Sweden used to be a land known known for its peaceful, almost idyllic way of life. However, since they have imported massive numbers of...
Muslim Terrorists Surround Bus With 50 Christian Converts From Islam And Prepare To Murder Them All, Suddenly Massive Dust Storm Surrounds Them And The Christians Are Able To Escape
Coincidence? You be the judge. Personally, this was a miracle from God after their baptism, allowing these newly baptized safe passage ...
ISIS Takes Young, Starving Children And Cuts Of Their Limbs For The 'Crime' Of Begging For Food
Islamic Shariah Law is brutal and unforgiving to all. In a recent act of brutality, ISIS has been taking young children from the street...
Muslims Attack Christians, They Take Several Christians, Shoot Them Down And Take Them And Saw Their Heads Off
Muslims in Kenya ambushed Christians, they took six Christians, shot them down and then sawed their heads off. This horrific account of a story that we already posted on, was reported as such:
Al Shabaab terrorists chopped off the heads of the six people they killed in an attack in Mandera on Thursday, a resident has said.
The teacher who lives near the attacked residential plot at Bulla public works said it was traumatising to watch.
"The non-locals were gunned down mercilessly and their heads chopped off and smashed by grenades," he told the Star.
"I do not know how to say it better. I am psychologically bullied."
The terrorists raided the plot with about 33 non-locals at about 2am, as they slept.
Al Shabaab confirmed it carried out the attack near the border with Somalia.
"We are behind the Mandera attack in which we killed six Christians," military operations spokesman Sheikh Abdiasis Musab told Reuters.
He added they also hit a police vehicle using a roadside bomb.
Mandera Governor Ali Roba condemned the incident in a post on Twitter.
"We have suffered another sad attack," Roba wrote, adding six people had been confirmed killed.
"If not for the quick response by our security forces we would be talking of many more casualties," he said.
"From the nature and style of the attack, it would obviously be al Shabaab."
Muslims in Kenya ambushed Christians, they took six Christians, shot them down and then sawed their heads off. This horrific account of...
Major Political Leader In Germany Declares: 'Be Prepared For War Between Germans And Non-Whites.' Major World War Is Coming, Nazism And Islam Will Rise Again And There Will Be Horrific Bloodshed On The Earth
Major Germany politician, Frauke Petry, the head of the Alternative for Deutschland Party, the third most popular party in Germany, just declared that there is going to be a "darwinian" war between Germans and non-Whites. This is only a sign of the race war that political elites want, and the coming of nazism and Social-Darwinism in Germany. Be prepared for the coming of a Third World War. I did a whole video on this:
Major Germany politician, Frauke Petry, the head of the Alternative for Deutschland Party , the third most popular party in Germany, ju...
Behold The Wrath Of God: Mega Hurricane Matthew And Mega Famine To Follow Soon To Devastate The United States
By Walid Shoebat
Today Hurricane Matthew is announced as a "for sure" that tonight will become "Major Hurricane Matthew" to hit from Florida to South Carolina. It is just as we predicted, under mockery and criticism for stating that these calamities are result of the evils of human behavior. Today the scientists also tell that a megadrought in the U.S. is no longer just "a possibility" but is a "certainty." Atmospheric researcher Toby Ault, have just published their findings in Science Advances journal that a megadrought is 70-99% certain to soon devastate the United States.
Listen up, carefully, this is no exaggeration of ours, here is a top weather expert:
"I cannot overstate the danger of this storm" --@TWCBryan pic.twitter.com/XE9ucXzN1U
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) October 6, 2016
And it’s going to stay that way as it rides the Florida coast:
And as you see, this Hurricane Matthew loops, which could go a second time, to destroy even more by Monday-Tuesday. This could be a double whammy, a double cup of wrath for evil human behavior.
Incredible #Hurricane #Matthew video coming in from #Nassau #Bahamas, roof blowing off a home. They just evacuated! Video: Jose Ageeb pic.twitter.com/2He1tgrSmL
— James Wieland (@SurfnWeatherman) October 6, 2016
And its not only historic record hurricane that will devestate the United States, just yesterday the scientists concluded their research:
"It should be noted that ‘megadrought’ isn’t just a scary-sounding word, it is an existing term: an extreme, bone-dry time that can last for over 35 years."
"the chances are very high, 70 to 99 percent – which makes it “virtually certain,” in the scientists’ words."
Lest I be called 'lunatic', these are not my words, but the words of scientists whom everyone seek these days, as the only confirmation of truth. What is even more amazing is that researchers concluded this 'megadrought' is linked to the last megadrought in the United States during a major occult culture, the so-caled civilization of the Puebloan:
"the most recent recorded megadrought in the Southwest happened at the end of the 16th century. "We think it's linked to the fall of the Puebloan civilization, which built cities into the cliff faces of the four corners region" (the intersection of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona).

Abandoned, ancestral Puebloan ruins at Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado in the Four Corners region of the Southwestern U.S. This ancient civilization is thought to have been hobbled by a megadrought in the late 13th century
Misery is on the increase. From Europe to Mexico, nations increase in their rebellion, while going back to an era before Christianity, all the while, God increases His chastisements. A world that denies God and now worships earth instead, never questions and is never able to answer: if earth was the 'true God', why then is this earth-god so perturbed at its worshippers?
The answer by the world, is of course, that the problem with the earth's anger is the continual Christian civilization. If so, why then was earth so angry at the so-called 'Puebloan Civilization' that kept the sacred rules on nature that the modernist so much espouses? The answer then becomes simple, the more we return backwards, the more we will suffer, as we claim to "move forwards".
