In another horrible story out of Syria, a woman recollects how she was told by Muslim ISIS terrorists to spit on a cross or else she wo...
Buddhist Terrorists Go To Church And Tell The Christians: 'You Cannot Worship Any Longer!' They Drive The Christians Out Of The Church And Destroy It, But The Christians Declare: "No Attack Can Stop Us. We Shall Continue To Love God And Pray Under A Tree."
Buddhist terrorists in Sri Lanka attacked a church, forcing the Christians out with sticks and knives, and then destroying it. But one ...
UK Man Going For A Run Is Attacked By Muslim Gang, He Converts To Islam On The Spot And The Muslims Stop Attacking Him
A man in the UK was out going for a run when a gang of Muslims attacked him. In order to stop the Muslims from attacking, he converted ...
Muslim Terrorists Take Woman And Her Four Children, And Burn Them All To Death
Muslim terrorists in Iraq took a woman and her four children and burned them all alive, as we read in one report: A security source in ...
Muslim Terrorists Run Into Marketplace With Guns, Start Randomly Shooting And Murder Three Christians
In another act of raw, uncontrolled hatred, Muslim terrorist ran into a predominately Christian marketplace, pulled out guns and began ...
Massive Move Of The Holy Spirit As Thousands Of Muslims Across Syria Are Flocking To Pray With Christian Missionaries
For years, the reports poured out of Syria about the devastation caused by ISIS as they committed genocide against the Christians. Now ...
Muslims Grab Coptic Businessman, Drag Him Into A Busy Street And Slice His Throat In Front Of Passerby While Screaming 'Allahu Akbar' For Selling Alcohol, Another Stabs A Christian Doctor In The Throat, Another Murders A Christian Couple In Their Sleep- The First Month Of 2017 Is Not Even Through And Christians In Egypt Are Being Horribly Persecuted
January is not even through yet and the Coptic Christians of Egypt are already experiencing horrible persecution. There have been multiple attacks on Coptic Christians, including the a Christian doctor who was stabbed in the throat, a Christian couple who was butchered in their sleep, and a Coptic businessman who was attacked, dragged into the street, and slaughtered like a sheep because he was selling alcohol:
In the past two weeks, several Copts have been murdered in Egypt. Even before the dust settled over the murder of a Coptic merchant in Alexandria (220 km north of Cairo) on 3 January, Egyptian security forces found the body of a Coptic doctor killed last Friday at his home, stabbed in the throat.
Dr Bassam Safouat Zaki was general surgeon in Asyut (370 km south of Cairo). Initial findings indicate that he was stabbed in the neck, chest and back and bled to death through his mouth, nose and ears.
A few days earlier, on 5 January, security forces discovered the bodies of a Coptic couple, Gamal Sami Guirguis and Nadia Amin Guirguis, stabbed to death in their home as they slept, in Monufia Governorate, northern Egypt, about 85 km from the Egyptian capital.Following the investigation, local law enforcement arrested some suspects but did not announce the reasons for the double murder.
Two days earlier, an Alexandria merchant had his throat cut by an alleged Islamist in the middle of the street in front of passers-by and residents of his neighbourhood. As he stabbed Youssef Lamaei, the attacker shouted “Allah Akbar". During his interrogation, he said "I told him several times not to sell the alcohol, but he did not listen to me".
These three attacks come only a month after the suicide bomber blew himself up on 11 December against the Church of SS Peter and Paul (El-Botroseya), which is located next to see of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate in Cairo. Some 29 people were killed, and dozens wounded.(source)
If things are as bad as they are right now, that does not bode well for the rest of 2017..
January is not even through yet and the Coptic Christians of Egypt are already experiencing horrible persecution. There have been multi...
900,000 Christians Have Been Martyred For Following Jesus In The Last 10 Years And That Number Is Going To Go Up
There is a worldwide hatred against Christianity that is welling up. According to a recent report, 900,000 Christians have been martyred for Christ in the past ten years, which nearly one every six minutes:
Gordon-Conwell's Center for the Study of Global Christianity recently released its annual report on the persecution of Christians, which found that as many as 90,000 Christians died for their faith in the last year.
