Insanely Demonic Australian Couple Takes SEVEN Of Their Unborn
Children, Chops Them Up Into Little Pieces And Makes Them Into Jewelry
Insanely Demonic Australian Couple Takes SEVEN Of Their Unborn Children, Chops Them Up Into Little Pieces And Makes Them Into Jewelry

It sounds like a horror story, but the reality is as just as bad as it sounds.According to a recent story coming out of Australia, a couple who conceived nine children through In-Vitro Fertilization decided they only wanted to keep two of them, …

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Man Gets High On Meth, Goes In Front Of Youth Shelter And
Begins 'Vigorously Masturbating' While Screaming 'I Want To Go Back To
Prison Because I F_cking Hate Portland'
Man Gets High On Meth, Goes In Front Of Youth Shelter And Begins 'Vigorously Masturbating' While Screaming 'I Want To Go Back To Prison Because I F_cking Hate Portland'

A man in Portland, Oregon got high on methamphetamine, walked in front of a shelter for homeless youth, pulled out his genitals and began 'vigorously' pleasuring himself until an officer saw him and stopped him. He told the officer that he was h…

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Major American Journalist Declares 'Christian Persecution Is Not A Real
Problem; The Real Problem Is The Persecution of Islam And Muslims In
Major American Journalist Declares 'Christian Persecution Is Not A Real Problem; The Real Problem Is The Persecution of Islam And Muslims In America'

Millions of Christians are being abused, tortured, and slaughtered at the hands of Muslims. It's an obvious and undeniable fact this is happening worldwide. Yet some people still persist in denying reality.One such person is journalist Matthew D…

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ISIS Takes Families That Try To Escape And Starves Them To Death By
Returning Them To Their Homes And Then Welding Them Shut Inside
ISIS Takes Families That Try To Escape And Starves Them To Death By Returning Them To Their Homes And Then Welding Them Shut Inside

There are many horror stories about being sealed into rooms where there is no escape as the inevitably of death slowly creeps up onto its next victim. But the horrors described by writers such as Edgar Allen Poe in A Cast of Amontillado have bec…

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Muslim Terrorists Butcher Twenty Five People
Muslim Terrorists Butcher Twenty Five People

Muslim terrorists in Pakistan butchered twenty five people in another jihadist attack, as we read in one report:A bomb exploded next to a convoy of the deputy chairman of the Pakistan Senate on Friday (May 12) in the violence-plagued province of…

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Many Protestants And Evangelical Conservatives Will Fall For The
Many Protestants And Evangelical Conservatives Will Fall For The Antichrist

Yes, thats right. I said it. Many right wingers, protestants and conservative evangelicals will fall for the Antichrist. I did a whole video explaining why: …

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Major Christian Leader Declares: Regime Change In Syria Will Only Lead
To The Slaughter Of Christians
Major Christian Leader Declares: Regime Change In Syria Will Only Lead To The Slaughter Of Christians

A major Christian leader, Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, has declared that "regime change" would only lead to the slaughter and persecution of Christians, giving a warning to US foreign policy, since its actions have been very d…

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Major Leader Of The Vatican Who Was Appointed By Pope Francis
Declares: 'There Are Homosexuals In Heaven, When We Go To Heaven We
Will Be Greeted By Homosexuals.'
Major Leader Of The Vatican Who Was Appointed By Pope Francis Declares: 'There Are Homosexuals In Heaven, When We Go To Heaven We Will Be Greeted By Homosexuals.'

A major leader of the Vatican who was appointed by Pope Francis last month to the Vatican’s communications office, has declared that there are homosexuals in heaven and that when we go to heaven we will be greeted by these perverts. The name of …

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Imam in Denmark Caught Red Handed Preaching for the Incitment to
Imam in Denmark Caught Red Handed Preaching for the Incitment to Murder "The Filthy Zionists", Even the BBC reports the incident

Posted by Keith DaviesOriginal Research on this Story was done by MEMRI a 501 c 3 organization that translates Arabic to English which exposes the double talk from the "moderate" Imams, Sheiks and Muslim leaders.As it has previously in Germany, …

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'Daily Beatings, Starvation, Torture And Suicide Bombings'- Rescued
Children From ISIS Captivity Tell Horror Stories
'Daily Beatings, Starvation, Torture And Suicide Bombings'- Rescued Children From ISIS Captivity Tell Horror Stories

ISIS has captured hundreds of children and been forcing them to carry out the group's horrible crimes. As ISIS power wanes and some of the boys have either been rescued or escaped, they are emerging with horror stories about life in ISIS captivi…

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"I Was Cleaning Society Of Biological Waste" Russian Man Brags In Court About How He Convinced Over A Dozen Teen Girls To Commit Suicide

Philipp Budeikin of Russia has a sick hobby- convincing young girl from broken families to kill themselves for fun.The 21-year-old, who bragged that he was 'cleaning society of biological waste', made an online app called "Blue Whale" which he u…

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Christian Pastor Sentenced To 12 Years In Sudan Miraculously Released
By Presidential Pardon
Christian Pastor Sentenced To 12 Years In Sudan Miraculously Released By Presidential Pardon

We had reported several months ago how three Christians were arrested and facing the death penalty for spreading the Gospel in Sudan. One man was jailed for life but was later released and deported, and two others were given 12-year prison sente…

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How Muslim North Sudan And Militarist Germany Helped To Continue The
Horrific Civil War In Christian South Sudan
How Muslim North Sudan And Militarist Germany Helped To Continue The Horrific Civil War In Christian South Sudan

Bodies of victims of the South Sudanese conflictBy Theodore ShoebatSince 2013 there has been a civil war in South Sudan; over 50,000 people have been killed as a result of the conflict, 2.5 million displaced, and 4 million left in utter poverty.…

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Muslims In Europe Engage In Violent Persecution Of Christian Converts
As Thousand Of Muslims Are Turning To Jesus And Filling Europe's Empty
Muslims In Europe Engage In Violent Persecution Of Christian Converts As Thousand Of Muslims Are Turning To Jesus And Filling Europe's Empty Churches

Islam is rising in Europe and is a grave threat. But the violence of Islam has a silver lining to it, as that is the Muslims are becoming more violent because many recent Muslim arrivals to Europe are abandoning Islam for Christ. Thousands have …

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Satanist Attacks Catholic Church In Spain And Tries To Desecrate Holy
Veil Of Veronica
Satanist Attacks Catholic Church In Spain And Tries To Desecrate Holy Veil Of Veronica

Christianity is under attack worldwide, and evil people are making bolder and more brazen attempts to desecrate the sacred.The Holy veil of Veronica is housed at the Monastery of the Holy Face in Alicante, Spain. A woman hid in the church and at…

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