European nations will never unite to fight Islam. There will never be European unity, because there never has been European unity. There will be European countries who will unite with the Islamic empire. I did a whole video on this:…
Major Protestant Leader Admits That Sex Abuse Is A Far Bigger Problem With Protestant Churches Than With The Catholic Church
The Catholic Church has had a major sexual abuse scandal, but there is an even bigger one looming. According to Billy Graham's grandson, who runs a ministry dedicated to fighting sexual abuse in churches, he says that sexual abuse in Protestant …

Persecution On The Way: Christians In Egypt And Turkey Are Facing Persecution By Closing Down Churches And Confiscating Church Property
By Walid ShoebatA controversial issue has erupted after a church closure in a village in Minya province, south of Cairo. The closure wasn't enforced by Muslim mobs who failed in the past to break the Coptic resilience, this time around the closu…

The Prophet Moses Was Amongst The Greatest Fighters Against Racism
The prophet Moses is amongst the greatest combatants against racism to have ever lived. The Egyptians, filled with nationalism, wanted to purge and and enslave all of the Hebrews in their land. And we learn of some more details on this from an a…

The Bible Says That All People Who Have Inferior Jeans Will Be Rounded Up And Destroyed
"It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind....Three generations of i…

I Am Not Worried About Sharia Law Taking Over America, Feminism And Female Empowerment Are More Dangerous Than Sharia Law
By Theodore Shoebat I am not worried about Sharia law, I am more worried about She-ria law, that is, the tyrannical feminism that we see in the Western world. I did a whole video on this:…

Bengali Government Forces Two Hundred Christian Groups To In The Name Of 'Fighting Terrorism'
The government of Bangladesh recently changed a law to that has forced two hundred Christian organizations to shut down for being Christian under the guise of 'fighting terrorism' according to a recent report:...the Bangladeshi government has in…

Four Witch Doctors Rape And Ritually Sacrifice Woman, Hundreds Of People Come To The Doctors And Beg To Feast On Her Flesh For Power
Four witch doctors kidnapped a woman and after taking turns raping her, they slaughtered her and carved her body up like an animal. People then came to the doctors asking to help them get richer, more power, or better sexual performance, and the…

Sex Robot Brothels Have Become So Popular That Prostitutes Are Being Replaced With Dolls
Last year, we reported that we are in the third stage of the sexual revolution, and by far the most dangerous one. We noted that last stage is the final separation of human intimacy from the act itself, reducing sexual activity to a purely hedon…