Although the study was released this month, the finding that 90,000 Christians — or one Christian every six minutes — were killed in 2016 was leaked by a prominent Italian sociologist named Massimo Introvigne during an interview with Vatican Radio in December and the report received much media attention before it was even released.
Even though 90,000 Christian martyrs might seem like a lot in one year, the think tank maintains that 90,000 Christians have died each year on average from 2005 to 2015.
"In the last week, several news organizations reported on the persecution of Christians around the world and cited our figure of 90,000 Christian martyrs in 2016," the organization said in an email to supporters. "The Center for the Study of Global Christianity has done extensive research on Christian martyrdom, both historical and contemporary. We estimate that between 2005 and 2015 there were 900,000 Christian martyrs worldwide — an average of 90,000 per year."
It should be noted that 90,000 Christian martyrs per year is a very liberal estimate. In fact, the organization notes that only 30 percent of the 90,000 Christians were killed because of terrorism. Seventy-percent of the 90,000 Christians were actually killed in tribal conflicts in Africa, which raises the question of whether or not 70 percent of 90,000 Christians were actually killed over their faith or just victims of violent conflicts.
In the email, the center explained the definition of "martyr" it used for its study. Two of the qualifying factors for "martyr" is that the slain Christians must have been in a "situation of witness" and have been killed "as a result of hostility."
"'Witness' in this definition is not restricted to public testimony concerning belief in Jesus," the email explains. "It refers to the individual's entire lifestyle, regardless of whether or not he or she was actively proclaiming at the time of death."
The email adds that the definition "as a result of hostility" takes "a variety of forms including war, conflict, random killing, and genocide, and includes acts by both individuals or groups (such as governments). This excludes deaths through accidents, crashes, illness, or acts of nature."
Last week, the Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors USA released its 2017 World Watch List of top 50 countries where Christians face the most persecution.
Open Doors estimates that a little over 1,200 Christians were killed for their faith around the globe from Nov. 1, 2015 to Oct. 31, 2016. However, that is a conservative estimate since it only includes documented cases and doesn't include statistics from North Korea and areas of Iraq and Syria, where the Islamic State has killed thousands of people over the last two years.
According to Open Doors, Christian persecution across the world has steadily increased over the last three years and 2016 was "the worst year of persecution on record."
Center for the Study of Global Christianity also found that Christians are the most persecuted religious group throughout the world. (source)
Given the developments that have been taking place in the West, if you think things are bad now for Christians, just wait...
There is a worldwide hatred against Christianity that is welling up. According to a recent report, 900,000 Christians have been martyre...
Egyptian Government Drops Case Of Muslim Mob Stripping A 70 Year Old Christian Woman Naked And Parading Her Through The Streets
The Egyptian government has dropped the case against an Islamic mob who stripped a 70 year old Christian woman naked and paraded her through the streets. According to one report:
Egyptian prosecutors have thrown out a case brought by an elderly Christian woman against several members of a Muslim mob who stripped off her clothes and paraded her naked through the streets, her lawyer said Sunday.
Last May's assault in the central Minya province began after rumors spread that the son of the 70-year-old woman had an affair with a Muslim woman - a taboo in majority Muslim and conservative Egypt.
Saturday's decision by the prosecutors cited lack of sufficient evidence, according to the lawyer, Eihab Ramzy. Another case against the alleged perpetrators of the violence, which also targeted Christian homes, remains ongoing.
The woman, Souad Thabet, told a U.S.-based Christian TV station that she and her family are unable to return home to this day because of threats by Muslim extremists in the village. Ramzy said local authorities have pressed the family to reconcile with Muslims in the village.
"It's a calamity," Ramzy told The Associated Press about the prosecutors' decision to throw out the case. "The preliminary investigation heard testimonies supporting her account from family members and policemen at the scene."
At the time of the attack, President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi called for the culprits to be held accountable and gave the military a month to restore property damaged during the violence, at no cost to the owners.
A presidential statement issued then praised the role of "glorious Egyptian women" and said "the rights and the protection of their dignity are a humanitarian and patriotic commitment before being a legal and constitutional one."
