By Walid Shoebat
So how much will the Evangelical movement in the United States go to please the LGBT agenda?
When posted this video on four homosexual wrestlers who raped two boys calling for a death penalty for these rapists, it upset one blaspheming homosexual and Right Wing Watch. These taunted the Evangelical movement causing an uproar with top level leaders calling on them to denounce They quickly lined up to show their support and denounced for calling for the “death penalty” for gay rapists.
Several Evangelical leaders began hurling denunciations and articles against our infamous Theodore Shoebat for his views calling for the death penalty for rapists and child molesters.
According to these Evangelical leaders, calling for the death penalty for gay rapists, gay child molesters is ‘unchristian’. The heavyweights from Calvinist John Piper to Dr. Michael Brown, Peter LaBarbera (1), Matt Barber and others were irate at Theodore’s remarks.
Who controls these leaders? One major gay activist who wraps Evangelical scholars around his finger gives himself the blasphemous title as “Joe My God,” so that when they twitter him they would blaspheme calling him “My God” instead of Christ. The trick stems from when Caesar wanted the Christian world to address him as kyrios (My lord) which St. Paul denounced by stating “that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:11), that is that Christ is Kyrios not Caesar.
But now, this sodomite blasphemer, Joe, has become their god instead.
To please Joe the Blasphemer they go as far as lining up to denounce the young Shoebat for calling for the death penalty to even twisting arms to scrub and edit out Theodore’s contribution in an anti-gay documentary.
Brown accepted to debate with the young Theodore. It would not be the first time that kid faced the goliaths who now unify their voice to denounce the young man. Brown wrote:
“It is my privilege to work with godly leaders throughout America and around the world, a good number of whom are frontline, fearless Christians who stand firmly against homosexual activism, and every single one of them would join me in renouncing Theodore Shoebat’s words … “
Notice “around the world”. Does Brown work with the Coptic leadership in Egypt or the Orthodox throughout the world all of whom would denounce Theodore?
Such huff-and-puff says that only the Evangelicals rule and have a monopoly on global Christian theology.
It is this type of rhetoric that should infuriate Christians worldwide. TD Jakes, an anti-Trinity heretic whom Brown supports and he would not condemn, much have goliaths join him to denounce Jakes, but Theodore?
I raised a David, not a Goliath.
The young man needs to be destroyed by any means, not just by the sodomites but by the Evangelical clergy as well United Against Theodore.

However, had this controversy been in Russia, Egypt’s Copts, Serbian Christians, Polish Christians … and they will join Theodore not Brown and his ilk. Christianity in the view of these has a monopoly where only the Evangelical mega industry sets the rules on biblical interpretation. The Church, the Gospel, the nation … everything, to these now exists to defend the rights of sodomites from legalizing punishments against them. This is the whole crux of the matter, that is, American brand of modern evangelicalism is the gospel.
It is not.
While Extremes go on both sides of the fence. If one calls for putting all gays in concentration camps is an extreme. But to also say that Jesus forbade capital punishment for sodomites is also another extreme.
Their messenger Dr. Brown was sent to do this mission and started an unsolicited assault under the headline “No Theodore, Jesus did not kill gays” calling the video “very troubling video“:
“Theodore’s words [Jesus killed gays] do not represent Jesus, they do not represent the spirit or letter of the New Testament, and they do not represent His true followers.”
Notice Peter LeBarbra president of the anti-gay organization Americans for Truth about Homosexuality was very quick to tweet and appease Joe the blasphemer denounce Shoebat and the death penalty for gay rapists.
Peter LeBarbra urging Michael Brown to debate Theodore Shoebat
The debate on national radio between young Theodore and the seminarian goliath Michael Brown has been set on March 7th, 2016 2-3 PM eastern time.
Did Jesus kill gays? Nothing was ever said in this silly half-baked article that in the Bible it is as clear as the sun, Jesus killed the sodomites. Most modern theologians intentionally overlook and refuse to disclose that some of the best passages of scripture ever used regarding the Trinity and the Theophany is within the context when Christ completely annihilated the sodomites.
Anyone who denies this ask them: was it Christ Who met with Abraham and announced the destruction of Sodom? In Genesis Abraham is visited by three figures, one of whom he refers to as “My Lord” (Genesis 18:3), and Who Scripture calls “the LORD” (Genesis 18:17).