But instead of studying the creator of the Earth, scientists study tree-ring records. While scientists can pin-point that severe droughts did not exist in a vacuum where only animals existed (God cares for the lilies of the field and the birds of the air), but coincided with the collapse of the Ancestral Puebloan culture. Great droughts struck in the 1100s and 1200s, at the same time as the abandonment of the stone villages at Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon and elsewhere on the Colorado Plateau.
Now we know how pagan civilizations ended.
So if this calamity is to be blamed on global warming, the Puebloan so-called civilization did not produce a spec of smog besides what they danced around to worship demon spirits. Scientists ignored the darker side of the Puebloan – black magic, mass manipulation, demonic cults, spirit summoning (possession and exorcism). In fact, archeologists and scientists did extensive research to only find out the Puebloan was plagued with cannibalism:
"remains from non-burial contexts at prehistoric Puebloan (Anasazi) archaeological sites in the Four Corners region of the American Southwest have been interpreted by some scholars as evidence of cannibalism1. Osteological studies indicate that many of the disarticulated bodies found at these sites were processed in a manner consistent with food preparation2. Opponents of this interpretation point out that non-cannibalistic practices such as secondary interment, corpse mutilation and ritualized witch executions might account for the assemblages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Osteological evidence alone does not document the actual ingestion of human flesh. Here we show consumption of human flesh did occur as demonstrated in preserved human waste containing identifiable human tissue remains from a site with osteological evidence of cannibalism."
The culture of the Puebloan (Anasazi) as it turns out was one of head-hunting, terrorizing human slaves, drug use and cannibalism.
So the question these scientists can never answer is simple: where are all the industrial activities that caused this catastrophe? It is here where they will switch the subject to the unexplained natural phenomenons.
Now, researchers have used the same tree-ring records to divine the future of drought in the United States. But instead of observing human behavior, they only analyze drought trends revealed in tree rings over the last 1,000 years where scientists predict a strong possibility of megadroughts before 2100 in the Southwest and Central Plains. In fact, they concluded:
"There is an 85 percent chance of a drought lasting 35 years or more between 2050 and 2100, said study co-author Toby Ault, a climate scientist at Cornell".
While no one can predict an exact date when this will happen, this date prediction is assuming the same timeframe as the tree rings, we already see a prolonged drought in California which is moving into its sixth year of a historic drought.
So is it wise to only examine 'tree rings' and 'earth' while they forget prophecies by the maker of both mankind and earth? What we see happening is the prelude before prophecies by aesthetic and simple priests are fulfilled. St. Hildegard predicted regarding the U.S.;
"A powerful wind will rise in the north carrying heavy fog and the densest of dust by divine command, and it will fill their throats and eyes so that they will cease their savagery and be stricken with a great fear. Before the comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scourged by want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabitated by people of different tribes and descent will be devastated by an earthquake, storm, and tidal wave. It will be divided and, in great part, submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea and lose its colonies. By its tremendous pressure the comet will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. All coastal cities will live in fear, and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed, and even those who escape will die from horrible diseases. For in none of those cities does a person live according to the laws of God."
Why is it that the most ungodly live by the seashores? Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser (Born in the 17th century, in Germany) predicted:
"The fifth period is one of affliction, desolation, humiliation, and poverty for the Church. Jesus Christ will purify His people through cruel wars, famines, plague epidemics, and other horrible calamities. He will also afflict and weaken the Latin Church with many heresies. It is a period of defections, calamities and extermination. Those Christians who survive the sword, plague and famines, will be few on earth. Nations will fight against nations, and will be desolated by internecine dissensions."
We see today the Latin Church, a spiritual desert except a few pockets who still adhere to the old ways. California, since the 19th century, the Golden State, has been one of America’s most fertile climates for spiritual and religious movements from neopaganism, Yoga, Humanistic Psychology, Meditation, Holistic Healing, Mormon pioneers to even contemporary Kali worshippers, UFO cults and austere Zen Buddhism.
A cursed state indeed. I was once even invited to a Zen Buddhist temple. They had a large gong. They said that they were interested in my transformation. I went, opened the Bible and for hours told the truth asking "what Samurai is like Christ?" I stated throughout the whole speech while traveling through the scriptures to show how amazing the God of the Bible is, and how He changed history. In the end I was astonished at a group of Jews, shaved bald, came out to speak to me repenting and promising to go to study their Hebrew faith instead of this Buddhist garbage.
My long journey concluded my walk, what I saw in churches was vanity of vanities. Now I resort to proclaiming messages from simple priests who predicted it all. In California, even their Christianity is mostly weird televangelism, false signs and false wonders. Speaking in tongues is never a gift to be prayed for, sought or acquired in the Bible, but a gift from God. Acquire it and you open the portal for demonic infestation. Misinterpreting scripture, especially its moral laws, brings in a curse that is disguised as a blessing.
It is difficult to convince the lost. I had Benny Hinn invite me a few times, so I went. In one of his shows, I refused to place my hands on the pallet filled with prayer requests regardless to how many times Benny tried to push them down on the pallet, they simply bounced back, the camera had to cut that part out. You do not pray over a pallet of requests, I said, you read these requests and help these needy.
It took me decades to discover one sacrament, charity, when all I needed to do was to speak to a priest. Now I stand virtually a lone voice to only realize that the nation that I loved is turning backwards to Sodom while millions of fake Christians hate us. I explored Marin County to only find out it has become a mecca for seekers interested in Buddhist meditation. Throughout the state it opened the gates for the occult in schools, colleges, in social service agencies, businesses and community based organizations. In Humboldt County, where my great grand father, the Honorable Frederick W. Georgeson, a pioneer and a close friend to sir Winston Churchill, the days he defeated the socialist in winning an election, now the place turned into a den of drugs, occult and socialist rebels. There I was attacked by hordes of evil doers. I walked in the same footsteps of my American ancestors to only see a nation in moral decay. It grieves my soul.
