By Theodore ShoebatVery recently Robert Spencer wrote an article for PJ Media, openly promoting homosexual pornographic material. Of course, the article is guised as being "Counterjihad," while at the same time pushing for perverted and degener…
Woman In Florida Murders Her Own Mother And Tries To Get Away With It
Marla E. D'Andrea, a murderer who took the life of her own motherBy Theodore Shoebat Another story thats shows how sick and decayed American society has become. A woman in Florida murdered her own mother and tried to get away with it. Such a sad…

New Evidence Reveals That The US Government Was Involved In Major Massacre In Mexico In Which Cartels Kidnapped And Butchered Eighty Families
New evidence reveals that the US government played a role in a major massacre in Allende, a city in the Mexican state of Coahuila, in which hundreds of people were kidnapped and butchered. According to one account of the massacre:At that time, d…

Islamic Terrorists Stop Car Full Of Christians, They Ask A Man To Convert To Islam, He Refuses, The Terrorists Force His Son To Watch Them Murder His Own Father. The Jihadists Then Slaughter Everyone In The Car
In May of this year, the Islamic State massacred 29 Christians as they were driving to a monastery. Now new details about the horrors of this slaughter are being reported. There was a Christian boy who was forced to watch his own father being ex…

European Court Orders That A Terminally Baby Be Put To Death, The Parents Say They Can Take The Child To America To Be Cured But The Court Orders That The Child Must Die
A European court has ordered that a terminally ill baby be put to death. The parents want to take the child to America to get a shot that could cure him, but the court has ordered that the child has to have his plug pulled. This is a desensitiza…

Muslim Terrorists Take Women And Force Them Into Sex Slavery, They Take Five Christians And Behead Them, They Slaughter Another Twelve People
Muslim terrorists in the Philippines are beheading Christians and forcing women to become sex slaves. A report that came out recently reveals that Islamic terrorists in Catholic Marawi beheaded five people and butchered another twelve. This is p…

Hindu Mob Seizes Christian Man And Orders Him To Worship Hindu Gods, He Refuses And They Brutally Beat Him
A Hindu mob in India seized a Christian man and told him to worship Hindu gods, when he refused they brutally beat him. As we read in one report:People in India have been converting to Christianity following what has been described as miraculous…

Terrorist In Manhattan Goes To A Church And Asks Man If He Is A Christian, The Man Says, 'Yes I Am,' The Terrorist Declares: 'I Will Blow Up This Church, And I Will Kill All Of The Christians Because Of Your Faith.'
By Theodore Shoebat and Andrew Bieszad A terrorist in Manhattan named Noel Droni went to a church and asked a man if he was a Christian, and when he said that he was, Droni said that he will blow up the church and kill all the Christians because…

Major Conservative Media Outlets Are Now Promoting Satanism As The Future Of The 'Right Wing'
Lauren Southern, formerly of Rebel Media and now operating as an "independent journalist," has worked closely with Breitbart News, the National Socialist Martin Sellner who we famously exposed on, and other "alt-right" groups that ar…

Chinese Government Kidnaps Catholic Bishop And Now Nobody Knows Where He Is
The Chinese Government has been attacking the Catholic Church by using "legal enforcement" to attack churches, kidnap and torture priests and believers. According to a recent report, Chinese Bishop Peter Shao has been abducted by the Chinese gov…
Homosexual Pervert In Thong Publicly Gyrates In Front Of Little Girl At "Gay Pride" Event In San Francisco
Homosexuals are pouring out a torrent of filth across the world as shameless men engage in vile sexual activity in front of the most innocent of people. This includes young children.In a recent "gay pride" parade in San Francisco, a bystander to…