No sane theologian would argue that this person wasn’t Christ. After much feasting, Christ and the other two men left Abraham to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (see Genesis 18:21-22). Christ even referred to His meeting with Abraham in the New Testament when He said:“Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad” (John 8:56, also see St. Gregory as recorded by St. Aquinas, Catena Aurea). It was so clear in scripture that it was Christ Who killed ‘the gays’:
“Then the LORD [the Son] rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD [the Father] out of heaven (Genesis 19:24)”
All of this scripture was completely ignored and is rarely if ever used by these losers. Why do I say that they are “losers”? It is because the sodomites (and unlike in the east) they have won and the American church completely lost for not trusting in God’s judgment and for favoring American politics.
Yes Michael Brown, Jesus had killed gays
Yet this poorly written article which represents these leaders stance is from a man who touts himself “a scholar” was unable to see this?
All he they conclude was that executing sodomites “does not represent the spirit or letter of the New Testament”.
It was the Holy Spirit who spoke through Paul in Romans 1 which taught that sodomites are “worthy of death” and Paul was basing this on what we discussed so far when the Theophany of Christ rained fire and brimstone from His Father.
The American brand of Evangelicals and even some of the Catholic Novus Ordo seminarians’ are not Orthodox and they do not like the methods in Russia or Poland or in the nation of Georgia. They always describe them as harsh. But at the same time, they ‘discretely’ wish to have certain laws passed in the United States to halt the LGBT agenda. The difference between the two spheres is that Evangelicals are spreading an American brand of the Gospel which many times isolates New Testament from Old Testament in areas that they should not.
For example, what happens to: “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.” (Leviticus 20:13)
CARM, an Evangelical website gives the typical argument one hears in the American brand of Evangelical Christianity which sounds like this:
“There can be no doubt that the Old Testament condemns homosexuality as a detestable act worthy of death and that God has deemed it to be an “abomination” to Him. Of course, the Old Testament Law is no longer in effect in this area because the Messiah has come, and we are not under a theocratic governmental system. Therefore, we are not to execute homosexuals. We are to pray for them and their repentance, so they might find salvation in Christ.
Yet such modern Christians always argue for the death penalty, but only for murder.
But arguing for the death penalty as “a life for a life” could be argued as “an eye for an eye”. This would debunk the notion that all Levitical laws are obsolete. How could these re-explain “vengeance is mine” along with their support of the death penalty and that we should not uproot the tares lest we also uproot the wheat?
This is the crux of the whole issue.
But one can’t have it both ways.
It is these types of arguments they use to defend against capital punishments for the sodomites while they would rummage using the same arguments we use to finding theological solutions for their support of the death penalty.
And how do we reconcile such issues?
The solution to this is simple, uproot the tare only if it harms not the wheat, and do not uproot the eye for vengeance (2) and punish by passing laws to apply justice.
To argue against any death penalty for all sorts of evils, we ask: is the life of the victim and of the criminal put on the same level? Obviously, to go against this argument that the life of the victim is to be put on the same level of the criminal would mean that we do away with all the laws.
This would be absurd. This also proves beyond doubt that these who advocate that we cannot have an allowance for the death penalty for certain homosexuals are not using proper interpretation.
To go against the principle that the two (just and unjust) are equal because Christ requires us to forgive each and every infraction would mean no prison is necessary and all lawless be let on the loose to consume more victims. The LGBT agenda is the process of corrupting the innocent in order to go against the natural order.
Yet this modern mentality stated this “Why do we follow some Levitical laws and not others regarding things like [punishing] homosexuality and eating shellfish?” In other words, they state that Levitical “civil laws” are completely done with, except of course the current law of death penalty for murder. In other words, the biblical laws had to match American civil laws and anti-homosexual laws were lumped up with Kosher laws.
Romans is clearly stating that homosexuals are “worthy of death” (see Romans 1:26-32) and it is impossible to refute Romans 13 which clearly justifies the death penalty “princes are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil … if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the sword in vain. For he [the ruler] is God’s minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil” (Romans 13:1-4).
If only the death penalty is to be applied strictly to “murder” how then can one respond, that despite this being pretty straightforward (3) the very New Testament (which Brown demands we exclusively use), in Romans 1:32 clearly teaches not just that the wicked deserve death but also the promoters deserve death too: “Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.”
Imagine, it is not only murderers or homosexuals, but the promoters of such evil acts also deserve death.