Today I sit and watch my predictions trickle upwards like a boom stock market investing in filth. UN food price index, which measures monthly changes for a basket of cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat and sugar, grew by almost three percent in September.
While to some, this 3% doesn't sound like much, prices have increased for the seventh time in eight months, up ten percent year-on-year. Just imagine as this continues, in a decade the prices will double, triple and even quadruple.
#UNFAO #foodprices Index up 2.9% in Aug. Lower prices for staple grains offset by rising sugar & dairy prices https://t.co/kkDgS8mzCV pic.twitter.com/cGSI8IyQ50
- FAO Newsroom (@FAOnews) October 6, 2016
This morning I sat with my finger on the delete button on the sort of comments I never seen before. Weird demon spirit filled who called on "Poseidon" to mockery of God and Christianity. It seems like the power of the air, the host of demons who exist in the atmosphere is being unleashed even more.
In Florida, the growth in unscrupulous pain clinics is contributing to a rise in prescription drug overdoses. More than 4,000 Floridians died from prescription drug overdoses last year, about 11 a day, up by 20 percent over the year before.
So as evil increases, calamities too will be on the rise. And while the world mocks, I know how to shut the windows, listen to the smashing wind while I hit my delete button enjoying the voice of God:
By Walid Shoebat Today Hurricane Matthew is announced as a "for sure" that tonight will become " Major Hurricane Matt...
Muslims Ambush Six Christians, And Butcher All Of Them
Muslims in Kenya ambushed and butchered six Christians, as we read in one report:
Suspected Islamic extremists killed six people in an attack in northern Kenya near the border with Somalia, an official said Thursday, while the al-Shabab extremist group claimed it had targeted Christians.
The gunmen targeted 33 non-Muslims living in a residential block but security forces' quick response saved other lives, Mandera County Governor Ali Roba said in a statement. He said the attack occurred near the Bulla area in the early morning.
The Somalia-based Al-Shabab, through its Andulus radio station, claimed responsibility. The station quoted an unnamed al-Shabab official saying: "It was a well-planned attack which targeted Christian members in Mandera."
Kenya government spokesman Eric Kiraithe said security agencies had received intelligence that there would be an attack in Mandera, "but there was no actual and accurate specific intelligence on this particular attack," Kiraithe told reporters.
He said the attackers "escaped through the border."
Kenya has experienced a wave of attacks from al-Shabab, which is allied with al-Qaida. Al-Shabab has vowed retribution on Kenya for sending troops to Somalia since 2011 to fight the extremists who are waging an insurgency against Somalia's weak western-backed government.
Both Mandera County and Garissa County, which border Somalia, have been targeted by al-Shabab. The worst attack was in April 2015, when al-Shabab gunmen killed 148, most of them students, at Garissa University.
Suspected al-Shabab gunmen killed at least six people when they shot at two buses traveling in Mandera County in July.
Al-Shabab extremists also hijacked a bus traveling through Mandera County in November 2014 and killed 28 non-Muslims on board. In December 2014, they killed 36 quarry workers in Mandera town.
Muslims in Kenya ambushed and butchered six Christians, as we read in one report: Suspected Islamic extremists killed six people in an ...
Muslims Turn Quiet Apartment Building Into Horror Film- Attack, Rob, And Try To Rape Their Neighbors, Then Have Massive Stabbing Brawl And Scatter Blood All Over The Walls And Floor
This video was made by an average man who witnessed his once quiet apartment building turn into a horror film scene after Muslims moved in. He documents how after months of harassment, in the most recent act, these Muslims stabbed each other in a massive brawl and scattered blood all over the walls
In his words (taken from his Facebook post):
Usually I stay out of most discussions about [Muslims], but we're really running out of patience here. So, from the beginning: I live in a small city in the heart of East Frisia. It was always quiet around here, the proportion of [Muslims] was relatively low and those that were here were quiet and friendly.
A few months ago, Syrian [Muslims] moved into the apartment block our family lives in. They were generously received and nobody in the house had any prejudice. Then, around 6 weeks ago: The first negative incident. Our daughter (12 years old) as well as the two small daughters of our neighbors (6 and 9) were sexually harassed, pushed against the wall of the stairway and kissed against their will, as well as touched inappropriately on their breasts and butt. Obviously we contacted the police and filed a report.
After the [Muslims] were invited to to the police for questioning things were quiet again. For a while.
Shorty after the incident my daughter came home from playing, horrified and told me that the [Muslims] did clear sexual gestures towards her.
They smirked at her and ran their tongue between two fingers. We also reported this incident to the police. After the refugees received their second warning it was quiet again.
But for 3 weeks, the silence has been broken again. Every weekend the [Muslims] riot. During late hours drugs and alcohol regularly lead to brawls and stabbings. Last night they rioted again, kicked in my door and the entire stairway was full of blood (see video).
Right about now our understanding for these people has run dry. And our beloved police is obviously powerless. The children in the apartment building are always scared, they don't dare to walk out their own flats. It's outrageous that nothing is done against this.
This video was made by an average man who witnessed his once quiet apartment building turn into a horror film scene after Muslims moved...
'Your Daughter Is A Cute Blonde Whore' Muslim Students Beat Up And Try To Rape Teen Girl At School
Sweden has become a very dangerous place to live, and not just its cities. In Swedish schools, gangs of Muslim students have been harassing Swedish girls, calling them "whores," threatenting them with rape, and in some cases actually trying to rape them, as in this recent case:
The girl has been called derogatory things like "p*ssy" and "whore". On one occasion some boys down her pants in the school cafeteria and stood and juckade against her. On another occasion she was beaten at the school, which school counselor witnessed. The assault to the police, but the case was dropped.
