By BI: “Spencer, go!’ How hero American airman charged Kalashnikov-wielding terrorist on French train, tackled him and beat him unconscious with the help of his comrade in arms and a friend. Moroccan Muslim terrorist subdued by U.S. Servicemen and t…
‘The Donald’ wows them in Alabama!
By BI: No notes, no teleprompter, no apologies, no holds barred…Donald Trump breaks all the rules of political discourse, drawing support from traditional Democrat strongholds including Jews, Minorities, Young People, Women, Blacks, and even Hispani…

IRAQ: Soon all the Christian towns will be ghost towns as the Islamic State ethnically cleanses the country
By BI: But where are they going? The EU and the US only offer asylum to Muslim illegal aliens and refugees, which eventually will turn famous European and American cities into Muslim slums or ghost towns, too. Unlike the Muslim freeloaders looking f…

Muslims Bulldoze Church That Was Built Five Hundred Years After The Death Of Christ
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS bulldozing ancient monastery Muslims in Syria — all members of ISIS — bulldozed an ancient monastery that eas built 1,500 after the death of Christ. Here is the report: The Islamic State group on Friday demolished a monaster…

Archeologists Discover A 4000 Year Old Archeological Find Linking Allah To Lucifer And The “Harlot Religion”
By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat 4000 years old is as close as we can get to connecting how old is “Allah” as deity, his relation to the great rebellion, sex, war … everything. Amid excavations at four different ancient sites in the Central Ana…

Over A Million People Are Living As Slaves In Saudi Arabia, And Obama Never Once Has Mentioned This. Instead He Is Too B...
By Theodore Shoebat In Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf States, there are around over a million slaves. Obama has never mentioned this, rather he is too busy blaming America for racism. These are deprived of food, adequate living conditions and are many…

Donald Trump is filling up stadiums while Jeb Bush can barely fill the banquet room down at the Best Western
“Suppose Jeb Bush is telling the truth, and Donald Trump is not really a conservative. How sad is it that Trump is better playing a make-believe conservative than someone who professes to be a real conservative?” -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

Muslim Man In France Opens Fire On People In A Train Station. He Injures Three People, But Then Two Righteous American S...
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim Moroccan man in France opened on people in a train station. He wounded three people, and would have murdered many if it wasn’t for two righteous American soldiers who were at the scene. They tackled down the Muslim and r…

YES, HE’S A MUSLIM! Unarmed US Marines avert high-speed train massacre by taking down Kalashnikov-wielding gunman who in...
By BI: A Moroccan MUSLIM gunman, who opened fire with an assault rifle onboard a high-speed train was taken down by a group of US Marines who were traveling on the service. The Muslim terrorist, known by French intelligence services, is understood …

CHRISTIANS ONLY, PLEASE! Slovakia isn’t the only Eastern European country refusing to take in Muslim refugees
By BI: Syrian Christians are under threat of extinction and deserving of asylum in majority Christian countries of the West. But this has outraged the European Union Commission which is livid that several Central & Eastern European countries don’t …

Greece’s Radical Leftist Prime Minister Resigns In Defeat
Greece’s Radical Leftist Prime Minister Resigns In Defeat Greece’s Radical Leftist Prime Minister Resigns In Defeat Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is resigning days after the Greek parliament officially approved a third stringent bailout packa…

Somos Todos Iguais: Connecting Police Violence In the U.S. and Brazil
Somos Todos Iguais: Connecting Police Violence In the U.S. and Brazil Somos Todos Iguais: Connecting Police Violence In the U.S. and Brazil Despite half its population claiming African roots, Brazil's police have been implicated in what rights group…

The Kids Call Us Out: Filing Lawsuits for Science-Based Climate Recovery
The Kids Call Us Out: Filing Lawsuits for Science-Based Climate Recovery The Kids Call Us Out: Filing Lawsuits for Science-Based Climate Recovery It’s time for everyone who works on climate or cares about it to admit the truth – We can’t say we are…