By Walid ShoebatSome 40 leading orthodox Jewish rabbis went out of their way to publish a statement condemning Donald Trump despite that multitudes of other Jews supported him. What is stranger is that the 40 shameless rabbis used Israel's great…
Muslim Armies Are Entering Christian Villages And Destroying The Entire Villages And Hacking Christians To Pieces With Machetes
Muslim armies in the Democratic Republic of Congo are going to Christian villages, entirely destroying the villages and hacking the Christians to pieces. As we read in one report:The persecution of Christians has escalated in the Democratic Repu…

Just Like Rotten Fish, Muslims Are Now Demanding More Welfare And REFUSING To Work Because They Say They Are Guests And Europeans Should Pay Them For Their Presence
The American Statesman Benjamin Franklin once said "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days."If these Muslim invaders are "guests" (even though they are actually uninvited occupants by traitor political, business, and financial intere…

Here We Go Again: Now "Unaccompanied Minors" (A.K.A. Marauding Teenage Muslim Gangs) Are Attacking French Neighborhoods, Throwing Chairs, Rioting- Frenchmen, You Know What To Do
Earlier this year, we profiled this same phenomenon in Europe, where teenage Muslim gangs were occupying Swedish train stations and engaging in all kinds of harassment, robbery, sexual assault, and debauchery. As we documented, nothing stopped t…

The Democrats Are Absolutely Demonic, Hillary Clinton Will Be An Absolute Jezebel Of A President If She Wins
Hillary Clinton will be an absolute Jezebel of a president. Just look at what the Clintons did to the Christian Serbs in the 90s. The Christians were fighting the Muslim Albanians, who were kidnapping Christians, dissecting them and taking their…

Chainsaw And Machete Wielding Muslims Attack Random Englishman In His Car Minding His Own Business While Driving Through Calais- This Is War And Europe Must Choose To Fight Or Die
Gangs of hordes wielding chainsaws, machetes, and petrol bombs sounds like a scifi or zombie apocalypse horror film, but it is not a film- it is Western Europe 2016 under Muslim siege. This is the "new normal" that we are being told is the futur…

Muslims In UK Try To Force Romanians To Comply With Shariah Law Prohibition Against Alcohol, The Romanians Say "NO" And Then Beat The Muslims With Baseball Bats And Destroy Their Business And Their Cars
Europeans and Americans, take clear and detailed notes, because this is how to deal with Islam in a way that is effective and the Muslims can understand:A gang of Romanians stormed a barber shop with baseball bats and brutally attacked staff aft…

Major European Politician Openly Gives The Middle Finger To Anti-Islam Protestors- This Is What The So-Called "Leaders" Of The West Really Think Of You
It is usually very hard to get an honest answer from a politician. After all, many of them spend their entire careers lying just so they can earn large amounts of money by doing nothing at the taxpayer's expense. However, once in a while, the tr…

22 Year Old Muslim Pervert Says He Is Taking Four-Year-Old Boy To The Bathroom, When They Get Inside The Stall He Pulls His Pants Down And Forces The Boy To Perform Oral Sex On Him While Threatening Him With A Knife
Not only did the Muslim lie to the boy's parents, but the child was a fellow Muslim. If this is how these people treat their own kind, what is going to happen to everybody else who is not Muslim if they take over?Remember, this has already happe…

Man In Canada Smokes Marijuana, He Then Hears Voices Ordering Him To Murder A Christian Woman, He Finds An Elderly Christian Lady, And Beats Her To Death With A Rock
A man in Canada frequently smoked marijuana before hearing voices ordering to murder a Christian woman. When he found the Christian woman, Yvonne Brooks, he told her that he was thirsty. Yvone, an elderly woman always willing to be charitable to…

The Hell With The Polls. Go Ahead. Make My Day. Choose Hillary Who Will Bring Death And Destruction While I Choose Christ Who Will Rid The World Of Jezebel And Her Seed
By Walid ShoebatWhy are conservatives so fearful and sick of the polls as if a Hillary victory is the end of the world?Here's where all this elections bid is boiling down to. Trump's campaign is betting on people who have not voted recently—espe…

Homosexual In Ohio Terrorizes Five Year Old Boy, Forces Him Into Homosexuality And Repeatedly Rapes Him
Joshua Collins, subhuman demon who raped a young boy. The only solution for his kind is a tall tree and a ropeA story was recently released and its very disturbing, and it shows just how diabolical these sodomites are. In Ohio, a sodomite forced…

Soldiers Slaughter Seven Hundred Muslim Terrorists
Iraqi forces recently slaughtered seven hundred Muslim terrorists, as we read in one report:Anbar Operations Command announced that 700 ISIS members have been killed since the beginning of the liberation operations of Khalidiya Island in eastern…

The Government Of Italy Declares War On Islam, Italian Special Forces Are Now Fighting And Killing Islamic Jihadist Killers
The Italian government has deployed special forces troops into Libya to kill Islamic State terrorists, according to various Italian sources. "Italian special forces ( Col Moschin regiment and Carabinieri GIS) are fighting along side US Green Ber…

French Government Has Destroyed 33 Churches In The Last Two Decades While At The Same Time Built 1000 Mosques- European People, Stop Cutting Your Own Wrists And Start Fighting
We have been reporting here about the destruction of Churches in France, but these new numbers first reported from Poland are shocking, that ancient churches are being systematically destroyed while mosques are being put in their place:Since 200…

Muslim Imam And His Daughter Put Poisoned Needles In Food And Then Give It Out To Try And Kill Hungry Beggars
In a sick and new form of cruelty disguised as charity, a Muslim Imam and his daughter were arrested after giving out food to the homeless, only they spiked the food with poisoned needles to try and kill the people they were giving the food to:A…

The Catholic Church Has Always Been Against Islam And Will Always Be Against Islam And Nobody Can Ever Change That
King Sobieski of Poland sending the Pope a message about the Christian victory over the Muslims at ViennaRobert Spencer at Jihad Watch recently wrote an interesting piece about the status of the Catholic Church today and Islam. In his article, h…