- We got explained to us by a school staff that our daughter was blonde and sweet and so exciting to take on, says the girl's mother for SVT.
The situation was finally so severe that the girl was offered to run alone in a bus to and from school, but not even that helped. A bunch of boys at the school ran before the girl and surrounded her outside her home.
- They threatened to "pick her," says the mother.
Eskilstuna primary school head Hans Ringström tells SVT that it does not move for a new case, and that one is looking at it. The girl has been forced to change schools and doing according to her mother today much better. (source, source)
This is what happens when Muslims are allowed not merely into a non-Muslim society, but given free reign to act as they please. They are doing this because nobody is standing up to them. Islam is an opportunistic religion, and it only attacks when it thinks its opponent is weak and cannot or will not defend itself.
We have profiled before how when men stand up to the Muslims and fight them with the same aggression the Muslims give out, they immediately retreat in fear and start trying to make peace. There is no such thing as true peace with Islam, because it is merely an opportunity to delay fighting until they are better prepared. But that said, Muslims will not attack if they are being confronted by a stronger force.
It was good that the girl's mother changed her school, but that does not solve the greater problem, which is that in order to stop Islam, the Muslims have to be confronted head on. Unfortunately, this is a lesson that many are learning today the hard way.
We covered this video when it first premiered. This is what Muslims think about and will do if given the chance.
Sweden has become a very dangerous place to live, and not just its cities. In Swedish schools, gangs of Muslim students have been haras...
Be Prepared To See Major Tyranny And Slaughter On The Streets Of Europe
Be prepared to see major tyranny and slaughter on the streets of Europe. We the signs of this in the popularity of Neo-Nazism in Eastern Europe. I did a whole video on this:
Be prepared to see major tyranny and slaughter on the streets of Europe. We the signs of this in the popularity of Neo-Nazism in Easter...
Four Christian Missionaries Get Kidnapped By Drug Cartel In Mexico, The Cartel Horrifically Tortures Them And Murders All Of Them
Four Christian missionaries in Mexico got kidnaped by Mexican narcos who then subsequently tortured and murdered them. According to one Mexican report, four young Catholic missionaries were tortured and shot dead in the western state of Michoacan, and this was also recounted by Hipolito Mora, founder of the self - defense forces, the Autodefenses, in that region of Mexico.
The four had been deprived of their freedom last Saturday by an armed group in the town of La Ruana, in the municipality of Buenavista Tomatlan, which were part of the Catholic evangelizer Arcoiris group.
The bodies of the victims were identified as Willibald Hernandez, Adam Valencia, Jesus Lopez Urbina and Jesus Ayala Aguilar.
Mora accused the cartel H-3, an organization which infiltrated infiltrated in the Autodefensas, of being responsible for the killings of the four Christians.
The Catholic youths whose bodies had signs of torture "were good people, hardworking people," according to Moro, noting that one of them, Jesus Ayala, had lost his father in the attack on 16 August 2014 by the H-3.
On September 19, Catholic priest José Alfredo Lopez Guillen in the municipality of Puruándiro was murdered.
In the first four days of this month now a total 16 people have been shot dead in Michoacan, mostly in the region of Tierra Caliente .
The most powerful narcos in Michoacan are Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), the Knights Templar, The Viagras, and the H-3, including small organizations engaged in the production and trafficking of a synthetic drug known as crystal.
The murder of Catholics in Mexico is a form of Christian persecution just as horrific as the Christian persecution taking place in the Islamic world. This is why I did a whole documentary about Mexico and the horrific violence happening there:
Four Christian missionaries in Mexico got kidnaped by Mexican narcos who then subsequently tortured and murdered them. According to one...
Hindus Surround Christian Man In Front Of Church,They Grab Ahold Of Him And Hack Him To Death
Hindus in India surrounded a Christian man in front of a church and hacked him to death:
"G" Dhanasekharan, aged 34, had been praying at his Devasabha Church in Chennai in Tamil Nadu, southern India, when he apparently received a phone call and stepped out of the service, according to the Times of India.
As soon as he exited the church, Dhanasekaran was surrounded by the gang of aggressive men, causing him to flee into another church. However, the caught up with him and murdered him before fleeing on three motorcycles.
Dhanasekaran, who is survived by his wife Daisy, and sons Isaac, 5, and Jacob, 3, may have been targeted due to his involvement in local politics: He was a councillor for the DMK or Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam political party, representing the local youth, and worked in real estate.
"We are also trying to find out whether there was any business rivalry which could have resulted in the murder," said an investigating officer.
However, local Christians believe he was targeted due to his Christian faith. Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians, told Agenzia Fides: "This killing is yet another proof that Christian minorities are particularly vulnerable. The trail of aggression carried out by Hindu militants to the detriment of the Pentecostal faithful is known. Police are investigating but we believe Dhanasekharan was also killed because of his faith."
The country is ranked 17th on Open Door USA's World Watch List of countries where Christians face the most persecution. The report notes that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, radical Hinduism, which was already present under the previous government, has increased steadily.
According to a report from The Evangelical Fellowship of India's Religious Liberty Commission (EFIRLC), at least 134 incidents of violence against Christians in India were carried out in the first half of 2016 alone, compared with 147 incidents in all of 2014 and 177 in 2015. Even worse - the cases chronicled from Jan. 1 to June 30 were "just a fraction of the violence on the ground."
Christians face a variety of dangers, from Maoist rebels to Hindu extremists, with the central government offering little protection, the report found.
In August, a Christian pastor was reportedly beaten to death in the east Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh state by hundreds of Maoist rebels who thought he was a police informer.