John Piper wastes much time in his article to show how scripture did away with the “Ceremonial precepts” (the ceremonial law). While we all agree that dealing with forms of worshipping God and with ritual cleanness and judicial precepts (such as those in Exodus 21) came into existence only with the Law of Moses and were only temporary. But this never excluded the use of civil laws by either Orthodox or even Protestant theologians. While the judicial laws ceased to bind with the advent of Christ, it was not a mortal sin to enforce them either. Thomas Aquinas for example says, “if a sovereign were to order these judicial precepts to be observed in his kingdom, he would not sin.”
Yet only Theodore sinned for calling for the death penalty?
Although Aquinas believed the specifics of the Old Testament judicial laws were no longer binding, he taught that the judicial precepts contained universal principles of justice that reflected natural law. Thus some scholars refer to his views on government as “General Equity Theonomy”.
This is far from our modern Americanized application, where they call for, and completely make obsolete Old Testament’s “civil law”. Such laws were in use in Christendom from time immemorial from when Constantine established Christian governance. Christianity is not how some Evangelical websites assert which is more of a Waldensian interpretation where these denounced the death penalty as being wrong in all times. CARM for example asserts that such laws are “for Israel only”.
Were only Jews allowed to punish sodomy while the Christian only needs to keep the Levitical 10% tithing, since this is necessary for the Evangelical mega industry? Nice.
If Jesus told Peter to sheath his sword, does this mean “no swords are ever allowed”? This also would be an extreme.
It is also an extreme to think that “Jesus would never whip gays” had they been in the Temple.
Insisting (as Michael does) that Jesus whipped only the animals and is how He drove the money changers is also rather a stretch.
Did the money changers simply flee running after the sheep and pigeons? To say that Jesus would never whip the sodomites begs another question: instead of using a leather whip He used a Fire whip and added some Brimstone and killed each and every one of the evil sodomites at Sodom and Gomorrah.
And to what level are these so-called scholars going to silence free speech?
Brown was irate and is calling on all scholars to join him in his denunciation of Theodore Shoebat for saying that Jesus, had he seen sodomites in the Temple, He would have killed them.
Brown says he is not on a “vendetta” mission against Theodore after making claims we had been attacking him, even though he had expressed anger suspecting we have written articles against him. When asked to show proof, he was empty handed. We spoke and he apologized. Whether he was on a vendetta or not you decide (4).
“Jesus” argues Brown would not even whip such reprobates since He never committed any acts of violence according to Isaiah 53:9. “The prophet Isaiah tells us explicitly that Jesus did not get violent” says Brown.
The method these modern seminarians use is always the same: “Theodore’s words do not represent the New Testament”.
The problem with many of today’s theologians is that they strike a line with a pen and it takes ten pages to fix it. First of all, a serious scholar should never isolate everything based on the New Testament while we throw out the entire Old Testament. Did Jesus strictly want us to follow the New Testament?
Or did Jesus want us to follow the Old Testament as well, but in light of the New Testament?
To use only the New Testament is the tricks used by cults. Why then restrict all theological arguments to only the New Testament?
It is to promote a specific theological bent for a political purpose.
Angling oneself under the modern motto ‘Jesus loves gays and He would never advocate the death penalty for gays’ not even for aggressive sodomites who rape, is today’s motto. To make his argument stick, that Jesus would never use the whip on men, Mr. Brown referenced a prophecy in Isaiah 53:9 that “no violence is found in Him (the Messiah”.
It is easy to just jot such nonsense, but again, it takes more to refute it. The Hebrew word for “violence” in this verse is “Hamas” which is ‘unjust’ or ‘malicious violence’ as evidenced in every single verse that used “Hamas” in the entire Scripture. Yet Michael argued:
If Jesus had whipped people bloody, that would have been violence. Instead, He overthrew tables and drove out the vendors, using a whip on the cattle. So, I’ll take Isaiah’s word for this rather than Theodore’s.
In Brown’s poorly written article, the whole essence of Jesus driving the moneychangers is missed.
Just as Christ was the one who poured fire and brimstone on Sodom, here it was Christ Who used His miraculous power in driving such a number of men before him, with so small and insignificant a weapon “scourge of small cords” to cleanse the Temple.
Michael belabors ridiculous issues while ignoring the significant.
I ask every evangelical: had an LGBT parade dancing in the nude, came into their church, would the ushers not drive them out of their temple? So how about if it was Christ with an LGBT parade coming to the Temple, while He threw the moneychangers, would He or any Levite for that matter stand by idle?