El-Sissi has since taking office in 2014 been reaching out to the religious leadership of Egypt's Christian minority. He attended this month's Christmas Mass for Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church, the country's main Christian denomination. Last month, he led a state funeral for the victims of a suicide bombing in a Cairo church that killed nearly 30 people, mostly women.
The bombing, claimed by the extremist Islamic State group, shook the community and raised questions about the adequacy of the security provided for Christian places of worship. Christian activists have long maintained that el-Sissi has not done enough to address the discrimination faced by Christians, who are often denied top jobs in security agencies or academia.
Discrimination against Christians, who make up about 10 percent of the population, is subtle in big cities like Cairo or Alexandria, but becomes much more pronounced in provinces like Minya, where they are a sizable minority.
"The government is allowing the oppressors to walk free on the streets," Thabet told the TV channel. "This is our village that we were born and raised in ... How can we be the victims and not be able to return to our village and homes?"
The Egyptian government has dropped the case against an Islamic mob who stripped a 70 year old Christian woman naked and paraded her th...
Christian Doctor Refuses To Leave His Village, And Stays To Help The Sick And The Injured, Muslim Terrorists Invade And Kidnap Him, The Doctor Refuses To Deny Christ And The Muslims Slaughter Him. Another Christian Declares The Words Of Christ: 'If You Deny Me I Will Deny You.' The Muslims Take Him And Butcher Him
A Christian doctor in Syria refused to leave his village, and stayed to help the sick and the injured. Muslim terrorists belonging to ISIS invaded, took the doctor, and after he refused to deny Christ, they slaughtered him. There was another Christian, by the name of Gergis who, in another attack, told his mother once ISIS had invaded his area, that Jesus said: 'If You Deny Me I Will Deny You.' The Muslim terrorists as well murdered him. According to the report:
Some of the world's top aid agencies, including the United Nations and the Wold Hearth Organization, warned on Monday that as many as 700,000 people, including 300,000 children, remain trapped in besieged areas around Syria.
Christians, moderate Muslims, and others have suffered greatly in the midst of the war, with persecution watchdog group Open Doors USA ranking Syria at No. 6 on its 2017 World Watch List of countries where believers are targeted most severely for their faith.
One persecuted Christian from Syria, identified as Pastor Edward, told The Christian Post in an interview that it's "very said and painful" to talk about what is happening in the country.
"Syria is getting torn apart and evil is all around us. We can touch evil and feel it. It is heavy on our hearts. But we also experience truth of the living Jesus Christ. It is encouraging though to me to see Isaiah 60, which says the light rises up on the church and His glory is on the church," Edward said.
Sharing some of the events he witnessed that greatly affected him, the pastor recounted: "There was a man named George who chose not to be hidden by his Muslim neighbor when extremists came looking for Christians. He told his mother Jesus said, 'If you deny me I will deny you.' And he was killed. His mother was not even allowed to bury his body."
"A doctor friend of mine decided to stay in his community to attend to everyone's medical needs: Christian or not. He could have left," he added.
"He could have gone to safety, but he chose to specifically stay to help others. He was taken by Islamic extremists and on camera, was killed. The video is so shocking and it gives me great pain."
A Christian doctor in Syria refused to leave his village, and stayed to help the sick and the injured. Muslim terrorists belonging to I...
Major Muslim Leaders Declare That Within SEVEN YEARS The Muslim Caliphate Will Be Established And Erdogan Will Be Caliph Of The Muslim World

Justice and Development Party (AKP) Aydın Efeler branch member Suat Ünal resigned on Saturday, after mounting reactions to the post, including from opposition parties.
Its time we put this puzzle together, especially when all these major Muslim figures are discussing that the Caliphate is to emerge in seven years from now. It could even be quicker as we see reported this morning that Erdogan’s new caliphate presidential system will be taken to a referendum in early April, just two months from now.
"Allah will complete the divine light" says Suat Ünal, a board member of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), on Saturday, couple days ago.
Ünal was not messing around. He was referring to Erdoğan's appointment as "Caliph" who is Allah's "divine light" which he posted a photo with "Allah" hovering over Erdogan who is depicted as a cherub.