In June, it was reported that Christians living in the Hunter village in the state of Jharkhand were banned from worshiping by police, while also being threatened by Hindu radicals.
Hindus in India surrounded a Christian man in front of a church and hacked him to death: "G" Dhanasekharan, aged 34, had been...
Hurricane Matthew Is The Wrath Of God Poured Out On The Cities Of Orlando And Savannah For Supporting The Evil Sodomites
Hurricane Matthew is approaching the Florida Atlantic coast and is set to be the largest storm in almost a decade. Meteorologists, weather enthusiasts, and insurance companies alike are watching it carefully, as this storm is predicted to be dangerous and cause major damage especially in the Orlando and Savannah areas:
While all hurricanes are dangerous, something about this storm is particularly unique. As scientists have pointed out, it seems to be gathering strength where it should not, as though the storm was increasing in power from an outside force and in a way not seen before:
A HUGE blob seen on the east side of Hurricane Matthew has baffled tropical storm experts around the world.
As the hurricane heads over the Atlantic towards Haiti, satellite images clearly show the eye of the hurricane on the storm's west side.
But another large blob-like shape on the east side of Hurricane Matthew has caused confusion among meteorologists and cyclone experts.
Met Office tropical prediction scientist Julian Heming said: “The shape of Hurricane Matthew has been the subject of some discussion by experts over the weekend.” (source)
Notice the large blob on the right of the hurricane. This is unnatural for such a storm and is unexplained by science.
Florida is a nice place, but it unfortunately has become a lot like California, representing both the best and the worst that America has to offer. This is especially true in the area of homosexuality. While there are many conservative and religious Floridians, there are a tremendous amount of sodomites and immoral activity that takes place there. Given the serious moral decay of America that we see taking place before our eyes and the increasing disrespect for even the most basic of Christian morality, looking at this storm I began to wonder if perhaps, in some way, it was connected to this crisis.
The word "Hurricane" originally comes from the Taino Indians, a people who inhabited the Caribbean and parts of Florida when the Spanish arrived in the 16th century. The original world, "Huracan," was a god of evil in their pagan religion, and the natives thought that these storms were attacks from this evil diety. Interesting.
For many years, it has been popular to give Hurricanes a name to distinguish them from others. Certain names, however, are retired from circulation because they are associated with particular catastrophes, such as Hugo (1989), Andrew (1992), and Katrina (2005). This hurricane is named Matthew, which of course comes from the New Testament Evangelist St. Matthew, whose traditional sign used by the early Christians and continuing today in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches is that of an angel:
The Book of Kells, the oldest New Testament in Ireland, showing the four evangelists. St. Matthew is depicted as an angel in the upper left quadrant.
Angels -the ones obedient to God- in the Bible always play important roles in executing God's will, both for aiding man in his struggle for righteousness and punishing him in accordance with God's will. In the Old Testament angels appeared to Moses when he was in the desert, and the angel St. Raphael came to the aid of Tobit when he was under attack from the demon Asmodeus. In the New Testament it was the angel Gabriel who announced Jesus' conception to St. Mary, an angel who announced to the Holy women news of Jesus' resurrection, and it the book of Revelations it is St. Michael the Archangel who battles against the ancient dragon. Yet also in the same Bible it was angels who guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were expelled from it on account of their sin, and it was the angel of death who slew by the command of God the firstborn of every living creature in Egypt following Moses prophecy to the Pharaoh about God's impending punishment for his refusal to free the Hebrews from their bondage. Interesting.
The Bible clearly teaches that in the Old Testament whenever the Hebrews were very disobedient towards God, He would send punishments against them, many times in the forms of natural disasters. Christian history also recognizes the same, where God will use His creation to execute judgment against the wicked. While not all bad weather is necessarily a sign of sin, both sacred scripture and sacred tradition clearly note that it can be so. Now we know that Florida is an area that is infected with sin, especially cities such as Miami and Orlando, which are veritable dens of sodomy. But instead of looking at mere particularities, I thought I would ask a broader question- Is there any "homosexual" activities going on this month in either the Orlando or Savannah areas? Sure enough, I found that both Orlando and Savannah are having massive sodomite pride parades this month, especially in Orlando, which is sponsoring this very weekend as the hurricane is about to hit a massive "coming out" parade sponsored no less than with the major support of the city itself and major corporate backers:
Keep in mind, this was "Orlando Pride 2015"- last year's parade in the same area:
Gay pride Savannah 2016 is really no different:
How interesting it is that Matthew is set to smash Orlando and Savannah during their sodomite parades! But it gets even better.
Matthew is set to hit Orlando early Friday, October 7th, and this Friday is the Feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary. Originally dedicated by Pope St. Pius V in 1571 following the Catholic victory over the Ottoman Turkish Navy in the Gulf of Lepanto (also known as the Gulf of Preveza) that destroyed the Ottoman Navy and saved Europe from an Islamic land invasion. The Rosary, originally given by Our Lady to St. Dominic, is a meditation on the life, death, and resurrection of Christ and is regarded formally as the second most powerful form of prayer in the Church subordinate only to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is used to crush sin and heresy in all its forms, and is instrumental in the conversion of the worst sinners and most hopeless cases.
The Battle of Lepanto, showing how the prayers of the Rosary defeated the wicked Turkish menace
The Ottoman Turks were known to widely practice the rape of young boys, as they were homosexuals. As we have pointed out before, Islam is anything but "homophobic,"- to say other wise is merely propaganda, as a simple reading of Islamic history and theology shows that not is homosexuality just permissible so long as the appropriate conditions are met, but even meritorious. Islam is the perfect religion for a homosexual, as it allows one to immerse his lust for sin however he desires to.
So let's put this together.