Should we not draw conclusions from Scripture on how to deal with sodomites?
This is the world we live in where everyone asks “show me in scripture” as to discount any reasonable argument. Show me in scripture where in a baptismal you had crazies jolting?
Michael has a neo-charismatic approach to everything and speaks with such authority that when he says something, that it is God who says it. Followers who are not apt to using biblical scrutiny usually speak with such authority where Michael on the phone with me says “God told me” this, and “God told me” that.
I urge him to show us from two thousand years of Church history where such lingo was the norm?
It is a clear violation of the third commandment (Exodus 20:7) and is usually the language of neo-charismatic loons. These exist plentifully today and we have educated maniacs like John Piper who claims he hears God speaks to him which even the acclaimed Protestant theologian Jonathan Edwards warns:
“…Scripture strongly impressed on the mind, are no sure signs of their being revelations from heaven: for I have known such impressions [to] fail, and prove vain.”
Even Catholic Bill O’Reilly says God told him to write his heretical book “Killing Jesus”. The latter is proven from the devil for his book is littered with blasphemies saying that Christ never spoke from the Cross. Brown in this video (also you can see him @ 31:38) is here presiding to be the scholarly face to this utterly heretical mania while claiming that “the Lord is moving me” when he wants to split causing a schism within his movement. Where is this in Scripture:
Even worse, Brown purposefully and completely ignored all the beef. Theodore (as you watch the video he complained about) was speaking on gay rape stories, an epidemic influenced by the LGBT movement in the U.S. military where sodomites are raping male wrestlers and male soldiers.
It is the type of disgust that anyone with a sane mind would comment “I wish I had a rocket launcher,” but then, in America the LGBT won’t just put you on a watch list for saying that sodomites should be executed, but send the heavy weight Evangelical guns and as a result we now get a ton of comments accusing us of being “ISIS”.
Who caused such slander? It is not Muslims, it is the Evangelicals!
In every case Theodore brings up, he speaks harshly of these sodomites. Brown told me by phone that he refuses to call them sodomites and is upset that we fight with his colleagues since it “hurts our witness”.
Never mind the victims. Theodore’s call for death penalty was (and always is) in the context of a news piece he does where sodomites have molested children, raped men or military officers.
But does that mean we go vigilante? Theodore never advocated for unprovoked violence. He does believe in the death penalty for gays depending on each circumstance.
Theodore usually speaks of Russia’s zeal in fighting the sodomites and wishes that American laws at times allow for some of the Russian Orthodox ‘rough methods’ with homosexual predators. He does not support every case since there are victims who are homosexuals who need help, not punishment.
How else can we stop the epidemic if we do not punish the predator and the enabler out of the Temple?
While this is not applicable in the United States, the question is: whose method worked?
After all, Christ said: “you shall know them by their fruit”.
In Poland, the nation of Georgia, Serbia and in Russia the sodomite agenda did not advance as it did in the United States.
This is a fact.
Let me rephrase my question even better: Is Jesus God? Was it Jesus Who visited Abraham prior to announcing and destroying Sodom(5) and was it Jesus Himself who destroyed Sodom?
If Mr. Brown answers “No” that Jesus never destroyed Sodom, he would just have turned into a heretic and a blasphemer. If He would answer “yes”, he would have completely refuted himself when he said that Christ committed not even [righteous] violence.
Brown defends the hysterical Brownsville Revival and Faith Movement, which most of it is cultic to the core and the heresies is not as he once stated “just a minority”.
This is what was sparked in the United States, just an old heresy with people rolling and barking in the spirit and claiming messages from the Almighty. To Brown God told him personally and gave him a private message how to conduct his approaches towards homosexuality.
It is obvious that he heeds to a different spirit.
Christianity is a global faith and not a faith only for the mega American brand of the Evangelical industry. Jesus rode a donkey, cracked a whip and told the disciples to “buy a sword”. What for? To first, fulfill a prophecy where He is falsely accused “being counted amongst the rebels” (Luke 22:37, Isaiah 53:12) while these two swords of Peter “spiritual” and “temporal” was to carry out justice. To say that we should only and strictly focus on the New Testament is a heresy. Truth is not determined by American democracy or by supporters for homosexuality but by Church authority established from the ancient of times. While the Two Swords of Peter is a Catholic teaching, what amazes me is that being Catholic to many is worse than being a sodomite, where the Catholic is not given any latitude while the sodomite is given everything.