He even spilled the beans and leaked the date: "2023", which is earlier than what has been declared by others "2024".
So why 2023-2024? Westerners do not know the Hadith. Muslim theological sources explain this calculation:
"The Islamic Caliphate fell at the hands of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1924 and in the Hadith, prophet Muhammad states "Allah will, on the new years of every one hundred years, will send to the Umma (Muslim World) one who will re-arise to renew its religion" (Abu Daud, 4/178)
One can also find this Hadith in the most reputable of Muslim sources including even the Muslim Brotherhood itself.
The Muslim Brotherhood who have been working very closely with Erdogan are proud to claim the initiation of the century struggle when Egyptian Hassan Al-Banna began this revival right after the fall of the Ottomans.
So 2023-2024 is a century after the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate, when the West wounded its head.
So it must be after 100 years. They are bound by it.
After that, some analysts even give 3.5 years until the Mahdi appears:
Caliphate fell, 1924 + 100 = 2024 or close to it, to 2027, which will be the time Mahdi appears.
سقوط الخلافة 1924 + 100 = 2024 او قريب منه الى 2027 هو زمن ظهور المهدي
And the Turkish leadership are not shy about all this. Ünal shared all this in a message he posted on social media stating:
“Erdoğan will be Caliph after he gets his new presidential status. Even the rooms at Aksaray [Presidential Palace] are ready. The Islamic Union will be established ... 2023. Allah will complete the divine light.”
But there is a crackdown now. This is to remain a 'hush-hush' issue. Ünal was forced to resign on Saturday for simply repeating what has been already circulating from couple years ago, when pro-Erdoğan columnist Abdurahman Dilipak at a conference in Toronto in 2015 said:
"The caliphate has arrived at the Turkish Parliament. The government has been doing what is needed. If Tayyip Erdoğan switches to a presidential system, he will probably appoint counselors to Muslim territories, to the territories faithful to the caliph. He will also create representative offices of the Islamic Union in Beştepe [the Presidential Palace in Ankara]”
"Islamic Union" "Divine Light"? These are some serious declarations which we will analyze shortly.
Then you had Fatih Nurullah Efendi, the leader of the Uşşaki sect who said in a speech broadcast by Nurani TV in October 2016 that the Republic of Turkey, which was established in 1920, has ended and that the second Ottoman Empire has become a reality:
“The leader of the second Ottoman Empire is Tayyip Bey [President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan]. He is our first sultan”
"Ottoman Empire"? They laughed us off when we first predicted this decades ago.
This guy, Efendi, also claimed that the new state that has been rising after a 100-year hiatus (referring to the Republic of Turkey) will be a continuation of the state established in Medina (Saudi Arabia) by the Prophet Muhammad, except he wants it to be 2020, three years from now.
This was also leaked by Mustafa Ataş on March 28, 2016 and AKP Aydın provincial chairman İsmail Hakkı Eser was quoted as saying that he and party sympathizers love Erdoğan so much they think of him “like a second prophet” and Deputy Health Minister Agah Kafkas once said: “When we lay the foundation of a [facility], we also provide the date of its opening. This is the sunnah (Muhammad's mandate)— Muslim practices based on the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad — of Tayyip Erdoğan.”
Erdoğan is "like a prophet"?
Not a single government official or supporter have publicly objected to the statements.
And then you have AKP Bursa deputy Hüseyin Şahin who said that "touching Erdoğan is a form of prayer," while AKP Düzce deputy Fevai Arslan said that "Erdoğan has all the attributes of God himself".
Who is this Erdoğan that touching him is "divine"? And how do we analyze all these references for a westerner who simply wants to understand what is happening from a biblical prophetic perspective?
"The Islamic Union" that Abdurahman Dilipak spoke of seems like "the league" which Ezekiel spoke about.
