Muslims In Israel Enter Bus And Begin Stabbing Elderly Christian Woman, As They Are Stabbing Her She Begins To Cry Out, ...
Muslims In Israel Enter Bus And Begin Stabbing Elderly Christian Woman, As They Are Stabbing Her She Begins To Cry Out, ...

By Theodore Shoebat Marike Veldman, Christian woman who survived the attack Two Muslims, one armed with a knife and another with a gun, entered a bus in Jerusalem and began. One of their targets was an elderly Christian woman. The one armed with a k…

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Muslim Immigrant Converts To Christianity In Germany And Begins To Preach The Gospel To Muslims, When The Muslims In The...
Muslim Immigrant Converts To Christianity In Germany And Begins To Preach The Gospel To Muslims, When The Muslims In The...

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim immigrant from Iran in Germany converted to Christianity and began preaching the Gospel to the other immigrants. When some of the Muslims in the immigration camp found out what was going on they attacked the Christian an…

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Muslim Immigrants In Germany Attack Christian Family, They Beat Up The Wife And Their Child, And Then Tell Them: “We wil...
Muslim Immigrants In Germany Attack Christian Family, They Beat Up The Wife And Their Child, And Then Tell Them: “We wil...

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim immigrants in Germany, as part of the flood of immigrants in Europe, attacked an Iraqi Christian family, attacking the wife and child and screaming, “We will kill you and drink your blood”. According to the report: Especia…

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“YOU’RE FIRED!” 100 hotel employees in Germany lose their jobs with no warning as government turns luxury hotel into hou...
“YOU’RE FIRED!” 100 hotel employees in Germany lose their jobs with no warning as government turns luxury hotel into hou...

By BI: Stunned workers at the 4-star Maritim Hotel in Saxony arrived at work, only to be told to go home because Angela Merkel has decided to convert the hotel into a shelter for Muslim invaders. All the hotel businesses and restaurants also had to …

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Russian Defence Ministry spokesman, Igor Konashenkov, confirms that Russian Air Forces have already conducted two traini...
Russian Defence Ministry spokesman, Igor Konashenkov, confirms that Russian Air Forces have already conducted two traini...

By BI: The Russian Air Force and its Israeli counterpart have started a joint training exercise in order to “ensure aviation safety in Syrian airspace”, the defence ministry in Moscow has revealed. “Hey Vlad, look at Obama, did he just flip us the b…

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Did you know that the Obama Regime is bribing businesses to hire foreigners instead of Americans?
Did you know that the Obama Regime is bribing businesses to hire foreigners instead of Americans?

By BI: Feds dangle $12,000 bonuses in taxpayer money to American corporations that hire foreign students. Washington Examiner  The Department of Homeland Security is readying a plan to expand a program that pays U.S. employers to hire foreign STEM s…

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Qatar And Saudi Arabia Are Now Sounding The Drumbeats Of War With Russia In Syria Calling For “The Destruction Of Damasc...
Qatar And Saudi Arabia Are Now Sounding The Drumbeats Of War With Russia In Syria Calling For “The Destruction Of Damasc...

By Walid Shoebat Qatar, the major sponsor of jihadist in Syria is now actively considering a direct military intervention in Syria, according to its officials. Saudi Arabia clerics are also unanimously calling for a Saudi military intervention in Da…

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The Government Of Spain Is Now Rescuing Christian Women Whose Husbands Were Murdered By ISIS, And Will Be Bringing Them ...
The Government Of Spain Is Now Rescuing Christian Women Whose Husbands Were Murdered By ISIS, And Will Be Bringing Them ...

By Keith Davies and Theodore Shoebat The government of Spain is now rescuing Christian women whose husbands were slaughtered by ISIS, and will be bringing them into Spain. This is part of the efforts of Rescue Christians, which has been working for …

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Erdogan, The Antichrist Leader Of Turkey, Is A Major Drug Dealer Who Has Now Made $200 Billion Dollars In Drug Sales. He...
Erdogan, The Antichrist Leader Of Turkey, Is A Major Drug Dealer Who Has Now Made $200 Billion Dollars In Drug Sales. He...

By Walid Shoebat In the second part Taleb Ibrahim (if you missed part I click here), a Syrian Middle East analyst who was also a lecturer at the High Institute of National Security in Syria reveals to Shoebat.com some more astonishing analysis regar…

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Should this chilling 2009 video called “Europe in 2029” be changed to “Europe in 2019?”
Should this chilling 2009 video called “Europe in 2029” be changed to “Europe in 2019?”

By BI: When this video was first posted several years ago, it predicted total chaos in Europe by the year 2029 caused by Muslim immigration. However, now that this ‘immigration’ wave has turned into a full-scale invasion army of Muslim parasites, ra…

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DONALD TRUMP not only would revoke U.S. passports from Muslims who join terrorist groups, he would shut down the terror ...
DONALD TRUMP not only would revoke U.S. passports from Muslims who join terrorist groups, he would shut down the terror ...

By BI: Gee, that could mean the closing of hundreds of mosques around the country…maybe more! -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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By BI: No, this is not Pakistan or Crapistan. It’s not even Dearbornistan. This is downtown Los Angeles, California where Muslim supremacists think they have the right block traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, whenever they feel like lifting the…

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The God of Israel inflicted 10 plagues on Egypt…but the God of self-loathing Liberalism is inflicting an 11th plague on ...
The God of Israel inflicted 10 plagues on Egypt…but the God of self-loathing Liberalism is inflicting an 11th plague on ...

By BI: Hey…what did they do with all the Muslim women and children so-called refugees? -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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HEARTBREAKING! Homeless Italian citizens forced to live in tents or cars while hordes of Muslim illegal alien invaders a...
HEARTBREAKING! Homeless Italian citizens forced to live in tents or cars while hordes of Muslim illegal alien invaders a...

By BI: How dare the Italian government put the lives of Muslim freeloaders, rapists, and terrorists before its own people? Europe will pay the price of turning their countries into Islamic hellholes. Hopefully, the Italians will do to their leaders …

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