Senator Demands Biden Scrap Creepy ‘Disinformation’ Unit; “Dissolve This Monstrosity Immediately”
Senator Demands Biden Scrap Creepy ‘Disinformation’ Unit; “Dissolve This Monstrosity Immediately”

Following news that The Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘disinformation governance board’ will be headed by a woman who says free speech makes her ‘shudder’ and who falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story disinformation, Republicans calle…

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The Offer is a TV show about how great movies are
The Offer is a TV show about how great movies are

Midway through the pilot episode of The Offer, future Godfather producer Albert S. Ruddy (Miles Teller) is sitting in a movie theater with his girlfriend, gaping at the audience around him, who are gasping at the famously shocking concluding moments …

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Arctic Sea Ice is Now Just 3% Below Its 30 Year Average
Arctic Sea Ice is Now Just 3% Below Its 30 Year Average

A group of environmental economists in Germany is demanding that huge taxes be imposed on meat products to fight climate change, with calls for beef to be 56 per cent more expensive. Asserting that livestock is responsible for 13 per cent of greenhou…

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The long-shot campaign to get big banks out of fossil fuels
The long-shot campaign to get big banks out of fossil fuels

This week, shareholders at Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs voted on resolutions recommending the companies stop any additional financing for fossil fuel projects. All the resolutions failed, pretty spectacularly, garnering…

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Rand Paul: Fauci “Is A Man That Is Against Everything That America Stands For”
Rand Paul: Fauci “Is A Man That Is Against Everything That America Stands For”

A new study published in the Royal Society Open Science journal found that lockdowns in the UK caused around 60,000 children to suffer clinical depression. Researchers detected a 27.1 per cent prevalence of depression amongst their sample, a number s…

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An expert on why wars start, and how to prevent them
An expert on why wars start, and how to prevent them

War is a stupid idea. Fighting is a bad way to resolve disagreements. If two countries want the same land, it is almost always less costly to each side to split it than to fight. The same is true if they are arguing over a shared natural resource, l…

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PJW Live: Twitter Staffers Digitally Burning Documents?
PJW Live: Twitter Staffers Digitally Burning Documents?

A Russian-Australian man was told to leave a television studio after he asked a ‘rogue’ question and pointed out that there is an alternative narrative to be considered surrounding the conflict in Ukraine. The audience member Sasha Gillies-Lekakis wa…

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Leftist Leader Admits Multiculturalism Has Failed
Leftist Leader Admits Multiculturalism Has Failed

In the absence of any action by the Biden Administration, Twenty six states have formed an alliance to create a ‘border strike force’ to secure the southern border. The move was announced Tuesday in a press release and document from the office of Ari…

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Too Many White Men Flying Planes!
Too Many White Men Flying Planes!

Former world number one tennis star Novak Djokovic has described Wimbledon’s ban on Russian and Belarusian players as “crazy,” saying politics shouldn’t interfere in sport. As we highlighted yesterday, Wimbledon organizers confirmed that players from…

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Time is running out for Biden’s EPA to act on climate
Time is running out for Biden’s EPA to act on climate

So far, President Biden’s legacy on climate change is pretty insubstantial. There’s time to change that if he can quickly make much better use of his Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The president put nearly all his hopes for climate action in…

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