Sweden Is Becoming One Of Europe's Biggest Exporters of Islamic
Terrorism Thanks To Their New Muslim Arrivals
Sweden Is Becoming One Of Europe's Biggest Exporters of Islamic Terrorism Thanks To Their New Muslim Arrivals

Sweden used to be a land known known for its peaceful, almost idyllic way of life. However, since they have imported massive numbers of Muslims into their land, Sweden has not only become the "rape capitol" of Europe, but is fast becoming a majo…

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Muslim Terrorists Surround Bus With 50 Christian Converts From Islam
And Prepare To Murder Them All, Suddenly Massive Dust Storm Surrounds
Them And The Christians Are Able To Escape
Muslim Terrorists Surround Bus With 50 Christian Converts From Islam And Prepare To Murder Them All, Suddenly Massive Dust Storm Surrounds Them And The Christians Are Able To Escape

Coincidence? You be the judge. Personally, this was a miracle from God after their baptism, allowing these newly baptized safe passage in this life to live anew as Christians having passed from their old life as Muslims:One of the new believers …

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ISIS Takes Young, Starving Children And Cuts Of Their Limbs For
The 'Crime' Of Begging For Food
ISIS Takes Young, Starving Children And Cuts Of Their Limbs For The 'Crime' Of Begging For Food

Islamic Shariah Law is brutal and unforgiving to all. In a recent act of brutality, ISIS has been taking young children from the streets and dismembering them for the 'crime' of begging for food because they are starving on account of ISIS' dest…

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Germany Is Now Working To Create Its Own EU Military Force, Major War
Is Coming
Germany Is Now Working To Create Its Own EU Military Force, Major War Is Coming

Germany is now working on creating its own EU military force, a sign that major war is on the way. I did a whole video on this:According to one report:Despite Britain’s move to block an EU army, a growing number of experts believe a recent Germa…

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'The Muslim Invasion Is A War Run By The European Union Meant To Wipe
Out The West' Major Hungarian Intelligence Operative Exposes Islamic
'The Muslim Invasion Is A War Run By The European Union Meant To Wipe Out The West' Major Hungarian Intelligence Operative Exposes Islamic Invasion

Laszlo Foidl is the former Director of Operations for the Hungarian Intelligence Services. In his most recent interview, he calls the Muslim invasion of West a part of "fourth generation warfare" using massive population movements to morally, cu…

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'Keep Your Barbaric Ways In Your 7th Century Homeland' Canadian
Patriots Stand Up To Islamic Invasion Of Their Nation
'Keep Your Barbaric Ways In Your 7th Century Homeland' Canadian Patriots Stand Up To Islamic Invasion Of Their Nation

For Americans, Canada is a nation known for hockey, maple syrup, and extreme "hate speech" laws. Yet even some Canadians are tiring of watching Muslims take over and subvert their society, and so are risking fines, punishment, and jail time to s…

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Muslims Attack Christians, They Take Several Christians, Shoot Them
Down And Take Them And Saw Their Heads Off
Muslims Attack Christians, They Take Several Christians, Shoot Them Down And Take Them And Saw Their Heads Off

Muslims in Kenya ambushed Christians, they took six Christians, shot them down and then sawed their heads off. This horrific account of a story that we already posted on, was reported as such: Al Shabaab terrorists chopped off the heads of the s…

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Major Political Leader In Germany Declares: 'Be Prepared For War
Between Germans And Non-Whites.' Major World War Is Coming, Nazism And
Islam Will Rise Again And There Will Be Horrific Bloodshed On The Earth
Major Political Leader In Germany Declares: 'Be Prepared For War Between Germans And Non-Whites.' Major World War Is Coming, Nazism And Islam Will Rise Again And There Will Be Horrific Bloodshed On The Earth

Major Germany politician, Frauke Petry, the head of the Alternative for Deutschland Party, the third most popular party in Germany, just declared that there is going to be a "darwinian" war between Germans and non-Whites. This is only a sign of …

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Behold The Wrath Of God: Mega Hurricane Matthew And Mega Famine To
Follow Soon To Devastate The United States
Behold The Wrath Of God: Mega Hurricane Matthew And Mega Famine To Follow Soon To Devastate The United States

By Walid ShoebatToday Hurricane Matthew is announced as a "for sure" that tonight will become "Major Hurricane Matthew" to hit from Florida to South Carolina. It is just as we predicted, under mockery and criticism for stating that these calamit…

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Muslims Ambush Six Christians, And Butcher All Of Them
Muslims Ambush Six Christians, And Butcher All Of Them

Muslims in Kenya ambushed and butchered six Christians, as we read in one report:Suspected Islamic extremists killed six people in an attack in northern Kenya near the border with Somalia, an official said Thursday, while the al-Shabab extremist…

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Muslims Turn Quiet Apartment Building Into Horror Film- Attack, Rob,
And Try To Rape Their Neighbors, Then Have Massive Stabbing Brawl And
Scatter Blood All Over The Walls And Floor
Muslims Turn Quiet Apartment Building Into Horror Film- Attack, Rob, And Try To Rape Their Neighbors, Then Have Massive Stabbing Brawl And Scatter Blood All Over The Walls And Floor

