Paul Stamets has figured out how to use mother nature to safely control over 200,000 species of insects. Credit: DiscoverMagazine Monsanto, the biotech company ), it’s for good reason individuals everywhere are banding together to boycott the gian…
Brilliant Ad Depicts How ‘The More We Connect, The Less We Connect’
Does technology come between you and your loved ones? Credit: Shying he It’s easy to get distracted living in the modern world, with everything from advertisements to the latest game right at your fingertips. But when one chooses to tap into techn…

New Study Concludes Fruit Helps Your Body Burn Stored Fat
2-4 fresh servings of fruit per day can help your body convert 'bad' fat into 'good' fat. Credit: Who can resist summer’s sweet berries and ripe, juicy fruit? Few people, that’s for sure. Except those concerned about eating too much…

Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will ‘go to sleep’ in 2020
The Earth could be headed for a ‘mini ice age’ researchers have warned. A new study claims to have cracked predicting solar cycles – and says that between 2020 and 2030 solar cycles will cancel each other out. This, they say, will lead to a phenomeno…

This Airline Created Vending Machines That Offer Free Books
Image: We all know how important it is for kids to read. , and they created three vending machines that are offering free books to kids visiting the airport. The Director of Corporate Social Responsibility for JetBlueAirways …

Scientist Recommends Taking LSD For Breakfast. Yes, You Read That Correctly
Forget muesli, taking acid could be better for your health [embedded content] It may sound like a headline from satirical site The Onion, but psychedelics expert Dr James Fadiman Ph.D is deadly serious. The respected scientist claims a small dose o…

Easter Islanders Find Strange Buried Head With Almond Shaped Eyes
The archeologists and other workers on Easter Island have made another strange discovery. This time they have found an elongated head with almond shaped eyes. Why is there no mention of this in mainstream media? Or do we really know the answer to th…

New “Smart” Motorcycle Helmet Gives Riders A View Of Their Surroundings
Earlier this year, a new company set on designing a safer motorcycle helmet was able to raise $2,446,824 by 1,940 people in 2 months on the crowd-funding website Indiegogo. Not soon after that, the company, SKULLY, was able to raise another $11 milli…

The Pentagon’s “Operation Jade Helm 15″: The Floodgate Towards Martial Law and World War III?
First we learned that Operation Jade Helm 15 is coming this summer from mid-July through mid-September to a Southwest neighborhood near you stretching from Texas to California. Per government sources and their mainstream media outlets like the Washi…

12 Major Events Are Going To Happen By The End of September and Why You Need To Know About Them… (Eye-Opening Video)
Twelve, that is the number of major events that have happened or are going to happen during or before the month of September. It seems a lot of people lately are having a gut feeling that something “Big” is about to unfold, but no one knows exactly…

Awesome ‘Origami’ Pots Grow With Your Plants
London-based designers have invented an 'origami' pot that grows with your plant! Credit: Studio Alaskan Gardeners with green thumbs know that as a plant grows, it will at some point need to be transferred to a larger container. But thanks to Lond…

New Law Protects People Who Break Into Hot Cars To Save Pets
Most states have penalties for people who leave animals in hot cars, but Tennessee is the first to offer protection for people who come to their rescue. Credit:; Good news! In Tennessee, it’s now legal to break into a car – …

End Of Aspartame: Study Links Diet Soda To Major Problems
In the largest study of its kind, researchers declare diet soda to contribute to a number of health problems. Credit:; It’s nothing new to report that aspartame is an artificial sweetener everyone should aim to avoid. In the…

[Watch] Given A Choice Between A Chocolate Bar or Silver Worth $150, Americans Choose Chocolate
Mark Dice tests Americans’ concept of ‘real money’ by offering passer-by’s either a free Hershey’s chocolate bar or a silver bar worth $150. [embedded content] “Americans have been tricked into believing precious metals are not valuable,” says the…

Bermuda Triangle: Ship Reappears 90 Years After Going Missing
The Cuban Coast Guard had announced, that they had intercepted an unmanned ship heading for the island, which is presumed to be the SS Cotopaxi, a tramp steamer which vanished in December 1925 and has since been connected to the legend of the Bermud…

Greek Ex-Finance Minister Owns German Politician On Solution To Eurozone Crisis
Growth vs Austerity? It's a no-brainer for a logical guy like Varoufakis [embedded content] It’s been a crazy few days for Greece, with the people’s decision to reject further bailouts and austerity measures making history last Sunday (full story h…

Obama Slips Up: “We’re Training ISIL”
The White website has corrected an embarrasing mistake made by President Obama during his press briefing yesterday about the Islamic State when the President said that U.S. forces were “training ISIL.” -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

Greece Meltdown: Is America Next?
Greek banks are preparing contingency plans for a possible “bail-in” of depositors amid fears the country is heading for financial collapse. Experts have repeatedly warned that a global financial collapse is imminent. Will the U.S. be prepared for s…

Anonymous targeted Wall Street in cryptic tweet on eve of NYSE shutdown
International hacking group Anonymous wished Wall Street ill the night before the New York Stock Exchange temporarily suspended trading on all securities. The activist group tweeted late Tuesday: “Wonder if tomorrow is going to be bad for Wall Str…

Greek Ex-Finance Minister: Media Is Guilty Of “Terrorism”, Elite Think Democracy Is Irrelevant
Growth vs Austerity? It's a no-brainer for a logical guy like Varoufakis[embedded content] It’s been a crazy few days for Greece, with the people’s decision to reject further bailouts and austerity measures making history last Sunday (full story her…

Bosnia: March of Peace to honor Srebrenica genocide victims begins
More than 9.000 people are participating in a traditional March of Peace in honor of the Srebrenica genocide victims that started today in the village of Nezuk, near Tuzla. Nezuk – Srebrenica distance shown on the map …

Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s Time to Panic
Have you noticed anything odd going on this morning? Oh yes. Let us be the first to tell you that the time to panic is upon us. ITEM: The New York City subway system suffered an atrocious commute today, with some trains being inexplicably stranded in…

Gerald Celente: The Collapse Has Already Begun. Watch Out For China!
GERALD CELENTE – The Collapse Has Already Begun. Watch Out For China! Despite constant reassurances from federal overseers, Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the economy’s frail nature. While media pundits and analysts desperately push th…

United Airlines resumes flights after ground-stop due to computer problem, officials say
NBC News is reporting that United is beginning to restore service to their flights, which were grounded nationwide- flights are beginning to resume, but delays are still expected. According to the website FlightAware an estimated 260 flights were d…

Bill Murray Stays After Grateful Dead Show To Help Stadium Clean Up Trash
The Grateful Dead has been doing a series of high-profile concerts to celebrate their long musical career. The shows have been attended by thousands, including a number of celebrities. Sadly, like most concerts or large events, there was a massive …

Scientists use lasers to project movie onto clouds
A green ghost rider appeared in the sky over the British city of Nottingham when scientists started testing a newly developed projecting device which allows the beaming of moving images directly onto clouds for the first time ever. The image of a ga…

Are Londoner’s Horrible? You May Be Surprised By This Experiment…
In this new social experiment, Action Productions tests the kindness of Londoners. Credit: Action Productions …

Baltimore Restaurant Shuts Down For 5 Days To Feed The Homeless Free Food
Each year, Baltimore restaurants look forward to “restaurant week”, a time where the city’s food is showcased and businesses are able to get a ton of free advertisement and new customers. Instead of cashing in like everyone else, Michael Tabri…