A major Neo-Nazi terrorist in Germany opened fire on police officers, killing one and injuring three others. I did a whole video on this:According to one report:A police officer has died of his injuries after being shot by an anti-government ext…
Satan-Worshipping And Crystal Meth Addicted Homosexual Meets Up With Other Homosexual Satanist Via Hookup App For 'Dirty, Sleazy Sex Session,' After He Murders Him, Shaves His Flesh With A Cheese Grater And Eats It With Chopsticks, Then Tries To Dissolve The Body In Acid, Says 'Satan Told Me To Do It- It Was A Fetish'
Stefano Brizzi is a crystal meth addicted satanist and homosexual who wanted to meet a like-minded man online for 'dirty, sleazy sex.' However, he had a lot more in mind, because after they had their hook up on the homosexual dating app Grindr, …

Christians Are Winning The War With The LGBT As God Is Sending A New Curse Of Mega Proportions On The LGBT Community
By Walid ShoebatWhile the sexual revolutionaries taunt us of their political victories in gaining more "freedom" more "budget" and more "money" as the means to promote their perverse agendas, here comes God and curses them to self-destruction. T…

Muslims Invade Christian Town And Make The People Miserable, But Now It Is Finally Liberated
In 2014, ISIS terrorists invaded the ancient Christian town of Bartella, in Iraq. In one report from that time it says:Three other nearby villages were also attacked overnight and Thursday, local police officials told CNN. Two of the villages --…

Evil Muslim Woman Harasses, Targets Old Landlord With "Discrimination" Lawsuit, Now State Of New Jersey Attorney General Is Trying To Destroy His Business
We have been saying constantly that the governments of the West are allowing and promoting Islam for political ends, and they do not care about and will attempt to destroy their own people. In a disgusting example of Muslim deceitfulness, a Musl…

Muslim Man Runs Up To Random Teenage Boy And Girl Walking On Bridge, Repeatedly Stabs The Boy In The Back And Throws The Girl Over The Bride, Media Covers Up The Whole Ordeal
The girl was rescued and survived with serious injuries, but the boy died on his wounds on the way to the hospital. The only thing that makes this worse is that the media has covered up the entire attack, as though it never existed:The 16-year-o…

Muslim Rapes And Violently Sodomizes Woman For Twenty Minutes, Swedish Court Acquits All Charges Against Him And Gives Him Fifteen THOUSAND Dollars For His Time In Prison
In Sweden, it pays to be a rapist. At least, that is the message Swedish courts sent in a recent ruling where four Muslims gang raped and violently sodomized a Swedish woman for twenty minutes. When they were caught, three of them received only …

Marine Le Pen Declares War On Christianity, And Says That She Will Ban Christianity If She Takes Power In France
Marine Le Pen just declared war against Christianity, saying that she will utterly ban all Christian crosses, symbols and clothing from public life, even going to so far as to say that she will abolish any Christian imagery from any all public s…

Shariah Police Order Woman Publicly Caned For The Crime Of 'Standing Too Close To Her Boyfriend,' 12 Others Caned For Similar 'Offenses'
Islamic Shariah law infamously doles out unnecessarily harsh punishment for "crimes," if they can even be called crimes, that are miniscule in nature. These include everything from brutal executions, bodily mutilations, and in this case a public…

Journalist Goes To Muslim Camps In France To Make Documentary About The 'Muslim Children,' They Attack And Rape His Translator At Knifepoint And Rob The Journalist
This isn't the first time this has happened. A liberal French reporter went to the no-go Muslim-controlled camps in Calais to make a documentary about the 'plight' of the 'refugee children.' Instead when he arrived, these 'children' raped his tr…

US Government Does Not Care When Muslims Murder, Rape, and Pillage Yet Calls The FBI And Throws The Book At A Random North Carolina Man Who Pulled A Muslim's Hijab And Yelled At Her While Drunk
While Muslims run amok raping, pillaging, and murdering with boastful impunity, the people beg for help but the governments of the West do not care. Not only that, but they make excuses for their behavior. Yet while all of this is happening, a N…

Muslims Invade Christian Town, Butcher Christians And Tyrannize The Whole Town, Christian Warriors Charge Into The Town And Are Now Fighting The Muslim Terrorists To Liberate It
ISIS Muslim terrorists invaded a Christian town in Iraq, slaughtering and tyrannizing the Christians there. Just recently, Christian warriors entered the town and are now fighting to liberate it. Here is the report:On the road to Mosul, Iraqi-le…

American Government Brings In Muslim Man As A Refugee, He Comes Into Texas And Then Begins Planning To Blow Up Malls In Houston
Omar Faraj Saeed Al HardanThe American government brought in an Iraqi refugee, Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, into Texas. He then recently got arrested for planning to blow up two malls in Houston. Here is the report:An Iraqi refugee who authoritie…

Satan Worshippers Take Woman, Rape And Sodomize Her Repeatedly And Then Impale Her To Death
Satan worshippers in Argentina took a woman, raped and sodomized her, and then impaled her to death. I did a whole video on this horrific story: …

Muslims In Germany Have Attacked Hundreds Of Christian Refugees This Year Alone And The German Government Has Been Covering It Up
Muslims in Germany have attacked hundreds of Christian refugees this year fleeing from the violence in the Middle East, and this is just the tip of the iceberg according to a recent report. The report found that most cases of violence are going …

BREAKING: Russia Is Now Deploying To Syria All Of Its Northern Fleet And Much Of Its Baltic Fleet In The Largest Surface Deployment Since The End Of The Cold War
By Walid ShoebatReuters just reported:Russian warships off the coast of Norway are carrying fighter bombers that will likely reinforce a final assault on the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo in two weeks, a senior NATO diplomat said on Wednesday c…

Old Video Reveals Trump's Guest, Malik Obama, Buying Young Muslim Sex Slave Girls
By Walid ShoebatAn old video reveals President Obama’s Kenya-born half-brother Malik who will be in the audience in Las Vegas tonight on Wednesday invited by Donald reveals the man is of a nefarious character with polygamist relations. Why Trum…