Erdoğan himself even confirms. Last year said at the closing ceremony of the Turkish-Arab Higher Education Congress in Istanbul on April 28, that he was saddened by people using the words “Turk” and “Arab” and “Arab League” and prefers they use “Muslim League” or "Muslim Union". He in fact told the Arab league to their face:
“Will there be a Turkish League in response to this the Arab league? Why should there be such a league? You say the OIC on one hand, and the Arab League on the other hand. What kind of a 'league' is this? Why do we call one “the Organization of Islamic Cooperation” (OIC) but call the other the “Arab League”? Arabs don’t have supremacy over non-Arabs, nor do non-Arabs have supremacy over Arabs. Supremacy only [comes] through surrendering to Allah.
This is the “core issue” said Erdoğan.
Was Ezekiel 30:5 messing around when Ezekiel spoke of this “league” giving the exact nations involved:
Cush, and Libya, and Lydia [Turkey], and all the mingled people, and Kub, and the men of the land that is in league, shall fall with them by the sword.
The lay person including even western scholars read “mingled people” and they do not understand what all this entails. The Hebrew plainly says:
כּוּשׁ וּפוּט וְלוּד וְכָל-הָעֶרֶב וְכוּב, וּבְנֵי אֶרֶץ הַבְּרִית
Transliteration: Kush wa-Phut wa-Lud wa-kul ha-Arab wa-Kub wa-Bani eretz ha-beret
A typical westerner reads the verse and go like this: okay Walid, “Kush” is Sudan and Somalia, I got it, “Phut” is Libya, “Lud” is Turkey and “ha-Arab” are some “mingled people” and Kub … well no one knows who “Kub” is.
So they skip and only get half the truth. "Ha-Arab" mingled people is literally "The -Arabs". This “Ha-Arab” “the Arab” And “Kub” is a place near Mecca (see map below) and “Bani eretz ha-beret” is literally, “the whole land coming in league“.
The construct from an eastern perspective really starts from the end. What the verse is saying is this;
listen up, it will be all these mingled people from all over the land. They will come in a league; Arabs, Meccan, the dark Sudanese and Somalians, the Turkic peoples (Uzbeks, Gergez, Tadjiks, Bosnians, Albanians ...), all the North Africans (Tunisians, Algerians, Libyans, Moroccans and Mauritanians).
But there is more to these statements than just forming the "league" which Ezekiel prophesied about. This Suat Ünal says that "Allah will complete the divine light".
"Divine Light"? This is some serious description for a political figure like Erdogan.
In Islam, especially Sufi Islam, this "divine light," stems from when Muhammad gained the title of "luminous" and "moon light" after the Battle of Tabuk when Muhammad appeared emerging from the Wada' valley. His appearance sparked the first Muslim hymn Tala'a Al-Badru A'layna ("Here arose the moon upon us") and is when the Muslim date system (Hijrah) began.
We wrote about this last year regarding Revelation 12's "the Woman" and now they are already disclosing it.
In the Ottoman imagery, it depicts Muhammad's titles stemming directly from Allah who is also described as this light:
“the Light of the heavens and the earth... The Parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star...luminous...Light upon Light!” (Q 24:35).
The imagery spills right out of Scripture regarding Lucifer, the morning star and the star (referred to as "he" a living being) that fell from heaven in Apocalypse 9 as poisoning the waters (nations).
This "divine light" is prophetically "The moon," which Christ as well as John spoke about and the woman (the Ark) of Revelation 11-12 comes to stomp under her feet.
This is the rising of the kingdom of the moon in contrast to "the sun" (the west).
Muhammad took such titles and was depicted as the badr (full moon) and "the sun" when the Ansar (residents of Madinah) sang greeting Muhammad upon his arrival at Madinah to welcome him. The Sufi Muslims of Turkey already sing it for the elevated elated Erdogan which westerners rarely see or watch:
Erdogan, in the video above is sucking up the "hymn of hymns" all dedicated to him as they sang:
"The full moon (badr) rose over us from the valley of Wada. We ought to be thankful. You are the sun. You are the full moon. You are light upon light. You are the lamp of the star. You are my spring O messenger".
And now Erdogan has become this "divine light".
Muhammad gained such glorified titles as Al-Siraj Al-Muneer, literally "the Luminous Lamp" which transfers to Erdogan and the last Caliph as in Quran 33:45-46, where Muhammad became the "illuminating lamp":
"O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. And one who invites to Allah, by His permission, and an illuminating lamp."
