Being true to the example of their founder Muhammad, ISIS has been making videos of themselves taking Christian girls and raping and torturing them in bizarre sexual ways and then chopping up their bodies in secret prisons throughout ISIS-contro…
Christian Militia Storms ISIS Occupied Village In Iraq And Liberates It From Terrorists
The village of Badnah is about 20 miles southeast of Mosul, Iraq and was freed yesterday from ISIS occupation after Christian Militia warriors stormed the village and regained control over it:A Christian militia in Iraq, called the Nineveh Plain…

Iran's Ally Launched Two Long Range Giant Missiles Which Nearly Hit Mecca Revealing That Mecca's End Is Near
By Walid ShoebatThe Yemeni Shiite Houthis have always wanted to send a long suppository to Saudi Arabia and so they developed scuds, Volcano 1, range 800 kilometers. Not only did they develop it, but they fired a couple of these babies just a fe…

Muslims Enter Christian Neighborhood And Slaughter Twelve People, Officers Charge In And Kill All Of The Terrorists
Muslim Taliban terrorists entered a Christian neighborhood in Pakistan and slaughtered twelve people, and injured thirty people. According to a military report, officers then rushed in and killed all of the terrorists. According to one report:At…

French Police Fight Off Hundreds Of Rampaging Muslims With Tear Gas And Riot Gear Trying To Cross Into The UK- Western Europe Is Becoming A War Zone Before Our Eyes
It what could have been a scene from Roman times of a battle between the Romans and the Teutons, French Police fired tear gas and beat back a ground of hundreds of Muslims attempting to storm the border at Calais to cross into France:RIOT police…

ISIS Soldiers Hear People Talking About The Iraqi Army, They Take Metal Wire And Stitch Their Mouths Shut
In another act that could be taken straight out of a horror movie, a group of ISIS soldiers overheard a group of women talking about the Iraqi Army. As "punishment," they took wire, some of it barbed wire, and forced it through their lips until …

Muslims Murder Soldier In Combat, They Text His Mother 'Your Son Is Dead, We Cut His Head Off, And We Will Cut Yours Off Too'
A mother of a soldier fighting Muslim terrorists in the Philippines received a horrible text. After her son was killed in battle, the Muslims took his cell phone and saw that his mother had sent him a text asking "how are you?" In response, the …

Mother In Oklahoma Murders Her Own Daughter By Shoving A Crucifix Down Her Throat
Another diabolical murder in the United States. A woman in Oklahoma murdered her own daughter by shoving a crucifix down her throat. Here is the story:Police in Oklahoma City found Geneva Gomez, 33, lying in her mother's home on Saturday with a …

Iran Says That The Mahdi Is Coming Soon And He Will Defeat The U.S. In World War III
By Walid ShoebatIran is expecting their Mahdi to be coming soon. Iran's propaganda machine is showing a clip of their version of World War III which will be launched according to them when the U.S. invades Iran. It shows why Iran will be victori…

Turkey's Caliph Erdogan Is Rebuilding The Temple Of Zeus On A Grand Scale Preparing It For His 2023 Grand Vision For His Ottoman Caliphate Dream
By Walid Shoebat"The Zeus Lepsynos Temple from the 2nd century B.C. will be revived to regain its former glory" reports Erdogan's henchmen.Erdogan is a replica of Hitler with all his fascination of historic relics. Erdogan desires to complete th…

Muslim Takes 10-Year-Old Boy, Holds Him Down And Forcibly Sodomizes Him, Then When He Is Arrested He Says He Did Nothing Wrong Because 'Child Rape Is Acceptable In My Culture' And The Judge Buys It
So does that also mean if human sacrifice to the "sun god" by cutting people's beating hearts out of their chests is "acceptable in my culture," we should condone that too?While the man who did this was sentenced to prison, the fact that he rece…

ISIS Takes Nine Teenagers, Ties Them To An Iron Pole, Then Cuts Them Open One By One With An Electric Chainsaw
Another ISIS massacre, as though it were straight out of a horror filmIn another sickening display of murder for Islam as well as for fun, ISIS accused nine teenagers of being part of an unspecified "resistance faction." For their Shariah punish…

Rioting Muslims Try To Stone A 70-Year-Old Woman For Fun While Burning Tires And Shooting Off Fireworks At People
Could you picture yourself attacking a defenseless old woman with rocks for fun? No normal person would think this except for a sick, deranged person who if he was not given "street justice" that moment would warrant himself a long term in priso…

Major Terrorism Experts Send Out This Warning To All Christians: Muslim Terrorists Are Going To Be Attacking Churches In The West, Pastors Will Be Beheaded. Be Prepared For More Martyrs Right Here In The Western World
Major terrorist experts are declaring that we should prepare for more violence in churches in the West, since the beheading of a priest in France. This means that there will be more beheadings and martyrdoms in the Western world. I did a whole v…

It Is Happening. Israel, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia … Are All Making Major Peace Treaty And It Is Time Westerners Understand What All This Means Prophetically
By Walid ShoebatIt is time to learn and understand, to wake up, and not to slumber, to have oil in your lamps and not be caught in the dark. IT IS FINISHED. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today on Wednesday signed the reconciliation deal…

Donald Trump Just Talked In Mexico, And He Was Absolutely Right: America Must Stop The Immigration Insanity And Protect The American Society From Evil Drug Cartels And Their Horrific Violence
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid ShoebatDonald Trump just gave his talk in Mexico, and he was absolutely right: America must stop the immigration insanity and protect the United Stated from evil drug cartels that spreading their bloodthirsty crime…

When Muslims Get In Your Face And Get Aggressive, You Get Right Up In Theirs And Never Back Down
Yesterday I posted a video of a Catholic man beating up a Muslim who was harassing him and the group he was with saying the rosary. A bunch of people were upset about it, saying how what the man did was "unchristian" and bad.I would like to take…