Patriotic American Tells School Board to Cut Out The Teaching of
Patriotic American Tells School Board to Cut Out The Teaching of "The Peaceful Religion"

Posted by Keith DaviesChris Wyrick a resident of San Diego, tired of the PC fools in his school district tell his school board what he thinks.Worth a watch and inspiration to us all to tell each and every school board in this country to stop the…

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16,000 Christians Are Now Hiding In Giant Catholic Cathedral To Escape
Violence As Soldiers Slaughter Them
16,000 Christians Are Now Hiding In Giant Catholic Cathedral To Escape Violence As Soldiers Slaughter Them

16,000 Christians are said to be hiding in a Catholic Cathedral in Sudan, trying to take refuge from the horrific violence that has been rampant in the region on account of a devastating civil war. According to the report:As violence and civil w…

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Serbian Military Confiscates Thousands Of Machine Guns, Rifles, Mortars
And Grenades That Were Being Transported Into Macedonia To Cause
Extremely Bloody Conflict
Serbian Military Confiscates Thousands Of Machine Guns, Rifles, Mortars And Grenades That Were Being Transported Into Macedonia To Cause Extremely Bloody Conflict

The Serbian military just recently confiscated thousands of machine guns, rifles, grenades and mortars that were being transported from Serbia to Macedonia. Why were they being sent? To spark violent conflict in the Balkans. I suspect that Germa…

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Unheard Of And Unthinkable: Turkey Reveals That Hamas Terrorist
Organization Just Ditched The Muslim Brotherhood And Is READY To
Recognize Israel
Unheard Of And Unthinkable: Turkey Reveals That Hamas Terrorist Organization Just Ditched The Muslim Brotherhood And Is READY To Recognize Israel

By Walid ShoebatIf you plug "Hamas will recognize Israel" on Google, the only hit you will get is from Shoebat.com. You will not get anyone in the world making such a prediction. It was considered impossible to even fathom such an idea that Hama…

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The Turkish Government And The German Government Are Now Working
Together In Major Operation To Build Up Their Militaries
The Turkish Government And The German Government Are Now Working Together In Major Operation To Build Up Their Militaries

The Turkish government and the German government are now working together in a major operation to increase their arms manufacturing and strengthen their militaries. I did a whole video on this situation:…

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Franklin Graham Goes To Iraq, And Meets With Muslim Iranian Militias,
And They Tell Him:
Franklin Graham Goes To Iraq, And Meets With Muslim Iranian Militias, And They Tell Him: "We Are Here To Kill ISIS, And After We Kill ISIS, We’re Going To Kill Americans”

Franklin Graham was in Iraq recently and recounted how he and his team met with Iranian militias who are fighting ISIS, and how they recounted to them: "We are here to kill ISIS, and after we kill ISIS, we’re going to kill Americans,” as we read…

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Once Secret Christian Converts From Islam In Morocco Now Demanding
Right To Openly Profess Christ
Once Secret Christian Converts From Islam In Morocco Now Demanding Right To Openly Profess Christ

Being a Christian is dangerous anywhere in the Muslim world. This is especially true in Morocco, which is not only more than 99% Muslim, but has a history going back to the earliest days of Islam as being a bastion of war against Christian Europ…

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Pakistani Hospital Forces Christian Employees To Blaspheme Christ Every
Day Or Be Fired
Pakistani Hospital Forces Christian Employees To Blaspheme Christ Every Day Or Be Fired

Being a Christian while surrounded by others who hate you for your faith is very difficult. But imagine being forced by your employer to blaspheme your own faith each day or else be unable to pay your bills.That is what is happening at a hospita…

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Three Out Of Four Christians Have Fled Iraq For Their Lives And That
Number Continues To Grow
Three Out Of Four Christians Have Fled Iraq For Their Lives And That Number Continues To Grow

Prior to 2003, there were millions of Christians in Iraq. Now after years of war and the horrors of ISIS, three out of four Christians have fled Iraq and that number continues to grow as those left behind struggle to escape with their lives befo…