This 'light' is on their emblems, Islam's theology was etched in the main image of the Muslim Ottoman Empire.
All this is stolen from the transendant light emanating from behind the Woman of Revelation 12, Islam had the radiating sun with its transcendent "light upon light" emanating from behind the crescent image (who is Muhammad) and a star (who is also Muhammad) which within it is the glowing lamp (Tughra) which is also Muhammad inside the morning star (which is also Muhammad).
And now Erdogan himself has become this "divine light".
This is some major declaration from an Islamic perspective.
It is for this reason, I believe, that Revelation 12 sends a message to what is about to erupt in few years from now, "the crescent" and even "the full moon" (Badr) is stopped by the woman of Genesis 3:15.
Apocalypse 12 never said "crescent" but "moon". Yet both are descriptions of Muhammad and Mahdi. He is depicted as Badr (full moon) and crescent.
And this image in the Tughra is “Nūr Muhammad (“Light of Muhammad”) is a term central to later Sufi (Turkey) and Shī`ī (Iran) belief.
These are the main composites of the beast of Apocalypse 13 "the leopard" (Greece/Asia Minor) and "the bear" (Persia). The Ottoman emblem appeals to these specific two. These transformed the Sultan into a spiritual, luminous being even beyond Wahhabi theology to a godly status, especially since they call him "light upon light" a title that only belongs to Allah himself in the Quran.
It is for this reason that Erdogan is called "divine light" and that "touching Erdoğan is a form of prayer".
This is some serious blasphemy according to the Wahhabist Saudis, which will further rip and shred the relationship between the two nations.
For one to rise to the pinnacle in Islam (as Erdogan is trying to do), the multitudes must proclaim him or someone who follows after him as Mahdi.
This makes that person as if he was deity in Sufi Islam. This is why the Douay-Rheims Bible had the perfect description:
Who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God. (2 Thess 2:4)
Islam's last Caliph or Mahdi would never plainly say "I am God". This is why there is this "if" in 2 Thessalonians 2 "as if he were God".
This is a crucial clue. Whether Muhammad or Mahdi, these are "lifted up" "above all" "as if he were God" and is why the "woman" must bring it down.
The "Woman" simply reverses what was reversed.
God declares that it is the "woman" Who is "clothed with the sun" of Rev. 12:1 Who stomps the Muslim image.
Islam, this kingdom of "the moon" therefore receives defeat by stomping on Islam's Al-Siraj Al-Muneer (the glowing lamp) is major; it is one of Allah's 99 names which are also transferred to Muhammad (even the Mahdi) as the very reflection of Allah's light:
"The moon reflects the sun. The Messenger [Muhammad] ﷺ is al-Siraj al-Munir – a lamp radiating light. He reflects the beauty and majesty of the One who sent him." (Muslim Judicial Council, Saudi Arabia)
And by this, I, Walid Shoebat, born in the Shepherd's Fields (the land of the Shepherds) in Bethlehem to relate to you my fellow brethren what I see and understand.
O clement, O pius, O gentle Mary.
O shepherds, rise before your God,
relate what you have seen of Christ.
Justice and Development Party (AKP) Aydın Efeler branch member Suat Ünal resigned on Saturday, after mounting reactions to the post, in...
Muslims Kidnap, Strip Naked, And Beat 70-Year-Old Christian Woman In Public, The Court Drops The Charges Against Her Attackers And Police Tell Her 'It Is Your Job To Reconcile With The Muslims'
Last year we reported how three hundred Muslims kidnapped, stripped naked, and beat an elderly Christian woman because of a rumor her son was having an affair with a Muslim. Her case just finished up in court, and not only were all charges dropped against her attackers, the police told her that it was her 'job to reconcile with the Muslims'. In the meantime, those same Muslims are still threatening to murder her:
Eihab Ramzy, the lawyer for the victim, Souad Thabet, called the move a "calamity," even as his client and her family have not been able to return to their village, al-Karam, due to continued threats by Muslim extremists.
"The government is allowing the oppressors to walk free on the streets," Thabet was quoted as saying. "This is our village that we were born and raised in. ... How can we be the victims and not be able to return to our village and homes?"