A hurricane- the storms from an evil being- named after the New Testament Evangelist whose symbol is an angel- a messenger of God and and executor of His will among and upon men- is about to make landfall on the exact area where two massive sodomite parades are taking place and almost to the day for the largest one, and the exact day the hurricane is scheduled to hit is the Feast Day of the Holiest Prayer in the Catholic Church used to fight the most wicked of sins and heresies given by the Mother of God herself.
The Last Judgment by Hans Memling
Coincidence? You be the judge. Personally, given America's love affair with the worst forms of perversity, it is a sign of His anger against us for our obstinate attitude towards sin and refusal to repent for our evil ways.
You want to stop not this hurricane, but future catastrophes? Then stop sinning, especially with sodomy, as it is one of the four sins in the Bible which cry out to God for vengeance, which we are seeing now.
Christus Vincit!
Christus Regnat!
Christus Imperiat!
Hurricane Matthew is approaching the Florida Atlantic coast and is set to be the largest storm in almost a decade. Meteorologists, weat...
Muslim Gang Demands Christian Family Convert To Islam, Family Says No, Muslims Beat Them With Metal Bars, Kidnap Their Teenage Daughter And Take Turns Raping Her
For some time, local Muslims were demanding this family convert to Islam because they were the only non-Muslims in the neighborhood. The family continued to say no, so one night a gang of six Muslim men and one woman broke into their home, beat the Christians with metal bars, and then took their teenage daughter and viciously raped her over and over, taunting them by saying they will stop raping her if they deny Christ:
A Pakistani Christian family was tied up and beaten by a group of Muslims who stormed their home last month looking to force the family to convert to Islam. But when the family refused to renounce their faith, their youngest daughter was abducted, raped and has yet to return home.
The London-based charity British Pakistani Christian Association has come to the aid of the Masih family, a family of 10 Christians caught in the grips of bonded labor (modern day slavery) near the city of Kasur in Eastern Pakistan.
According to BPCA, the family lived in a small home made of mud and had been constantly pressured by local Muslims to convert to Islam, as they were the only family in the neighborhood who hadn't embraced Islam.
On the night of Sept. 15, a group of six Muslim men and a Muslim woman stormed the family's home with guns, sticks and metal rods and severely beat members of the Christian family.
The group of intruders hoped that the family's pain and suffering would cause them to reconsider their prior refusals to convert to Islam. Despite the pain, the family again refused to deny Christ and convert to Islam.
After the family refused to convert, the Muslims grew enraged and tied up and blindfolded all but two of the family members.
As the family consists of six daughters and two sons, the Muslims dragged the family's 17-year-old daughter, Jameela, and 20-year-old son, Arif, and threw them into the back of a van parked outside of the home.
Arif, who was eventually able to escape out an open door while no one was looking, told BPCA that he and Jameela were taken to an unknown building in an unknown location that he later figured out was a mansion of some sort.
Arif explained that when they arrived at the mansion, they were both tortured separately. Despite the torture, Arif again refused to convert to Islam. While he could hear the screams of his sister, one of the captors told Arif that other Muslim men were taking turns raping his sister and that all he had to do to save his her was embrace Islam. However, he again refused to renounce Christ.
As the sun rose the next morning, Arif took advantage of an opportunity to escape when his blindfold slipped and he noticed that the door was left open with no one around monitoring him.
It took hours for Arif to return home, as he had to walk most of the way before he caught a ride on a rickshaw.
Having been taken so far from home, Arif is not able to recall the location of the mansion that he and his sister were taken too. He also believes that his sister was taken to another location because he did not hear her screams before he escaped the mansion. (source)
They still do not know where their sister is and have lost even the little they had, yet they still persevere. That is Faith, and in the coming years, these kinds of trials may befall the formerly Christian nations of the West. Yet no matter what temptations the Muslims may offer or what they say, Sacred Scripture maintains its promise:
“Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward is great in heaven; for that is what their ancestors did to the prophets." (Luke 6:22-23)
St. Lucy, martyr of the early Church. She is often portrayed with her eyes on a plate because she was tortured to death by having her eyes ripped out for refusing to deny Christ.
For some time, local Muslims were demanding this family convert to Islam because they were the only non-Muslims in the neighborhood. Th...
Muslim Man Rejects Islam, Finds The Catholic Faith And Declares It To be The Truth
A Muslim man from Iran and left Islam, only to ultimately find the Catholic Faith and declare it to be the truth. I did a whole video on this beautiful story:
According to the report:
Sohrab Ahmari, an editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal in London, grew up a Muslim in Iran. But he began losing his faith following brushes with Nietzsche, Marxism and Roman Catholicism. He finally settled his identity in the Roman Catholic Church.
In an article in The Catholic Herald, Ahmari says the murder of French priest Jacques Hamel in Normandy, France at the hands of two Islamist extremists on July 26 finally convinced him to leave Islam.
Aside from Hamel's martyrdom, Hamel says other factors drove him to follow Christ. "The real story was much longer and more complicated," he says.
When he was only 12 years old, Ahmari decided that there was no God. "At school, I had already begun clashing with my Quran teacher, whose real job was to inculcate students in the regime's ideology, a mix of Shia chauvinism, anti-Americanism and Jew-hatred," he explains.
In the late 90s, Ahmari moved to Eden, Utah, with his mother. It was there where he learned about the Mormon and Protestant faith. "If Shia Islam, with its rich iconography and theology, was all hypocrisy, then Mormonism and America's Protestant ethic and cheerful consumerism were even more contemptible – and equally repressive in their own way," he says.
Before he went to college, Ahmari then discovered Friedrich Nietzsche's "Thus Spoke Zarathustra," which he claimed was "half-mad."
