Europeans are sick and tired of Muslims. They are sick and tired of Islam. No matter what they have done, no matter how much food and kind treatment these Muslims have received, all the Europeans have gotten in return was rape, robbery, and viol…
Three Muslims Lure French Teen Girl To The Eiffel Tower At Night, They Tie Her Up And Take Turns Raping Her While She Screams For Help
The only reason the Muslims stopped raping her was because two joggers heard her screaming and came to her rescue:Two joggers heard the victim's screams and found her partially naked and crying in Champs de Mars near the monumentThree Algerian t…

USA Strikes Back At ISIS, They Flee In Terror As Air Strikes Pound The Terrorists Back Into The Sand
It took long enough. Dead ISIS Terrorists.After years of watching ISIS destroy Iraq and Syria, rape and dispel thousands of Christians, and make ritual human sacrifice videos, all with the help of the US, the US has finally struck back and ISIS …

Muslims Take Small Children And Cut Their Heads Off With Axes
ISIS terrorists in Iraq hunted down Yezidis, shooting them as they ran, capturing their children and decapitating them with axes. As we read in one horrifying report:A Yazidi mother and her son have detailed their community's horrific encounter …

Muslims Kidnap Ten Year Old Girls And Rape Them
ISIS Muslims in Afghanistan are kidnapping ten year old girls and raping them, this is being reported by an ex-ISIS member. Now, while he says that this is evil is not of Islam (which is obviously not true), we can still learn from this report a…

Muslims Attack Christian Area, Slaughter The Pastors And Butcher The Christians, They Then Tell Them: "We Will Kill The Christians, We Will Bomb Your Churches And Kill Every Christian In The City," One Christian Escapes And Travels To England. Now The British Government Is Going To Deport Him
When ISIS Muslims invaded Mosul, they slaughtered and butchered the priests and the Christians, and it was an absolute horror. There was a 25 year old Christian, named Sarmad Ozan, who managed to escape. His brother had become a priest, and afte…

What The Media Is Not Telling YOU About The Muslim In New York Who Hacked An Officer With A Cleaver. Read His Own Confession To Become A Muslim Jihadi Martyr
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)What no media has revealed regarding this 'crescent sword Jihadi' should stun Americans as to the type of migrants coming in. He was Palestinian, migrant from Syria, named Akram Joudeh. His Facebook page revea…

'You Have Gone Too Far' Poland, Hungary, And Eastern Europe Says No EU Super State, No "European Army," And Most Of All No More Muslims
Poland and Hungary have been leading the fight along with the rest of Eastern Europe against the Muslim invaders. Now in another development as Germany and other Western European nations are calling for more Muslims and a "United States of Europ…

Muslim Pedophile Gang Kidnaps Random Christian Boy, Then They Take Turns Raping Him Before Murdering Him And Hanging His Body From A Tree
Teenager Zeeshan Masih was visiting his uncle and went out to buy a soda but never came home. They found his raped and murdered body hanging from a tree, and when they reported it, the media covered up the story by said he died from eating fruit…

235,000 Muslims Are Right Now Heading Towards Italy To Invade Rome And To Help Create An Islamic Empire
By Theodore Shoebat235,000 Muslims are heading towards Italy. This is no doubt going to be a part of the Islamic invasion of Rome, an aspiration that has been being pursued since the time of Muhammad. Martin Kobler, who is the head of a UN peace…

'You Care More About Vague Conspiracies Than Human Sacrifice' Christian Man Fools Entire Internet With Conspiracy Video And Rips America's Criminal Attitude Towards Abortion
T. Russell Hunter is an anti-abortion activist who made a fake conspiracy video that has caught the interest of the Internet for a month now. The video, which was on Bad Self Eater (An Anagram for "Federal Beast"), was actually a hoax he made to…