Prosecutors cited lack of sufficient evidence as the reason for dropping the case, according to The Associated Press. However, the lawyer was quoted as saying, "The preliminary investigation heard testimonies supporting her account from family members and policemen at the scene."
Authorities, on their part, are insisting that the Christian woman needs to reconcile with local Muslims.
Thabet was attacked last May, as a Muslim mob reacted to rumors that her son, Ashraf Attiya, had an affair with a "married" Muslim woman, Nagwa Ragab Fouad.
Fouad, already estranged from her husband, Nazir Ahmed, strongly denied the alleged affair, insisting that Ahmed spread the rumour to be able to get a free divorce, denying her her legal rights, World Watch Monitor reported at the time.
After the attack, Thabet narrated the incident to local media.
"On Friday [May 20, 2016,] sometime in the evening, our home was stormed. They beat my husband severely. When I started screaming, they dragged me out into the street," she said. "They repeatedly beat me and stripped me of all my clothes. They left me as naked as the day I was born. They were heavily armed, no-one dared approach me to help."
The same mob also allegedly targeted at least seven Christian homes, burning and destroying them. That case is still pending.(source)
Last year we reported how three hundred Muslims kidnapped, stripped naked, and beat an elderly Christian woman because of a rumor her ...
Muslim Tries To Rape Teen Girl, She Tells Him "Meet Me Back Here Tomorrow," She Calls The Police And He Gets Busted The Next Day When He Comes To Meet Her
One of Europe's "new" Muslims tried to rape a 13-year-old girl. Thinking fast, she told him that she would meet him there tomorrow- but not after telling her parents and setting up a sting with the local police. Now her would-be molester is sitting in a prison cell:
But when the Algerian man, 34, returned for what he thought would be an erotic rendezvous he was seized by police who lay in wait for him.
Detectives praised the “quick thinking and courage” of the schoolgirl aged 13 who was approached and grabbed by the six foot tall man at Wolfsburg railway station on Saturday.
He dragged her into a darkened corner of the station and began to molest her.
The girl told newspaper Bild; “He held a hand over my mouth and spoke in English. He said I should be quiet and not struggle. He tried to kiss me and to grope me.
The girl, who had two friends waiting for her outside the station, managed to break free but her attacker came after her. Then she turned to him and said: “I have to go home now but I will be here at the same time tomorrow.”
The man nodded and agreed to the rendezvous. But once at home she blurted out details of her horrific experience to her parents who called police.
With numerous uniformed and plain clothes officers at various points in the station the girl returned to the station the following day in a bid to lure him into a trap.
The ploy worked and the paedophile was caught. He is now facing charges of attempted sexual assault on a minor.
Her father, 49, was watching his daughter the whole time.
“She played the decoy,” he said.
"It took about five minutes, until the police intervened with two civilian investigators and two uniformed officers." (source,source)
The teen who set him up
What she did in this story was a good example for how to handle such predators. Since Islam darkens one's sense of morality and gives a man over to indulge and justify his feelings of carnal license without any sense of sin, these Muslims will act on impulse like an animal. This is why there is consistent sexual violence with Muslims that we see throughout the Middle East and now in the West.
It also illustrates another point that I have said too, which is that since Muslims act on impulse because that is what Islam teaches them to do, it also makes them very easily controlled and manipulated by others. Just look at what this girl did- she convinced her would-be rapists to meet her back at the same area so he could rape her, when in the end it was she who got the last laugh. As I have pointed out, governments recognize and love this submissive quality because it makes Muslims easy to manipulate as a whole for political ends. This works until the Muslims recognize this pattern, at which time they will turn on you. In the case of the girl, it would just mean she would have to fight physically with the Muslim to escape. But in terms of policy, especially if you have a country full of Muslims, then it often means a violent revolution.
And as always love, pray, and make sacrifice for them, but never trust a Muslim.
One of Europe's "new" Muslims tried to rape a 13-year-old girl. Thinking fast, she told him that she would meet him there...
