Most Americans like remote work — but Democrats like it more
Most Americans like remote work — but Democrats like it more

Most Americans approve of letting people work from home. But like many things in the US, that perception depends on one’s politics. While R...

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12,000 deaths recorded due to the Covid Vaccines in the USA alone
12,000 deaths recorded due to the Covid Vaccines in the USA alone

The U.S. CDC released more data today in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database , and now a...

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“Illegal and Unconstitutional” – Ruling on Covid-19 Lockdowns by the High Court in Spain
“Illegal and Unconstitutional” – Ruling on Covid-19 Lockdowns by the High Court in Spain

Spain’s Constitutional Tribunal  has judged  that the first COVID-19 confinement in the country was illegal and unconstitutional and that th...

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2,431 women have reported the loss of their unborn baby due to having a Covid-19 vaccine their Doctor advised them to have
2,431 women have reported the loss of their unborn baby due to having a Covid-19 vaccine their Doctor advised them to have

We recently revealed how the Centre for Disease Control in the USA had manipulated the results of an extremely questionable real life study ...

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PUB is about to lay charges in court against the UK Government who stand accused of mass murder through the overuse of Midazolam in Care Homes
PUB is about to lay charges in court against the UK Government who stand accused of mass murder through the overuse of Midazolam in Care Homes

The Peoples Union of Britain (PUB) is about to lay charges against the Government for mass murder via the blanket use of the end-of-life pat...

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