Muslim Pedophile Predator caught live on tapeIslam and sexual abuse are like peanut butter and jelly in the supermarket- where one is located you will find the other. They are also the worst kind of child predators, attacking and raping random …
Muslims Destroy Christian Church And Turn It Into Terrorist Training Camp, Take A Statue Of Jesus And Cut Its Head Off
So much for all that talk about how 'Muslims love Jesus just like Mohammed'. You don't' show your love for Jesus (or anybody) by vandalizing his house:ISIS militants fleeing back towards Mosul have deliberately desecrated churches and decimated …

On Tuesday November 8th Democrats and Never Trumper Voters Can Be Americans or Enablers of a Giant Organized Crime Family connected to ISIS Terrorists
Posted by KDOn Tuesday November 8th the choice is clear, America's basic values of morality and the rule of law are at stake. If the country chooses Hillary Clinton as president then we as a country are evil and we condone and enable organized c…

Muslims Take Small Children, And Several Adults, And Butcher All Of Them
ISIS terrorists took twelve people, some of whom were small children, and butchered all of them. As we read in one report:A bomb blast on Friday killed 12 civilians, among them women and children, who had fled the ISIS-held Hawijah area in north…

Muslims Shoot Woman And Then Crucify Her
ISIS terrorists shot and crucified a woman in Syria, according to one report:The Islamic State’s (ISIS) militants on Friday executed a woman in Syria’s eastern Deir ez-Zor Governorate, after accusing her of spying for Kurdish forces, activists a…

Suicide Bomb in Nigeria Slaughters Nine People, Including One Pastor
A suicide bomb erupted in Nigeria, killing nine people, including a pastor. As we read in one report:A pastor was among those killed when two female suicide bombers believed to be associated with the terrorist group Boko Haram blew themselves in…

Fed Up German People Rebel Against Muslim Invaders, Form Gangs To Hunt Them Down And Run Them Out Of Their City
The rebellion is growing across Germany as the German people are sick and tired of being mistreated by Muslims and are rising up against them, such as in one story where a mob of German people got together and hunted them down, throwing rocks at…
Leaked Email Reveals That Hillary Clinton Was A Major Figure Behind The Creation Of ISIS And The Slaughter Of Christians, And That There Is A Very Organized Conspiracy To Prevent Donald Trump From Becoming President
An email leaked by Julian Assange reveals that Hillary Clinton was a major figure behind the creation of ISIS, and thus its slaughter of Christians. Assange also affirmed that there is a well organized conspiracy to stop Donald Trump from becomi…

Three American Servicemen Shot Dead In An ISIS Infested Southern Jordan While Obama-Hillary Administration Increase Aid To Muslim Rebels There From $660m to A Whopping $1 Billion Of Your Tax Dollars (Its Time To Save American Lives By Voting TRUMP)
By Walid ShoebatWhy the U.S. sends these American servicemen to southern Jordan, a pro Muslim Salafi area should raise an eyebrow to Americans coming close to the presidential election next week. Pentagon now confirms 3 (not two as previously re…
SHOCK: Wikileaks Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman Invited To Participate In Satanic Blood And Sex Magic Rituals With Devil Worshipping Artist
John PodestaIn what is possibly the most disturbing revelation about Hillary Clinton from Wikileaks yet, it has been revealed Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta was invited to take part in satanic rituals where they used a mixture …
Two Muslims Approach Random British Man In Park And Start Arguing With Him, Then They Attack Him- One Holds Him Down And The Other Man Viciously Rapes Him
The rampant sexual violence that Muslim men have brought to the West is not limited to women and children, but also older men. After a brief argument with two Muslims, they decided to attack the random British man and viciously rape him:A man wa…

Wikileaks And Courts Reveal: The Obama-Hillary Administration Was Running A United States Islamic Caliphate And Not A United States Of America
By Walid ShoebatWas the Obama-Hillary administration running a United Caliphate or an American United States? Only 56 of the 11,000 Syrian refugees brought into the U.S. this year are Christians. This sparked the American Center for Law and Just…
Muslim Man Comes To The Realization That Islam Is A Lie, He Accepts Jesus Christ And Becomes A Christian, His Father Tries To Murder Him And He Then Flees To Germany, Muslims In Germany Tell Him: 'You Christians Have To Die
A Kurdish Muslim rejected Islam and became a Christian, and upon this his father tried to murder him. He fled to Germany where Muslims have been telling him: 'You Christians have to die.' Here is the report:A Kurdish church leader has shared how…

Atheist Communists Attack Christian Pastor, They Begin Beating Him And Then Slicing His Body, One Of The Atheists Takes Out An Axe And Slices His Neck Open. They Leave A Note On His Body That Says: 'We Will Murder Ten More Christians.' They Take Another Christian Man And Tell Him To Reject Christ Or Die, He Tells Them: 'Go ahead, I Will Go To Heaven Even If You Kill Me'
Atheist communists attacked and murdered a Christian pastor in India. At first they began beating him, then stabbing him, and then one of them sliced his neck with an axe. They left a note on his body that read that they will be murdering ten m…

Muslims Take Machetes And Savagely Attack Group Of 27 Christians Giving Away Food To The Poor And Needy While Screaming In Arabic "We Are Fighting For The Cause Of Allah", Burn Down The Home Of Christian Man Who Helped Two Teenage Converts To Christianity And Say 'We Are Not Finished With You Yet'
The Muslims were angry that the Christians were giving food to the poor and many people were leaving Islam because of it. Instead of helping those same people themselves, a group of Muslims decided to wage jihad by taking machetes and trying to …

Donald Trump Is Most Likely Going To Be The President Of The United States
Donald Trump is most likely going to be the winner. You can reference the polls all you want, the polls do not mean anything. In 1936, the Literary Digest asked ten million people if they were going to vote for either Landon or Roosevelt. 2.4 mi…
Muslim Terrorists Kidnap And Rape Christian Teen Girls In Nigeria, Government Soldiers Come Rescue Them And Then They Turn Around And Rape Them Too
Boko Haram has been waging a long and bloody war against the Christians of Nigeria. These Christian girls had already been kidnapped, raped and beaten, and some were even forced to marry their rapists. Yet when soldiers from the government came …

British Girl 'Murdered And Chopped Up At Kebab Restaurant' And Served To Customers By Muslims Case Reopened By Police, Suspect Sex Trafficking Gang Was Involved
Charlene Downes was a teenager who lived in Blackpool, a heavily Muslim area and a hotbed of Muslim sex trafficking and exploitation of European girls. One saturday she disappeared and her body was never found. Two Muslims were arrested and at t…

Two Police Officers In Iowa Ambushed And Slaughtered By Satan Worshipper
Two police officers in Iowa were ambushed and slaughtered by an evil and demonic Satan worshipper.Justin Martin, 24, and Des Moines Police Sgt. Anthony “Tony” Beminio, 38 According to one report:Two police officers in Des Moines, Iowa, were kill…