BREAKING: 7000 Turkish Forces With Heavy Equipment Surround Home of US
Nukes-US Air Base In Turkey Where A Lockdown Is In Progress
BREAKING: 7000 Turkish Forces With Heavy Equipment Surround Home of US Nukes-US Air Base In Turkey Where A Lockdown Is In Progress

The massive presence of pro-Erdogan armed police supported by heavy vehicles enforced a lock down at the Incirlik base means that no one from inside the base is allowed entry and no one allowed exit. Why would 7,000 pro-Erdogan armed police with…

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American Soldiers At Incirlik AFB In Turkey Are Under Active Siege
Right Now By Erdogan, All Food, Water, And Power Has Been Cut To The
American Soldiers At Incirlik AFB In Turkey Are Under Active Siege Right Now By Erdogan, All Food, Water, And Power Has Been Cut To The Base

While Americans are bickering about the election this November, what we predicted two weeks ago is under way right now: a repeat of the horrors of Ben Ghazi.So far I have not received reports about the status of the soldiers, or that Incirlik AF…

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ISIS Burns Two-Year-Old Girl Alive, Beheads 23 Teenagers, Dissolves 25
People In Nitric Acid For Being
ISIS Burns Two-Year-Old Girl Alive, Beheads 23 Teenagers, Dissolves 25 People In Nitric Acid For Being "Spies"

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."- Jesus, Matthew 19:14Evil has its limits, because it is a perversion of good. However, sometimes the depth to which men can go in c…

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Michael Brown Is An Agent Of Satan, He Will Attack Conservative
Christians And Will Join The Homosexual Agenda
Michael Brown Is An Agent Of Satan, He Will Attack Conservative Christians And Will Join The Homosexual Agenda

Michael Brown, the evangelical radio host, is agent of Satan. He will attack Christians like myself for simply affirming what the Bible teaches in regards to homosexuality, and he will side with demonic sodomites like Milo Yiannopoulos, who prom…

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Muslims Take A Man, Strap Him Onto A Board And Bend The Board Together,
And Snap His Spinal Cord. They Take Another Man, Chop His Head Off And
Then Place The Head Next To Another Man As He Sleeps And Force Him To
Wake Up To A Decapitated Head
Muslims Take A Man, Strap Him Onto A Board And Bend The Board Together, And Snap His Spinal Cord. They Take Another Man, Chop His Head Off And Then Place The Head Next To Another Man As He Sleeps And Force Him To Wake Up To A Decapitated Head

ISIS has come up with a new form of torture, they call it the flying carpet. They strap the victim onto a board, and then bend the board together, snapping the victims spinal chord. They also beheaded a man and placed the head next to someone wh…

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Read About The Horrific Ways Hillary Clinton Will Have Children
Murdered If She Becomes President
Read About The Horrific Ways Hillary Clinton Will Have Children Murdered If She Becomes President

Hillary (or should I say, "Hitlery") wants to allow unborn children to be murdered in the third trimester, in horrific ways. This woman is absolutely evil, a modern day Jezebel. The American people cannot vote in this female Hitler! Here is the …

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Muslims Take Nine Christians, And Slaughter Them All
Muslims Take Nine Christians, And Slaughter Them All

Muslims in Congo slaughtered nine Christians. They raided a village and made their attack, and spilt Christian blood. As we read in one report:According to Barnabas Fund, local sources reported that the Islamic militants raided one early morning…

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Two Muslim Teens Befriend Serbian Man And Tell Him To Visit Them, When
He Comes To Their House They Rob Him, Tie Him Up And Strangle Him To
Death In The Bathtub, Then They Strip His Corpse Of His Clothes And Put
Them On Themselves, When Arrested They Say That 'At Least We Washed The
Clothes Before Wearing Them'
Two Muslim Teens Befriend Serbian Man And Tell Him To Visit Them, When He Comes To Their House They Rob Him, Tie Him Up And Strangle Him To Death In The Bathtub, Then They Strip His Corpse Of His Clothes And Put Them On Themselves, When Arrested They Say That 'At Least We Washed The Clothes Before Wearing Them'

This callous Islamic violence in Europe is getting out of control, especially in Austria, which is where this crime happened. A 30-year-old Serbian Man was working as a janitor when he befriended two 19-year olds. They invited him to come to the…

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Muslim Pervert Snatches 1-Year-Old Girl From Her Parents At Store And
Sexually Assaults Her, Starts Licking Her Face
Muslim Pervert Snatches 1-Year-Old Girl From Her Parents At Store And Sexually Assaults Her, Starts Licking Her Face

In a disgusting exhibit of Islamic pedophilia, a Muslim man sexually assaulted a random 1-year-old girl right in front of her parents:“The parents of a small one-year girl has reported a man for sexual harassment of their daughter. The girl and …

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Angela Merkel Declares: We Will Bring In More Muslim Immigrants Into
Angela Merkel Declares: We Will Bring In More Muslim Immigrants Into Germany

Angela Merkel has declared that Germany will be accepting in more Islamic refugees. Even after the recent attacks in Germany, she still wants to bring in more Muslim terrorists. As we read in one report: German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed…

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