Adult Muslim “Refugees” Are Put In Shelter With 12-Year-Old Boy, They Take Turns Viciously Raping Him And Film A Porn Mo...
Adult Muslim “Refugees” Are Put In Shelter With 12-Year-Old Boy, They Take Turns Viciously Raping Him And Film A Porn Mo...

The men originally claimed to be 15 years old, but the fact that they were each over 6 feet tall and with full beards should have been a dead giveaway. Nevertheless, Swedish authorities put the two men in the same room with a real 12-year-old boy, a…

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German Website That Claims To Report On “Refugee” Hoaxes Is Actually A Secret German Government Propaganda Campaign To T...
German Website That Claims To Report On “Refugee” Hoaxes Is Actually A Secret German Government Propaganda Campaign To T...

Translation: News from the rumor mill Hoaxmap.org purports to be an “anti-racist” and “anti-hate” site that is dedicated to “exposing lies” about Muslim invaders (“refugees”) that are in the German mainstream media and on Facebook. As per their webs…

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Muslims Torture Christian Woman And Try To Force Her To Confess That She Blasphemed Muhammad. Her Husband Comes In And T...
Muslims Torture Christian Woman And Try To Force Her To Confess That She Blasphemed Muhammad. Her Husband Comes In And T...

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim police officers in Pakistan tortured a Christian woman to force her to confess that she blasphemed Muhammad. In the midst of all this chaos, her husband told the officers that he committed the blasphemous statements. He re…

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HERO- Bulgarian Strongman Chases Down Gangs Of Muslim Border Jumpers On His ATV, Beats Them Up And Arrests Them With Not...
HERO- Bulgarian Strongman Chases Down Gangs Of Muslim Border Jumpers On His ATV, Beats Them Up And Arrests Them With Not...

Dinko “The Destroyer” Valev lives in Yambol, Bulgaria near the Turkish border. After seeing hordes of Muslim refugees crossing illegally from Turkey and how the local authorities could not or did not want to stop them, he decided to take matters int…

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Major Evangelical Leaders Are Worshiping One Gay Activist As God While He Makes Them Desecrate The Bible, And One Young ...
Major Evangelical Leaders Are Worshiping One Gay Activist As God While He Makes Them Desecrate The Bible, And One Young ...

By Walid Shoebat So how much will the Evangelical movement in the United States go to please the LGBT agenda? When Shoebat.com posted this video on four homosexual wrestlers who raped two boys calling for a death penalty for these rapists, it upset …

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