Glenn Beck is a massive fraud. Now he just threatened on his radio show to repeatedly stab Donald Trump if he met him: So much for restoring honor to American politics. Welcome to the “conservative” movement in America 2016. Do what we say or else …
Fifteen Year Old Moroccan Girl Stabs Random German Police Officer In The Neck, Says She Did It For ISIS Because She Coul...
According to reports, the young Moroccan woman randomly stabbed a German police officer in Hannover, saying that she did it for ISIS. When she was arrested, she was more concerned that her hijab may have been jostled as to expose her hair. This call…

Businesswoman Gives Furious Warning To Women Minutes After Muslim “Refugees” Sexually Assault And Attempt To Rob Her Thr...
Rosita Kohzina is a businesswoman. While heading to her car in Vienna, three different Muslim “refugees” independently attacked her in broad daylight, grabbed her breasts, and then tried to rob her. As she relays in the video that she made minutes a…

“Ethnic Albanian” Muslims In Macedonia Angrily Protest Installation Of A 55-Foot Tall Cross, Bulldoze Part Of The Site, ...
Macedonia is approximately 68% Christian, with the majority of people belonging to the Eastern Orthodox Church. Muslims make up the other 32%, with most of them not actually being Macedonians, but rather “ethnic Albanians” from neighboring Albania. …

Turkish Police Raid Headquarters Of Today’s Zaman Newspaper, President Erdogan Takes One More Step Towards Consolidating...
The Turkish Menace strikes again. Today’s Zaman is one of the largest and most respected newspapers in Turkey. It is also one of the most objective in that it tries to present multiple sides to important issues in Turkish society, which is a rare ch…

Muslims Slaughter 4,028 Christians And Attack 198 Churches, In Just A Short Amount Of Time
By Theodore Shoebat Islamic terrorists in Nigeria, in the year 2015 along, killed 4,028 and attacked 198 churches, according to one report: In 2015, Open Doors recorded 4,028 killings and 198 church attacks. In 2014, there were 2,484 killings and 1…

Muslims Attack Nuns, They Ambush Four Nuns And Kill Them All
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Yemen attacked a Catholic missionary charity center, killing four nuns and slaughtering thirteen more people. According to one report: Seventeen people, including four Catholic nuns, were killed in Aden on Friday mor…

Marco Rubio Supports Islamic Terrorists And Will Only Help Advance The Satanic Agenda Of Islam
By Theodore Shoebat Marco Rubio supported Islamic rebels in Libya and even met with them, and this photo proves it: Marco Rubio is a part of the current Republican elitist cult, which has helped advance the Satanic agenda of Islam, by taking out Sad…

Spanish Police Forces Find 20,000 Military Uniforms That Belong To ISIS And Other Major Islamic Terrorists
Photo of the uniforms found By Theodore Shoebat Spanish police forces caught 20,000 military uniforms and they belonged to ISIS and other terrorists who belong to the jihadist organization, Al-Nusra. Many of these uniforms were intercepted from a p…

AMEN! Alabama Supreme Court Rejects US Supreme Court’s Homosexual “Marriage” Ruling, Says It Would Require Citizens And ...
The Heart of Dixie still beats strong. It is approaching one year that the US Supreme Court voted 5-4 to legalize homosexual “marriage.” The reality is that it cannot legalize it because homosexual “marriage” is an oxymoron since marriage is a fun…

Newt Gingrich Reveals: The Reason Why The Republican Party Is Attacking Donald Trump Because He Has Not Gone Through Cer...
By Theodore Shoebat I was watching the news last night and Newt Gingrich was being interviewed by Bill O’Reilly, and in the middle of the discussion Newt revealed something quite interesting: the reason why the Republican Party hates trump is becaus…

Why Trump Has God’s Blessings While The GOP Elites Has God’s Curses
By Walid Shoebat I look up “Trump” this morning on Google news to only find the strangest headlines which are not worth a click. Try it and go through the headlines yourself from top to bottom. The first one from NBC says “Donald Trump Makes His Pen…

“We Can Speak Today Of An Arab Invasion- It Is A Social Fact” Pope Francis Admits The “Refugee Crisis” Is Really A Musli...
Pope Francis was recently asked by the French Catholic Magazine La Vie about the “refugee” crisis. Here is what he had to say: Pope Francis: The only continent that can bring about a certain unity to the world is Europe,” the Pope adds. “China has p…

Bloodthirsty Muslim Nanny Says That She Beheaded The Four Year Old Disabled Girl In Her Care In Revenge For President Pu...
Yesterday we reported on that Muslim nanny Gyulchekhra Bobokulova told police she murdered a four year old girl in her care because Allah ordered her to. Now more details have emerged, and not only does she believe that Allah told her to…

New Study Shows That Americans Think Christians Are “Extremists” And Just As Dangerous As The Muslims- Persecution Is Co...
Christians, be aware. The warning shots have been fired. The average Russian Orthodox Christian did not think that after the October Revolution of 1917 he would veritably lose all rights to practice his faith. Do you think the average American in 20…

Gang of 30 Muslims Chase Three Teenage Girls Through The Mall In Germany And Try To Rape Them
Imagine your daughter goes to the mall with two of her friends. Yes, there are strange and dangerous people everywhere, but you have taught her to look out for herself, and she is a stable and intelligent woman who can handle herself in public. But …

German Homosexual, Pedophile, And Muslim Invasion Supporting Politician Gets Busted By Police On Crystal Meth Charges
Kudos to the police officer who made the arrest. The German Green Political Party supports the Muslim invasion of Germany. On their own website under the section entitled “Integration and Refugee Policy: they write: We oppose a “Fortress Europe”. We…

Angry American Gives Epic Rant For Why Trump Will Win
This guy, who calls himself Outlaw Morgan, sums up well how most Americans feel about the state of the country and why people are voting for Donald Trump. I don’t agree with everything he says and he does use a lot of profanity, but he speaks from h…