Sometimes all you have to do is give them the rope and they will hang themselves.Justin Bouma sent a letter with "white powder" to a mosque with "Islamophobic" threats in it, and he claimed on August 11 to media it was a "hate crime." Now pendin…
Christians Hire Security Guards To Protect Their Church, A Muslim Man Comes In And Stabs One Of The Guards To Death, The Other Guards Rush In And Shoot The Muslim Attacker To Death
Christians in Egypt hired body guards to protect their church. A Muslim man came in and stabbed one of the guards to death. The other guards rushed in and shot the attacker down. As we read in one report:Church guards in Egypt shot dead a knife-…

American Girl Captured By ISIS Told To Convert To Islam Or Die, She Refused And Over The Course Of TWO YEARS ISIS Slowly Tortured And Sexually Abused Her To Death But She Never Apostatized- Christians This Is What Real Faith Looks Like
Christians, this is what real faith looks like.Take the time to read and study the entire story, because this is what real faith in the face of persecution looks like. She was raped, tortured, enslaved, harassed, even by Mohammed "Jihadi John" E…

ISIS Takes Six Of Its Own Leaders And Tortures Them To Death With Flame Throwers- Live By The Sword Die By The Sword
In a recent report, ISIS has executed six its officers who tried to escape by torturing them to death with flamethrowers:The Islamic State terror group has executed six of its leaders with a weapon that sprays out burning fuel in the Nineveh Pro…

Muslim Terrorist Takes Young Boy And Uses Him As A Living Footrest
Circulated photo alleging an FSA Islamist from Jarablus stepping on a Kurdish child.By Walid ShoebatThe photo is said to be an FSA terrorist (which Obama supports) stepping on the head of a Kurdish child in Jarablus, Syria. These too, like Zenki…

Muslim Man In America Takes A Gun And Murders Three People, Another Muslim Attacks A Man And a Woman And Stabs Them While Screaming "Allahu Akbar!" He Then Takes The Man And Starts Decapitating Him
(LEFT) Wasil Farooqui, who stabbed two people and tried to decapitated one of them in Ohio. (RIGHT) Muhammad S. Ali, murdered three people in VirginiaA Muslim man in Ohio took out a gun and murdered three people. Another Muslim, in Virginia, sta…

Horrific Photo Just Emerged That Shows Obama And Erdogan’s Syrian Invasion Is A SCAM
Circulated photo alleging an FSA Islamist from Jarablus stepping on a Kurdish child.By Walid ShoebatThe photo is said to be an FSA terrorist (which Obama supports) stepping on the head of a Kurdish child in Jarablus, Syria. These too, like Zenki…

ISIS Takes 27 People, Puts Some In Iron Cages And Drowns Them In Iraq's Former Olympic Swimming Pool, Shoots Some In The Head And Beheads The Rest
The Ghazi Stadium in Kabul was built in 1923 for football games, but the Taliban turned it into a coliseum for exhibiting their barbaric executions during the 1990s. In the same spirit, ISIS has taken Iraq's former Olympic swimming pool for trai…

Christians Gather Together To Worship Christ, Muslim Agents For The Iranian Government Raid The Bible Study, They Take Eleven Of The Christians And Force Them Into An Iranian Prison
Christians in Iran gathered together for their worship service, when all of a sudden Islamic agents for the Iranian government raided the Bible study and arrested 11 Christians. As we read in one report:Iranian authorities have arrested 11 Chris…

The Coming Sex Robot Revolution Proves Again Catholic Prophecy That Says The Final Battle Will Be Over Marriage And The Family
Bl. Lucia dos Santos as a childBl. Lucia dos Santos,one of the visionaries of Our Lady of Fatima, said that in the end times, the final battle will be over marriage and the family. We are seeing this play out today with the broken state of man-w…

Muslim Man Sits Down At Table Of Random Swedish Woman In McDonalds And Says 'I Want To Have Sex With You,' She Says "No," He Follows Her Home And Tries To Rape Her, And Then Says He Doesn't Remember Anything
Ahmed, the "McDonalds Rapist" caught on security cameraYou see it all the time at McDonalds or other fast food places in the inner cities. Some (usually) dirty stranger acting bizarrely will approach somebody eating at a table and start talking …

"Liberals" Are Ready And Willing To Vote for An Ardent Racist
Hat Tip Dr. Paul Kengor.The hypocrisy of the left shows no bounds. When Donald Trump was castigated for not condemning “hard enough” David Duke and the white supremacists who were supporting his candidacy, Trump was slammed for days by the medi…

Today Major Prophecy Was Fulfilled. The Date August 24th Is Prophetically Significant For Muslims Worldwide Sparking Islam’s Caliphate Empire And Is Why Turkey Today Sent A Massive Land Invasion To Syria
By Walid ShoebatWhat the western media is NOT telling you is that today, August 24th, is the birthday when the Ottomans sparked their takeover of the Middle East at the Battle of Dābiq, defeating the Mamluk Sultanate on August 24th 1516, near th…