While Putin Kills Terrorists, Obama Pays Them $500,000,000 Bringing God’s Wrath Closer To A World Which Has Gone Mad
While Putin Kills Terrorists, Obama Pays Them $500,000,000 Bringing God’s Wrath Closer To A World Which Has Gone Mad

By Walid Shoebat While Putin was shelling the terrorists on Thanksgiving, president Barack Obama signed the Pentagon funding bill which allows $500 million in aid to the very terrorists in Syria that Putin is frying. Obama couldn’t find a better tim…

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Major Pagan Leaders Declare: We Will Slaughter All Christians, We Will Create A River Of Blood And A Giant Mountain Of C...
Major Pagan Leaders Declare: We Will Slaughter All Christians, We Will Create A River Of Blood And A Giant Mountain Of C...

By Theodore Shoebat Major neopagan leaders are declaring that they want to slaughter all Christians, to create a river of blood and a giant mountain of Christian corpses. I did a whole video on this evil: According to the report: The Metropolis of P…

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U.S. MEDIA won’t tell you but Israeli Intelligence is what prevented a Paris-style terrorist bomb attack on a soccer sta...
U.S. MEDIA won’t tell you but Israeli Intelligence is what prevented a Paris-style terrorist bomb attack on a soccer sta...

By BI: Israel helped thwart a major terror attack in the German city of Hanover last week, German media reported on Wednesday. According to Stern magazine, Israel offered crucial intelligence on an anticipated terror attack targeting the soccer matc…

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Homosexual Catholic Priest Sodomizes Two Hundred Men, And Some Of The Victims Are Even Children
Homosexual Catholic Priest Sodomizes Two Hundred Men, And Some Of The Victims Are Even Children

By Theodore Shoebat Homosexuality and pedophilia are running rampant in the churches, both Catholic and Protestant. In one of the latest indications of this reality, a Catholic priest sodomized 200 men, and some of the victims were even children. He…

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GERMANY: Far left ‘GREENS’ party politician is thrilled that the white population is being replaced by Muslims
GERMANY: Far left ‘GREENS’ party politician is thrilled that the white population is being replaced by Muslims

By BI: It’s called “population replacement” otherwise known as white genocide and the German leaders have no one to blame but themselves. On the upside, this woman will look good in a burqa and down on her knees. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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SYRIAN Al-Qaeda affiliated rebel groups thank the Obama Regime, especially John McCain, for advanced missile systems
SYRIAN Al-Qaeda affiliated rebel groups thank the Obama Regime, especially John McCain, for advanced missile systems

By BI: The Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, has released a grateful video, where they openly thank the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which the US has tried to pass off as a “moderate opposition group”, for supplying them with US-made anti-ta…

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SHUT THE DOOR! Sweden has closed the floodgates to the endless tidal wave of illegal alien Muslim invaders…but it’s prob...
SHUT THE DOOR! Sweden has closed the floodgates to the endless tidal wave of illegal alien Muslim invaders…but it’s prob...

By BI: ‘We simply can’t do any more,’ says the prime minister in announcing Sweden’s asylum policy will have to revert to the EU minimum rather than allowing in as many Middle Eastern and African Muslims as can get here. Sweden needs respite from th…

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VIOLENT ISLAMIC JIHAD CENTRAL: Not Syria, not Iraq…Belgium, yes, Antwerp, Belgium
VIOLENT ISLAMIC JIHAD CENTRAL: Not Syria, not Iraq…Belgium, yes, Antwerp, Belgium

By BI: Belgium is where the now dead, so-called ‘mastermind’ of the Paris attacks was based. This is Part 1 of an Israeli documentary from the same people who did an excellent exposé of the Muslim NO GO zones in Europe. Imagine what Belgium will be …

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Make No Mistake About It, Thanksgiving Is Not About Turkey And The Puritans, But About Fighting Muslims In A Great Crusa...
Make No Mistake About It, Thanksgiving Is Not About Turkey And The Puritans, But About Fighting Muslims In A Great Crusa...

By Theodore Shoebat  While November 25th is the day in which Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, we must realize that November 25 has a much great significance than just turkey and Puritans. On November 25th, 1177, the Christian crusaders defeated a 2…

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Watch New Raw Footage Of Russia Unleashing HELL From Land Air And Sea On The Muslim Terrorists Who Killed Their Pilot
Watch New Raw Footage Of Russia Unleashing HELL From Land Air And Sea On The Muslim Terrorists Who Killed Their Pilot

By Walid Shoebat While Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, Putin in his own style, sent a gift to the Turkmen who killed his pilot: hell, fire and brimstone coming from all directions; land, air and sea. The gift was not limited to the killers, but al…

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Muslims Take Young Woman And Beat Her To Death
Muslims Take Young Woman And Beat Her To Death

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Afghanistan murdered a woman by beating her to death, as we read in one report: A 26-year-old girl died following an alleged public lashing by armed groups in western Ghor province after being accused of running away f…

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The US Government Has Sold Its Soul To The Devil And To The Antichrist, It Has Betrayed The Christian Nation Of Russia W...
The US Government Has Sold Its Soul To The Devil And To The Antichrist, It Has Betrayed The Christian Nation Of Russia W...

By Walid Shoebat “They crossed into Turkish airspace,” says Washington’s senior United States military official who has been briefed on the radar tracking of the Russian warplane. The official stand from the State Department was: “Turkey and the [Tu…

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