Donald Trump has expressed sympathy with the Dreamers and is now working with the Democrats to make a deal on DACA. This is the subject...
Cashier At McDonald's Has Baby In Bathroom, Doesn't Want It And Tries To Murder The Baby By Dumping Him In The Toilet And Forcing His Head Into The Pipe Before Going Back To Work
In a story out of California, a McDonald's cashier who claims she did not know she was pregnant gave birth to a baby boy in a McDon...
This Whole Fear Over North Korea Attacking The USA Is An Utter Farce- Kim Jong Un Is A Toothless Tiger But A Willing Puppet Being Used As A Means To Justify Remilitarizing Japan
North Korea recently shot a missile over Japan that has caused a tremendous uproar in the news: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis branded No...
Muslim Students Attack Christian Boy And Declare To Him, "You Devil, Christian!" They Then Beat Him To Death
By Walid Shoebat New details have come up regarding the murder of a Christian who was beaten to death, a story that has wri...
Muslim Students Beat Christian Teenager While Screaming 'You Are A Filthy Christian Demon' In His Face Until He Dies, The School Leaves His Dead Body On The Floor And The Students Take His Corpse To The Hospital
More details have emerged about the horrific murder of a Christian teenager in a school classroom while the teacher watched and did not...
World War Three Is Coming, And Its Going To Be More Horrifying Than We Can Ever Imagine. The Major Powers Of The World Are Working On Creating Robots To Fight In War
World war three is coming, and its going to be more powerful than anything we can imagine. Major powers in the world are already workin...
Satan Worshipping Homosexuals Openly Are Working With Planned Parenthood To Promote Murdering Babies And Christians Are Defending Their Abominations
We warned that it was only a matter of time before groups such as satanists would attempt to use America's "religious freedumb...
Muslim Mob Apprehends Mentally Challenged Christian Teen, Beats Him Until He 'Confesses' To 'Blasphemy' Against The Koran, He Is Arrested And May Be Executed
Muslims apprehended a mentally challenged Christian teen after claiming he broke a tax-collecting box placed inside a shrine. The mob b...
Major Leader Of Planned Parenthood Admits: 'Yes, The Majority Of The Babies We Abort Are Black Or Hispanic.'
The major leader of Planned Parenthood has stated that the majority of abortions are done to babies of African or Hispanic backgrounds....