There are people who are using the Muslim problem to justify Nazi ideology. In this video I discussed a lot on this, and how there needs to be discernment to prevent us from revering certain political figures and ideologues who want to use their…
Forty Thousand Christians Say That They Feel Safer Under Bashar Al-Assad And Are Terrified Of The Islamic Rebels Returning To Their Neighborhoods
Forty thousand Christians living in Aleppo feel safer now that their city is under Bashar al-Assad -- thanks to Russia -- and fear the return of the Islamic rebels, as we read in one report:The estimated 40,000 Christians in Aleppo are not among…

German Citizens Kill Muslim Immigrants, And The German Government Is Supporting And Protecting Them
By Theodore ShoebatThere is a major conspiracy being done by the German government to advance and revive Nazi ideology. National Socialist terrorists have murdered immigrants, and the evil elements within the state have protected them, while fac…

Muslim Teen Rapes And Then Tries To Murder Greek Girl, He Is Arrested And Released, Goes To Germany And He Rapes And Murders ANOTHER Woman There
In a horrible story coming out of Germany, a Muslim teen raped and murdered a German girl. If that was not bad enough, he had raped and attempted to murder a girl in Greece three years earlier. The Greek police not only knew about the entire sto…

Major Civil Unrest Is Going To Hit Italy, Much Violence Will Come To The Streets, The Light Of Christianity Will Shine, But Only After Much Death And Suffering
Civil unrest is going to hit Italy, much violence will come to the streets. However, the light of the Faith will shine, but only after much bloodshed and suffering. I spoke with Andrea Cusumanu, an Italian citizen who has been quite focused on I…

Woman In Scotland Beats Elderly Woman To Death With A Rolling Pin In “Breathtakingly Wicked” Crime
A woman in Scotland beat an elderly woman to death with a rolling pin in what is being called a “breathtakingly wicked” crime. Of course the "counter-jihad" does not talk about these crimes which happen frequently in Western societies, because t…

Egyptian Christians Declare To Muslim Terrorists After Worst Attack Yet 'We Are Ready To Forgive You And We Have Already Forgiven You For This Sin'
We reported several days ago about how Muslim terrorists launched a horrible attack on a Christian church in Egypt. In response, Christians told the Muslims who did the attack that they forgiven them for this sin:Christians in Egypt have forgive…

Germany's Government Is Committing Genocide Against Its Own People By Intentionally Hooking As Many Of Its Own Women Up With Muslims
We have been documenting how the German government has been literally trying to play matchmaker between German women and these "new Muslim" men in Germany. Well, the situation has become much worse, so much to the point that the German governmen…

Read About The Absolute Horror That Is Happening Right Now In Syria, Children Are Being Burned Alive, Large Numbers Of Women Are Committing Suicide To Prevent Being Raped
New reports coming in from the United Nations show what horrors are happening in Syria. Children are being burned alive and women are committing suicide to prevent being raped. You can read about these sinister and very moribund happenings in th…

American Evangelical Christian Pastor Goes To Turkey, And Declares To Muslims The Gospel Of Jesus Christ, The Turkish Police Arrest Him And Throw Him Into Prison, And He Is Now Stuck Behind Bars, Persecuted For The Cause Of Christ
By Walid ShoebatLast month warned of the coming Christian persecution in Turkey urging all westerners to leave that country. Today we learned about a case of one U.S pastor's horrific ordeal in Turkey: Andrew Brunson and his wife, No…

Three Muslim Men Try To Rape Danish Woman Out For Walk, Her Dog Joins In The Fight, Bites The Muslims And They Run Away
Three Muslim would-be rapists got a huge surprise when they attacked and tried to rape a woman in Denmark recently. To their surprise, her dog that she was walking joined in the fight, biting the Muslims and chasing them away:Here is a dog who d…

There Is A Major Conspiracy Being Conducted Right Now By Very Powerful People To Cause War In Europe, Death And Carnage On The Streets
There is a major conspiracy being conducted right now by very powerful people to cause war in Europe. There are using the Muslims, neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists to cause chaos and instability. The influx of Muslims has given influential lever…