Moroccans ADMIT They Are Faking Syrian Refugees
Moroccans ADMIT They Are Faking Syrian Refugees

What more proof does anybody need than the word from the mouths of the “refugees” themselves? -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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GERMAN-born Iranian Muslim kills 20-year-old German woman by pushing her into the path of an oncoming subway train
GERMAN-born Iranian Muslim kills 20-year-old German woman by pushing her into the path of an oncoming subway train

By BI: German police say a 20-year-old woman has died after being pushed in front of a Berlin subway train by an apparent stranger. The 28-year-old Iranian Muslim has been arrested on suspicion of homicide. The shocking incident took place when the …

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MARYLAND High School punishes Christian student for refusing to profess her faith in Islam, threatens to arrest her fath...
MARYLAND High School punishes Christian student for refusing to profess her faith in Islam, threatens to arrest her fath...

By BI: A public high school has been accused of radical Islamic indoctrination by forcing non-Muslim children to profess the Muslim statement of faith (the same statement used to convert people to Islam), ordering them to memorize the Five Pillars o…

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Hundreds Of illegal Immigrants March In Spontaneous Protest Demanding “Right to Permanent Residence”
Hundreds Of illegal Immigrants March In Spontaneous Protest Demanding “Right to Permanent Residence”

Hundreds of illegal Somali Muslim “migrants” engage in a random protest in Halberstadt, Germany: -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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DISGUSTING: “Migrant” In Germany Defecates On Train Platform In Broad Daylight
DISGUSTING: “Migrant” In Germany Defecates On Train Platform In Broad Daylight

Disgusting. As I mentioned in a previous article, if a person needs a sign to tell him where to relief himself and where to wash himself (or most other tasks), then he probably should not be allowed into society. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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Pagans Attack Poor Family, They Murder The Father And Then The Mother, And Then They Murder Their Seven Month Old Child ...
Pagans Attack Poor Family, They Murder The Father And Then The Mother, And Then They Murder Their Seven Month Old Child ...

Theodore Shoebat Heathen criminals attacked a poor family in Oaxaca, Mexico. They murdered the father, the mother and their 7 month old child. The name of the father was Juan Alberto Pano Ramos, 24 years old; the mother was Isabel Alba Colon, 17;  a…

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Ex-Muslim Is Denied Refuge In Sweden, He Desecrates A Copy Of The Koran To Prove His Apostasy
Ex-Muslim Is Denied Refuge In Sweden, He Desecrates A Copy Of The Koran To Prove His Apostasy

Omar Makram. former Muslim In my years of working with Muslims and Islam, I have found that many Muslims who eventually become Christians at least for a time describe themselves as atheists. It is not that most of these people are actually atheists …

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Muslim Tries To Molest Woman, She Smacks Him Down And He Runs Away
Muslim Tries To Molest Woman, She Smacks Him Down And He Runs Away

Skirt-wearing European men, take notes: -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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The Government Of Sweden Will Be Departing 80,000 Muslims, And Now Finland Is Going To Be Departing 20,000 Muslim Refuge...
The Government Of Sweden Will Be Departing 80,000 Muslims, And Now Finland Is Going To Be Departing 20,000 Muslim Refuge...

By Theodore Shoebat Both the governments of Sweden and Finland will be deporting tens of thousands of Islamic refugees, with the Swedes driving out 80,000 and the Fins 20,000. According to a report: One day after Sweden disclosed plans to deport up …

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African woman interrogated, beaten and finally beheaded (WARNING: Graphic images)
African woman interrogated, beaten and finally beheaded (WARNING: Graphic images)

Video from from undisclosed location in West Africa captures a young woman who has been captured, bound and beaten by Muslims. She is then interrogated before being beheaded in this uncensored but grainy video.   -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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Look what happens when fed-up Swedes give an affluent Swedish community a taste of the kind of ‘Muslim multiculturalism’...
Look what happens when fed-up Swedes give an affluent Swedish community a taste of the kind of ‘Muslim multiculturalism’...

By BI: Ordinary Swedes drive a van into an affluent neighborhood and blast the loud and offensive Muslim Call to Prayer at 6:00 AM, forcing the rich to be confronted with one of the horrors of mass Muslim migration that hard-working Swedish citizens…

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TENNESSEE: New Legislation being introduced will shut down rampant Islamic indoctrination of non-Muslim students in Amer...
TENNESSEE: New Legislation being introduced will shut down rampant Islamic indoctrination of non-Muslim students in Amer...

By BI: A bill has been introduced in the Tennessee Legislature which will end indoctrination of non-Muslim students with Islam in public school classrooms. Not widely known, ‘Common Core’ programs, funded by the oil-rich Arab state of Qatar, put gre…

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