Shameless American Orthodox Jews Use The Destruction Of The Temple And The Holocaust To Praise Muslim And Mexican Illegal Immigration Into The United States
Muslim Armies Are Entering Christian Villages And Destroying The Entire Villages And Hacking Christians To Pieces With Machetes
Muslim armies in the Democratic Republic of Congo are going to Christian villages, entirely destroying the villages and hacking the Chr...
Just Like Rotten Fish, Muslims Are Now Demanding More Welfare And REFUSING To Work Because They Say They Are Guests And Europeans Should Pay Them For Their Presence
The American Statesman Benjamin Franklin once said "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." If these Muslim inva...
Here We Go Again: Now "Unaccompanied Minors" (A.K.A. Marauding Teenage Muslim Gangs) Are Attacking French Neighborhoods, Throwing Chairs, Rioting- Frenchmen, You Know What To Do
Earlier this year, we profiled this same phenomenon in Europe, where teenage Muslim gangs were occupying Swedish train stations and eng...
The Democrats Are Absolutely Demonic, Hillary Clinton Will Be An Absolute Jezebel Of A President If She Wins
Hillary Clinton will be an absolute Jezebel of a president. Just look at what the Clintons did to the Christian Serbs in the 90s. The C...