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Cult In Great Britain Takes Man, Knocks His Teeth Out With A Hammer,
And Rips His Testicles Out And Forces Him To Eat Them
Cult In Great Britain Takes Man, Knocks His Teeth Out With A Hammer, And Rips His Testicles Out And Forces Him To Eat Them

By Theodore Shoebat A cult in Great Britain horrifically tortured a man to death. In this horrific event, they knocked his teeth out with a hammer, ripped his testicles out and forced him to eat them. The story is reflective of the demonic takeo…

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Pope Francis Cites Major Catholic Prophecy That God Is Going To Destroy
The World By Fire From Heaven
Pope Francis Cites Major Catholic Prophecy That God Is Going To Destroy The World By Fire From Heaven

Reading the news for us has taken on a cinematic quality, with each day's news showing another prophecy as though one was in a movie except that it isn't a movie- it's real.Pope Francis made a statement recently about North Korea and the potenti…

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Muslim Uber Driver Tells Passenger That He Is With ISIS, Then
Asks 'Have You Ever Tasted Human Flesh?', She Calls The Police And They
Do Nothing
Muslim Uber Driver Tells Passenger That He Is With ISIS, Then Asks 'Have You Ever Tasted Human Flesh?', She Calls The Police And They Do Nothing

Imagine the horror of taking a taxi only to realize you are trapped in that vehicle with a driver who is both a terrorist and a cannibal who then starts asking you about the taste of human meat. That is what happened to one woman in Australia, w…

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ISIS Sex Slavers Attack Iraqi Christian Woman And Steal Her 6-Year-Old
Daughter Right Off Her Shoulders For Refusing To Convert To Islam
ISIS Sex Slavers Attack Iraqi Christian Woman And Steal Her 6-Year-Old Daughter Right Off Her Shoulders For Refusing To Convert To Islam

A Christian woman was trying to flee after ISIS terrorists had taken over her down and demanded they convert to Islam. Instead they were captured and gave her daughter to an older Tunisian jihadi, and the told her never to ask about her again or…

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Muslim Man Stabs Afghani Woman To Death In Front Of Her Children After
She Abandons Islam To Follow Jesus
Muslim Man Stabs Afghani Woman To Death In Front Of Her Children After She Abandons Islam To Follow Jesus

Many Muslims who have recently come to Europe from the Middle East and Africa are abandoning Islam for Christ. The move is so large that once dead or dying church buildings are now filled with these people. That said, the hatred Islam has for Ch…

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The British Ambassador to Egypt is a Major Supporter of the Muslim
Brotherhood: Exposed and Embarrassed but hidden By Our Pathetic Media
The British Ambassador to Egypt is a Major Supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood: Exposed and Embarrassed but hidden By Our Pathetic Media

Link to Article by Ben BarrackGreat Britain’s Ambassador to Egypt, John Casson is facing increased pressure to leave his host country Egypt. The underlying reason is that Casson appears sympathetic to Muslim Brotherhood terrorists.Read More …

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Turkey Bans TV Dating, Bans Calling Erdogan A Hen, Bans Jews and
Christians From Objecting To The Muslim Call To Prayer And Eyes
Jerusalem For A Future Invasion
Turkey Bans TV Dating, Bans Calling Erdogan A Hen, Bans Jews and Christians From Objecting To The Muslim Call To Prayer And Eyes Jerusalem For A Future Invasion

By Walid ShoebatThere will be absolutely no dating allowed and any images portraying Erdogan as a "hen" instead of a "rooster" or a "donkey" instead of "a horse" will be severely punished, while Jerusalem Jews and Christians must endure the blas…

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Christian Mother Imprisoned For Years On Death Row Over False Blasphemy
Charges Has Her Case For Appeal Delayed Again
Christian Mother Imprisoned For Years On Death Row Over False Blasphemy Charges Has Her Case For Appeal Delayed Again

Asia Bibi is a woman from Pakistan who has been sitting on death row wince 2010 for false blasphemy charges. Her case has garnered international attention and has been instrumental in bringing to light the horrible situation which Christians liv…

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