Is Looking For "Non-Muslims Only" To Be Garbage Workers

Christians living in Pakistan are often times severely persecuted and discriminated against in jobs. A recent incident in Pakistan illustrates how serious the discrimination is. In a recent job ad placed in the news looking for "sanitary workers…

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Seven Policemen Beat 14-Year-Old Christian Teen To Death For Defending
Himself In Fistfight With Muslim Who Tried To Make Him Renounce Christ
Seven Policemen Beat 14-Year-Old Christian Teen To Death For Defending Himself In Fistfight With Muslim Who Tried To Make Him Renounce Christ

Police arrested a beat a 14-year-old Christian teenager to death after they were called to intervene in a fistfight. The teenager was attacked by another Muslim classmate who tried to make him renounce Christ, and the boy defended himself. That …

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While California Is Burning And Also Is In The Midst Of A State-Wide
Hepatitis Epidemic, They Just Voted To Legalize Infecting People With
HIV Without Their Consent And Are Trying To Pass Another Law To Arrest
People Who Refuse To Call Men Women And Women Men
While California Is Burning And Also Is In The Midst Of A State-Wide Hepatitis Epidemic, They Just Voted To Legalize Infecting People With HIV Without Their Consent And Are Trying To Pass Another Law To Arrest People Who Refuse To Call Men Women And Women Men

California right now is a basket case. It has had many problems for a long time, but over the last several weeks things in that state have deteriorated from worse to catastrophic. Right now, California is on FIRE- thousands of acres have burned …

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Breitbart Endorses Sodomite Porn Director Who Makes Movies With Men
Drinking Urine And Eating Feces Because He Is 'Against The Muslims'
Breitbart Endorses Sodomite Porn Director Who Makes Movies With Men Drinking Urine And Eating Feces Because He Is 'Against The Muslims'

Islam is evil, and we at Shoebat.com are dedicated to fighting the evil of Islam. However, just as how Jesus said that evil cannot cast out evil, one cannot fight evil by allying with it, because it is just to join another face of the same objec…

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The Right Wing Is Upset That The Las Vegas Shooter Was Not A Muslim.
The Counterjihad Cares More About The Homosexual Perverts Killed In
Orlando Than They Do Country Fans Murdered In Las Vegas, Because The
Orlando Shooter Was A Muslim
The Right Wing Is Upset That The Las Vegas Shooter Was Not A Muslim. The Counterjihad Cares More About The Homosexual Perverts Killed In Orlando Than They Do Country Fans Murdered In Las Vegas, Because The Orlando Shooter Was A Muslim

The right-wing is upset that the Las Vegas shooter, Stephan Paddock, was not a Muslim (at least that is what we know for now). The Orlando shooting was more important to these counterjihad whores than the mass shooting that took place in Las Veg…

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Sodomites Adopt Baby Girl, They Shake The Child Until She Gets Brain
Damage, Beat Her Until Her Kidneys Fail, Break Her Leg, And Then
Finally Beat Her To Death Over The Course Of Months While Cursing Her
So Loud The Neighbors Heard It
Sodomites Adopt Baby Girl, They Shake The Child Until She Gets Brain Damage, Beat Her Until Her Kidneys Fail, Break Her Leg, And Then Finally Beat Her To Death Over The Course Of Months While Cursing Her So Loud The Neighbors Heard It

Sodomite Matthew Scully-Hicks and his partner Craig adopted an 18-month-old baby girl in September 2015 after they were "married" in a sodomite union. By May 2016, the little girl, "Elsie," was found dead after months of abuse in which these sod…

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