Report: Mega-Quake Would Destroy Big Portion Of Pacific Northwest – First Warning – Shepard Smith Reporting The New York Quote A FEMA Official: Everything West Of Interstate 5 Is Toast!, Everything West Of Interstate 5 Is Gone! Seismologists: Earthqu…
September 23, 2015 – Gates of Heaven will close and Gates of Hell will open
In this video, we look at the Guiness commercial pointing to the end of the age of grace taking place on 9/23 and the beast (shark) is released. We also look at CERN and the connection with Rihanna (who also points us to 9/23 in her latest video) an…

How Corporate Tax Breaks from Washington Fueled Puerto Rico’s Staggering Debt Crisis
How Corporate Tax Breaks from Washington Fueled Puerto Rico’s Staggering Debt Crisis How Corporate Tax Breaks from Washington Fueled Puerto Rico’s Staggering Debt Crisis This article originally appeared on The Washington Post BARCELONETA, PUERTO RIC…

1 In 3 California Households Can No Longer Pay Their Bills
1 In 3 California Households Can No Longer Pay Their Bills 1 In 3 California Households Can No Longer Pay Their Bills This article originally appeared on Al Jazeera America Almost one in three California households struggles to make ends meet and pe…

Why Clinton and Bush Are Now In the Pockets Of Walmart, Chevron and Goldman Sachs
Why Clinton and Bush Are Now In the Pockets Of Walmart, Chevron and Goldman Sachs Why Clinton and Bush Are Now In the Pockets Of Walmart, Chevron and Goldman Sachs This article originally appeared on The Guardian Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, the 20…

Football Player Locks Himself In Hot Car To Demonstrate How Dangerous It Is For Dogs
Professional football player Tyrann Mathieu recently locked himself in a hot car to simulate what the experience is like for a dog. The demonstration was a part of a public service announcement to raise awareness about how dangerous a hot car can be …

The 6 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved
By Sigmund Fraud / For a magician to fool his audience his deceit must go unseen, and to this end he crafts an illusion to avert attention from reality. While the audience is entranced, the deceptive act is committed, and for th…

He Didn’t Always Speak. But when He Did, He Gave the Greatest Speech of All Time.
One of the most inspirational speeches in recorded history was given by a comedian by the name of Charlie Chaplin in the movie “The Great Dictator”. If you like what you see please share the video any way you can and pass the message on, thanks! I’m …

New Study Finds Connection Between Fracking And Increased Hospitalizations
A study published earlier this week reveals a significant connection between fracking and increased hospitalizations. Credit: A new study conducted by some of the nation’s top public health researchers determined a relationship between incre…

Congress Could Soon Pass A Ban On GMO Labeling (Introduced by Monsanto)
Monsanto recently introduced a bill to ban all mandatory GMO labeling in the US, which was approved by the House Agriculture Committee. Credit: Biotech companies know the power of consumer awareness, therefore, have been doing everything…

Nike Partnered With A Disabled Teen To Create An Easy-Entry Shoe, And It’s Incredible!
After a 16-year-old with cerebral palsy asked Nike to develop an easy-entry shoe, the company partnered with him to create a pair anyone can slip on. [embedded content] “If you have a body, you are an athlete,” said the co-founder of Nike, Bill Bower…

UK Commits to Less Welfare, More Warfare
Michaela Whitton July 16, 2015 (ANTIMEDIA) What’s that noise? It’s the U.K. drums of war beating. Less than a week after George Osborne’s emergency budget declared a war on young people, Britain suddenly has enough funds to re-consider a bombing camp…

Pizza Employee Takes Smoke Break and Saves Kidnapped Child
SM Gibson July 16, 2015 (ANTIMEDIA) On July 9th, Courtney Best was clocked in for her shift at Papa Murphy’s Pizza in Corpus Christi, Texas when she felt the itch that smokers know all to well. Little did the 26-year-old know at the time, her sudden …

City Cuts All Ties With 5 Big Banks Over Corruption Charges
Matt Stannard July 15, 2015 (OCCUPY.COM) It’s hard being a big private bank these days. Ongoing awareness of the role that Goldman Sachs played in the Greek debt crisis; that Greek voters said no to Europe’s harsh austerity demands; recent revelation…

Pope Calls on World Youth to Rise Up Against Global Capitalism
'Make a mess, but then also help to tidy it up,' Argentinian pontiff said in address to Paraguay youth By:Lauren McCauley, The latest call for a youth uprising against global capitalism came not from grassroots groups, but from the leader of the Cath…

World’s First Hotel Staffed By Robots Opens In Japan
It was recently reported that the world’s first robot hotel has opened in Japan, and it even features a dinosaur robot as a receptionist. The Henn na Hotel in Japan, translated to “The Weird Hotel” in English, opened for its first visitors this week.…

Australian Government Sets Up New Agency To Kill 2 Million Cats
Austrailian Environment Minister Greg Hunt said this week that the government plans to kill at least two million feral cats. The minister says that the extermination is an attempt to save local wildlife that are threatened by the cats. The announceme…

What the Media Won’t Dare Reveal to You About Jade Helm
7/15/2015: OPERATION JADE HELM OFFICIALLY KICKED OFF! The Jade Helm military exercise kicked off today and already the media is diligently beating away at “those crazy conspiracy nuts”. They’re all to happy to focus on some of the more unbelievable …

These 5 Crazy Things Were Found on Earth, and Some of Them Still Can’t Be Explained
1 Saksaywaman This ancient stone structure found just outside of Peru uses nothing to hold the stones together, and they fit together like a game of Tetris. 2 An Unfinished Obelisk This is an obelisk, which is essentially a decorative stone pillar, b…

The 5126-Year Mayan Cycle And December 21, 2012 Point To September 23, 2015
They are ALL CONNECTED! There are 5,126 days between 9-11-2001 and 9-23-2015 This is it folks, it’s real and it’s THIS YEAR! As one commenter stated: “It is the 70th Jubilee since the Exodus, but it is also the120th Jubilee since the fall. My spirit …

(EXCLUSIVE VIDEO) Sharks Discovered Inside Underwater Volcano
A real life sharkcano? Ocean engineer Brennan Phillips led a team to the remote Solomon Islands in search of hydrothermal activity. They found plenty of activity—including sharks in a submarine volcano. The main peak of the volcano, called Kavachi…