This video was made by an average man who witnessed his once quiet apartment building turn into a horror film scene after Muslims moved in. He documents how after months of harassment, in the most recent act, these Muslims stabbed each other in …

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'Your Daughter Is A Cute Blonde Whore' Muslim Students Beat Up And Try
To Rape Teen Girl At School
'Your Daughter Is A Cute Blonde Whore' Muslim Students Beat Up And Try To Rape Teen Girl At School

Sweden has become a very dangerous place to live, and not just its cities. In Swedish schools, gangs of Muslim students have been harassing Swedish girls, calling them "whores," threatenting them with rape, and in some cases actually trying to r…

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Be Prepared To See Major Tyranny And Slaughter On The Streets Of Europe
Be Prepared To See Major Tyranny And Slaughter On The Streets Of Europe

Be prepared to see major tyranny and slaughter on the streets of Europe. We the signs of this in the popularity of Neo-Nazism in Eastern Europe. I did a whole video on this:…

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Four Christian Missionaries Get Kidnapped By Drug Cartel In Mexico, The
Cartel Horrifically Tortures Them And Murders All Of Them
Four Christian Missionaries Get Kidnapped By Drug Cartel In Mexico, The Cartel Horrifically Tortures Them And Murders All Of Them

Four Christian missionaries in Mexico got kidnaped by Mexican narcos who then subsequently tortured and murdered them. According to one Mexican report, four young Catholic missionaries were tortured and shot dead in the western state of Michoaca…

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Hindus Surround Christian Man In Front Of Church,They Grab Ahold Of Him
And Hack Him To Death
Hindus Surround Christian Man In Front Of Church,They Grab Ahold Of Him And Hack Him To Death

Hindus in India surrounded a Christian man in front of a church and hacked him to death:"G" Dhanasekharan, aged 34, had been praying at his Devasabha Church in Chennai in Tamil Nadu, southern India, when he apparently received a phone call and s…

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Hurricane Matthew Is The Wrath Of God Poured Out On The Cities Of
Orlando And Savannah For Supporting The Evil Sodomites
Hurricane Matthew Is The Wrath Of God Poured Out On The Cities Of Orlando And Savannah For Supporting The Evil Sodomites

Hurricane Matthew is approaching the Florida Atlantic coast and is set to be the largest storm in almost a decade. Meteorologists, weather enthusiasts, and insurance companies alike are watching it carefully, as this storm is predicted to be dan…

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Muslim Gang Demands Christian Family Convert To Islam, Family Says No,
Muslims Beat Them With Metal Bars, Kidnap Their Teenage Daughter And
Take Turns Raping Her
Muslim Gang Demands Christian Family Convert To Islam, Family Says No, Muslims Beat Them With Metal Bars, Kidnap Their Teenage Daughter And Take Turns Raping Her

For some time, local Muslims were demanding this family convert to Islam because they were the only non-Muslims in the neighborhood. The family continued to say no, so one night a gang of six Muslim men and one woman broke into their home, beat …

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Muslim Man Rejects Islam, Finds The Catholic Faith And Declares It To
be The Truth
Muslim Man Rejects Islam, Finds The Catholic Faith And Declares It To be The Truth

A Muslim man from Iran and left Islam, only to ultimately find the Catholic Faith and declare it to be the truth. I did a whole video on this beautiful story: According to the report:Sohrab Ahmari, an editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal…

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The American Government Suspends Justice Roy Moore For Standing Up For
Christianity, And For Refusing To Bow Down To The Homosexual Agenda And
Accept Homosexual
The American Government Suspends Justice Roy Moore For Standing Up For Christianity, And For Refusing To Bow Down To The Homosexual Agenda And Accept Homosexual "Marriage"

The American government has suspended Justice Roy Moore For refusing to bow down to the homosexual agenda and not accepting homosexual "marriage." As we read in one report:Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has been suspended from ser…

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Obama Administration Tries To Copy Sweden, Proposes Plan For Americans
Obama Administration Tries To Copy Sweden, Proposes Plan For Americans To "Adopt" And "Sponsor" Muslim Immigration To The USA

In a new low reached by the Obama administration, he is working on a plan whereby US Citizens would be able to, just like Sweden, "sponsor" a Muslim to come to the United States by paying for his transportation, food, housing, and other resettle…

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Small Michigan Town Council Votes NO To Mega Mosque, CAIR Sues Them And
Now The Justice Department Is Forcing The Town To Build The Mosque With
Taxpayer Dollars In Largest Settlement Ever
Small Michigan Town Council Votes NO To Mega Mosque, CAIR Sues Them And Now The Justice Department Is Forcing The Town To Build The Mosque With Taxpayer Dollars In Largest Settlement Ever

$1.7 Million Dollars- that is how much that Pittsfield Township, MI is being forced by the US Justice Department to pay a group of Muslims to build a 70,000 sq foot mega mosque after being sued by CAIR when the zoning board voted against permitt…

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