"I lived totally in my head. There, the world was meaningless; and if there was any point to life, it could only be reached on the far side of God's absence," he says. "The next stop was Marxism – specifically Trotskyism, a more romantic strand of the totalitarian ideology. In retrospect, it's obvious why Marxism appealed to me: it went well with the latent anti-Americanism still imprinted on my Iranian mind."
After that, he came to terms with the Judeo-Christian foundations of the West. Even though he did not consider himself a Christian, he says their beliefs helped impact his outlook in life.
"If I enjoyed the beauty and ordered liberty I saw around me, then I had to give credit to the ideals that gave birth to it. You couldn't have one without the other. The beauty and order reflected an underlying truth. It wasn't my truth, but I no longer lightly dismissed faith," he says.
Ahmari's mother might have become a Born Again Christian, but that wasn't for him. "Why Catholicism? Well, I dabbled for a couple of years with Evangelical Christianity. Catholics don't exactly send you text messages asking: 'Would you and your wife like to join us for Sunday service?' Evangelicals do," he explains.
And ultimately, Ahmari felt drawn to Catholic Mass. "There was no definitive moment that led from those early experiences with the Mass to my knocking on a priest's door and asking him to instruct me earlier this year. There were no visions or sudden epiphanies," he says. "Somewhere along the way, I resolved to be honest with myself, if not others, about my need for Almighty God."
A Muslim man from Iran and left Islam, only to ultimately find the Catholic Faith and declare it to be the truth. I did a whole video o...
The American Government Suspends Justice Roy Moore For Standing Up For Christianity, And For Refusing To Bow Down To The Homosexual Agenda And Accept Homosexual "Marriage"
The American government has suspended Justice Roy Moore For refusing to bow down to the homosexual agenda and not accepting homosexual "marriage." As we read in one report:
Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has been suspended from serving the rest of his term for refusing to allow probate judges to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, a judicial commission ruled on Friday.
As the judicial commission is set to rule on a case against Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, who was suspended in May for refusing to allow probate judges to issue licenses to same-sex couples, evangelist Franklin Graham is urging Christians to pray for the judge who "stands up for what is right."
"I have met Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, and I appreciate that he is a man who will stand up for what is right," writes Graham, president of Samaritan's Purse and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, in a Facebook post, as the judicial commission is scheduled to rule on Judge Moore's case by the end of next week.
"If he is unanimously found liable, he could be removed from the state Supreme Court," Graham adds, urging his 4.5 million followers to join him "in praying for Judge Moore, and share your encouragement with him in the comments …"
The post has received about 13,000 shares and nearly 9,500 people have written comments with encouraging words for Judge Moore, who was accused of ordering Alabama probate judges to "defy" a federal injunction in "violation of his ethical duties" as the state's top judge.
"Amen! Stand up for what is right not what is popular!" reads one comment. "Thank you so much for doing the right thing concerning same-sex marriage. I admire you greatly for standing your ground. I know that you pleased the Lord and I pray that He will bless you and your family," wrote another follower.
The Southern Poverty Law Center filed an ethics complaint with the judicial commission after the judge in January prevented state probate judges from providing same-sex marriage licenses on the basis that the U.S. Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges decision in June 2015 only explicitly overturned same-sex marriage bans in the handful of states whose bans were challenged in the case and Alabama was not one of them, according to The Huffington Post.
Travis S. Weber, director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Washington, DC-based Family Research Council, told The Christian Post earlier that while the Supreme Court decision is clear, Alabama's high court had not contemplated the full impact of the decision on all pending orders.
"Chief Justice Moore has merely pointed out this lack of clarity, and noted that until the state's high court rules with finality, the administrative order to probate judges from last March remains in effect," Weber said. "What the Chief Justice has done is defend and represent the actual state of the law — his opponents just don't like the policy implications of his legal arguments."
The American government has suspended Justice Roy Moore For refusing to bow down to the homosexual agenda and not accepting homosexual ...
Obama Administration Tries To Copy Sweden, Proposes Plan For Americans To "Adopt" And "Sponsor" Muslim Immigration To The USA
In a new low reached by the Obama administration, he is working on a plan whereby US Citizens would be able to, just like Sweden, "sponsor" a Muslim to come to the United States by paying for his transportation, food, housing, and other resettlement costs:
Americans might be able to bring a refugee to the U.S. on their own dime if talks between the Obama administration and the nation’s leading refugee advocacy group come to fruition.
The State Department is considering a pilot program that would let citizens sponsor a refugee from their country of choice by paying for airfare, housing, clothing, food and other resettlement costs. Conversations began in July and are expected to continue in the coming year, said Naomi Steinberg, director of the Refugee Council USA.
The program, modeled after a similar one in Canada, is designed to crack open new sources of funding as growing anti-refugee sentiment in Congress threatens to cut resettlement programs.“It puts Americans in the driver’s seat,” said Matthew La Corte, policy analyst at the Niskanen Center, a Washington-based libertarian think tank that was an early supporter of the program. “It allows them to say ‘I have a spare bedroom. I was thinking of buying a new car but I’ll instead take that $10,000 and put it toward bringing a Syrian refugee over.”‘
Such a program would mark one of the biggest structural changes to U.S. refugee policy in three decades, and would allow Barack Obama or future presidents to skirt opposition by shifting financial responsibility to everyday Americans. Civil war in Syria, conflict in Africa and more open European borders have combined to displace more than 65 million people worldwide, the deepest refugee crisis since World War II.
About a million people entered Germany last year, and Prime Minister Angela Merkel has said other European countries must do their part. The U.S. admitted 85,000 refugees in fiscal 2016, and only about 12,600 from Syria.
