“The Presidential Covid-19 Task Force informs the public that four (4) cases of a new Covid-19 variant now known as B.1.1.529, were reported and recorded on Monday 22nd November 2021 … The preliminary report revealed that all the four had been fully vaccinated for Covid-19.” – Botswana Presidential Covid-19 Task Force, Press Release, 25 November 2021.
The new African variant, B.1.1.529, has been assigned “Omicron” – the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet – by the World Health Organisation (“WHO”). The WHO considers it to be a variant of concern.
In mid-July 2021, the World Economic Forum published an article which noted: “South African scientists have discovered a new Covid-19 variant and they’re concerned that it [a “very unusual constellation” of mutations] could help it evade the body’s immune response and make the variant – named B.1.1.529 – more transmissible.”
In mid-August 2021, MyBroadBand published an article titled ‘When Covid-19 Fourth Wave Will Hit South Africa’. Quoting Salim Abdool Karim, former chairman of the government’s ministerial advisory committee on Covid-19: “South Africa expects the fourth wave of coronavirus infections to start on 2 December and last about 75 days,” MyBroadBand reported. It seems Karim was accurate, almost to the day, how did he know?
Nick Hudson, a South African and chairman of PANDA, took to twitter yesterday: “Now where have I heard public health officials making outlandish claims about a “variant” based on zero evidence? Oh yes, I remember now. This time last year.”
Around this time last year, having been first detected in October 2020, the South African Beta variant was reported by South Africa’s health department on 18 December 2020. The WHO considered it to be a variant of concern.
Established in April 2020, PANDA – Pandemics Data and Analytics – is a group of multi-disciplinary professionals, who perceive the global reaction to Covid, and lockdown in particular, as overwrought and damaging to the point of causing a great tear in the fabric of society.
“Our mission is simple: the science is clear on what key policy responses should be. Fuelling fear and removing agency from people’s lives across the world is not sound public health policy,” PANDA states on their website.
Below is Nick Hudson’s twitter thread regarding the Omicron variant.
Hudson begins his twitter thread: Now where have I heard public health officials making outlandish claims about a “variant” based on zero evidence?
Within weeks we knew that the average age of hospitalisations had gone up, yet government neither retracted nor explained its wild claims, which led to more bouts of senseless and destructive policies, such as beach closures and travel bans.
The accumulation of mutations is a steady process that occurs everywhere. The occurrence of “variants” is a discrete process that names a place and which is decided on by those calling the names. It’s primarily political.
Please everyone, wake up. There is no public health being practiced here. This is wilful propaganda designed to perpetuate a crisis well past its sell-by date.
Of note is that it seems most detections of this thing were in vaccinated people. This is interesting as all the mutations are on the spike protein, which the vaccines place evolutionary pressure upon. So, the instant knee-jerk that the vaccines will still work is revealing.
Much of the damage is already done. Hysteria works that way. Will our officials worsen it in the coming days with more policies that have already been demonstrated not to work? You bet.
You can also bet they will blame young people, the behaviour of the great unwashed and, of course, the unvaccinated. All equally stupid propositions in light of the evidence, but departure from science and reason does not bother these people.
Welcome to Clown World.
Don’t miss this crucial part of the politics. The source of this work is the source of the scandalously bad models that were used to motivate lockdowns in the first place, generously funded by stakeholders in the vaccine game.
Jordan Schachtel’s thread retweeted by Hudson continued: “Just published. Imperial College, the home of false pandemic proclamations, is the source of the latest “Nu variant” hysteria:”
“The new variant hysteria originated at Imperial College UK, the home of a disgraced, corrupted academic modelling institution that proselytized lockdowns to the Western world. Throughout COVID Mania, Imperial has been the source of countless versions of “new strain” propaganda. The institution does not only participate in shoddy modelling. It both foments the insanity and demands a series of totalitarian measures to deal with their faulty narrative creations.” – Jordan Schachtel, investigative journalist, New variant hysteria comes from same institution that popularized lockdowns & previous COVID scares
And before I have to suffer a deluge of indignation from Team Panic, please read this [letter from the Botswana Presidential Covid-19 Task Force], Hudson tweeted.

Hudson concluded his twitter thread: If you feel like a bit of fun on this dip into this amusing substack: botaswana (b.1.1.529) variant histrionics
We know PCR tests are not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as they cannot detect infections – they cannot distinguish between inactive (non-infectious) viruses and “live” or reproductive ones. But there may be some who believe that PCR tests are detecting genetic material of a specific Covid variant. Jerm Warfare, a South African podcast, recorded phone calls to three laboratories in South Africa asking whether they tested for the Delta variant. Listen below:
None of the laboratories are able to test for a particular variant. So how do South African officials, or officials of any other nation for that matter, know how many people tested “positive” or are infected with the Omicron or any other variant?
While corporate media are “gleeful, ready and willing to play up the terrors,” UK independent media responds to the news of the latest “Super Mutant African Variant” with here we go again …
You can watch the full UK Column News programme with Patrick Henningsen and Brian Gerrish HERE.

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source https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/11/27/nick-hudson-on-the-south-african-omicron-variant-weve-been-here-before-this-time-last-year/
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