The Serbian Government Sends A Train Right Into Kosovo That Reads With Giant Words: "Kosovo Is Serbia." This Could Help Spark A Major War, As Austrian Troops Are Now On The Serbian-Hungarian Border
Serbian authorities sent a very provocative train right into Kosovo with giant words that read: "Kosovo is Serbia." This could help spark a major conflict between Christians and Muslims. The train is Russian designed, so its possible that the Russian government is involved in this in order to spark fighting in the region, between Serbs and Albanians, possibly in order to have a reason to expand into the Balkans. The provocative statement, "Serbia is Kosovo," was written in multiple languages, including Albanian.
Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian government office for Kosovo, sent the train into Kosovo. Kosovo State Minister Edita Tahiri, said:
Serbia has a dangerous plan that should worry all of us, Kosovo as well as its international partners... This provocation displays the aggressive Serbian policy that jeopardizes the sovereignity and the territorial integrity of Kosovo, and its national security as well.
Kosovo’s president Hashim Thaci, who was a rebel commander in the 1998-89 war, on Saturday denounced Serbia’s sending of the train as the “latest provocation” and ordered that his nation's authorities “use all legal means to stop this train immediately”.
The Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, ordered the train to be stopped before it was prevented from going any further by the Kosovo authorities. Vucic revealed:
This was an ambition to provoke a conflict, to start a wider conflict in this territory that we consider as ours ...It was my decision to stop the train . . . to preserve the freedom and lives of our people . . . and show that we want peace
He also declared that the Serbian government “will not allow attacks” on Kosovo's ethnic Serbian population. We must ask ourselves, why did people within the Serbian government send this train, and then Prime Minister of the very same government ordered it to be stopped? This was a deliberate provocation to increase tensions that will eventually erupt into a bloodbath.
The carnage will not be localized to the Balkans, but will eventually expand into a war within the whole of Europe. Lets not forget the lessons of both World Wars. Before the outbreak of WW1 in the summer of 1914, Germany was itching to find a reason to attack Russia, Great Britain and France. Once the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a Serbian occultist, Gavrilo Princip, the Germans finally had their justification. Austria wanted to utterly devastate Serbia, believing that the Serbian government was behind the murder, regardless of the fact that the Serbian government had utterly condemned the slaying. Both the Germans and the Austrians promised that the conflict would be localized strictly in the Balkans. But that was obviously a lie. Germany eventually commenced a warpath into Western Europe, making Austria and Hungary its ally, invading Belgium and entering France.
Of course, the Germans made up a reason to deploy troops into Belgium: they claimed that Germans were in Belgium working on the railway system, and that they needed protection. The troops were deployed, but they weren't leaving. They invaded Belgium, and then attacked France, sparking the First World War. It began in Eastern Europe, and then eventually engulfed the rest of the continent. The Second World War also began Eastern Europe, with the Germans taking over Czechoslovakia and then Poland. We must focus on whats happening Eastern Europe. Major world powers are manipulating the societies of the Balkans, taking advantage of the ethnic tensions between Serbs and Albanians in order to purposefully spark violence, and find justification for military intervention.
What could end up happening is this: Albanians and Serbs will begin killing each other, commencing international outcry. Russia will intervene in the Balkans to protect their fellow Orthodox Christians. Germany will then enter into the conflict to protect the Albanians, just as it supported the Albanian nationalist terrorist network, the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) against the Serbs back in the nineties. Germany will support its puppets: Albania, Croatia, and Ukraine, against Russia. Eventually this will erupt into a war. I am not saying this conclusively, but as observational speculation.
The United States recently deployed some 4,000 troops into Poland, and it looks like its all being done to prepare, and/or to provoke a conflict. Our Balkans correspondent, Lazar, told us: "They are pushing Poland into conflict with Russia due to their interests." The train was Russian made, German is backing Ukraine and Albania against Russia and Serbia, Austrian troops are now on the Serbian-Hungarian border, and from this we can see how the major powers are working to spark some major conflict. As Lazar told us: "Essentially great powers are skirmishing over our backs."
We will see what unfolds in this series of events; but whatever transpires, there will be blood.
Serbian authorities sent a very provocative train right into Kosovo with giant words that read: "Kosovo is Serbia." This cou...