Obama’s announcement last month that America would accept 110,000 refuges from around the world in 2017, a 30 percent increase over this year, was met with fierce opposition by Republican lawmakers. More than half of U.S. governors have called for a ban on Syrian refugees until stricter national security-screening is put in place, and Congress has introduced bills that would restrict funding. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has characterized Syrian refugees as “Trojan horses” for terrorism.“The American people do not support these radical plans, which amount to a complete betrayal from their leaders in Washington,” Sen. Jeff Sessions, who has been one of the most vocal opponents of resettlement policies, said in a statement last month. The Alabama Republican is a key adviser to Trump. (source, source)
I'm not even going to give my own commentary on this. Using the past year as an example, I can show you better than what I can tell you what happened when Europe tried this through video alone. If you want to read more, you can see my articles about what has happened in Europe this last year:
Muslims in Calais, France, October 2, 2016
Muslim brags about gang-raping European woman
Muslims attack and rob a journalist who is sympathetic to them while doing a story about them on camera (source)
Muslims are given free food then throw it away (source)
German Teenage girl begs for European men to stand up against Muslims (source)
Muslims have no respect for non-Muslim women (source)
The scariest part is, these videos (with the notable exception of the first) were just from January and February alone. But list just keeps going on and on.
Tell me, please, how things are going to be any different in America than in Europe under Obama's plan, because they won't be.
In a new low reached by the Obama administration, he is working on a plan whereby US Citizens would be able to, just like Sweden, ...
Small Michigan Town Council Votes NO To Mega Mosque, CAIR Sues Them And Now The Justice Department Is Forcing The Town To Build The Mosque With Taxpayer Dollars In Largest Settlement Ever
$1.7 Million Dollars- that is how much that Pittsfield Township, MI is being forced by the US Justice Department to pay a group of Muslims to build a 70,000 sq foot mega mosque after being sued by CAIR when the zoning board voted against permitting the monstrosity to be built:
A Michigan township will pay an Islamic school $1.7 million as part of a settlement reached after a majority of the planning commission voted against a Muslim group's request to build the facility.
Earlier this week, Pittsfield Township agreed to pay the sum of $1.7 million and allow the Michigan Islamic Academy to begin construction of a 70,000-square-foot school.
Pittsfield agreed to the settlement which was reached after two lawsuits were filed against it by the U.S. Justice Department and the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
In a statement released Thursday, CAIR-MI said the settlement is one of the largest ever settled based on the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000.
"We welcome the settlement with Pittsfield Township and hope the outcome of this case will serve as a deterrent to other municipalities throughout the country seeking to deny Muslim institutions the right to build or expand their facilities on the basis of religion," stated CAIR-MI Legal Director Lena Masri.
In August 2011, the Pittsfield Township Planning Commission rejected in a vote of 3-2 a request by the Islamic Academy to build a school in the area.
"About 125 residents attended and about 50 spoke during public comment. Most of those opposed to the plan stressed that they have no issue with the school being Islamic, but said their concerns centered around traffic, children's safety and the school being inconsistent with the master plan," the Ann Arbor News reported in 2011.
Later in October 2011, the Pittsfield Township Board of Trustees voted unanimously to affirm the recommendation from the planning commission to reject the rezoning request of the Islamic Academy.
In February 2012, the Islamic Academy and CAIR filed a lawsuit against Pittsfield in district court, accusing the Township of violating their religious liberty under RLUIPA.
The Justice Department eventually filed a suit against Pittsfield in October 2015, with U.S. District Attorney Barbara McQuade writing in a statement that they filed the lawsuit "to protect the right of all Americans to practice their religion and receive the religious instruction and education of their choice."
"This complaint alleges that Pittsfield Township denied the Michigan Islamic Academy's request to build a school in violation of that law," continued McQuade. (source)
I don't believe the town wants this- they were forced to do this.
I have been saying it for years and I will say it again: America will not be conquered from without by a Muslim army, but if Islam does conquer, it will come from within from the court system. The most dangerous Islamic terrorist today does not put on a headscarf and strap a bomb to himself while randomly shooting people with an AK-47, but he is clean shaven wearing a designer-brand suit and carrying a briefcase while going to court each morning on behalf of his clients. The Muslim lawyer is the real "trojan horse" because as it is an unspoken but universally recognized fact of life in America that legislation comes through the courts, and since the judges are all taken from the ranks of lawyers, then if there are enough Muslim lawyers then it is only a matter of time until a Muslim becomes a judge, at which point he can be able to raise himself through the ranks of the courts until he reaches district and possibly even the Supreme Court.
Abid Qureishi, a recent Obama appointee for federal judge and terrorist sympathiser. As I wrote about him, Islam's greatest weapon to conquer America is the courts.
One of the key points that has aided this is America's unhealthy obsession with "diversity" at all costs and regardless of the "diversity" in question. Yes, it is good there are people of different backgrounds represented in the fields of public service in American life, but background does affect how a person responds to any given situation for better or for worse. Diversity does not always mean better, it just means different. The Muslims know this well too, and as such they are able to easily exploit the American left's obsession with diversity by simply saying that "there are not enough Muslims in positions of legal leadership so that is discrimination," and the self-righteous American left, enmeshed in their pride, will find ways to give Muslims who want to be lawyers favor over true hard-working Americans regardless of color or creed that is not Islam.
Mark my words, this forcing the mega mosque on this township is just another step in the descent of the USA from its roots into Islam, for if the government continues to force cities and individuals to pass laws and spend money to the favor of Muslims and Islam, then it is only a matter of time until this same government does the opposite to Christians with the same goal of uniting America to the dar Al-Islam.
$1.7 Million Dollars- that is how much that Pittsfield Township, MI is being forced by the US Justice Department to pay a group of Musl...