With the emergence of an alleged new variant that the UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said “may evade the current vaccines”, despite also saying “that is why you should get your boosters” in the same sentence, we felt it was best to take you on a journey through three months worth of UKHSA Covid-19 data to show you why, if the rumours are true, the unvaccinated population have absolutely nothing to worry about, but the vaccinated population have everything to fear.
You’ve most likely been seeing headlines like ‘Worst Ever Covid Variant’ in the mainstream media, such as this one from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded newspaper ‘The Guardian’.
But we doubt the same mainstream media, trying to once again frighten the nation into compliance with inevitable Draconian restrictions, has informed you that this alleged new variant was first discovered among four individuals, each of them fully vaccinated.

Current trends suggest that the unvaccinated will no doubt be blamed for the emergence of this new variant, and the onslaught of propaganda designed to sway the nation into supporting a lockdown of the unvaccinated will probably now pick up pace.
But is this justified?
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publish a weekly ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report containing statistics on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status across England over the past four weeks.
Their latest report, published Thursday November 25th covers data on infections, hospitalisations and deaths from Week 43 to Week 46 of 2021 (October 25th – November 21st).
The report reveals that there were 833,332 recorded Covid-19 cases, 9,094 Covid-19 hospitalisations and 3,700 Covid-19 deaths from October 25th to November 21st. Of these the unvaccinated accounted for 39% of all cases, 34% of all hospitalisations, and 19% of all deaths. Whilst the vaccinated accounted for 61% of all cases, 66% of all hospitalisations, and 81% of all deaths.
But a more detailed look at three months worth of Covid-19 data published by the agency reveals that projections show the fully vaccinated were already in for a very rough winter prior to the alleged emergence of the “worst ever” Covid-19 variant. Infections rates are already much higher among the fully vaccinated, and the case-fatality rate is frighteningly worse than what is being seen among the unvaccinated population.
We used the following reports for our analysis –
Covid-19 Cases
The following chart shows the total number of cases over four week periods from August 30th to November 21st 2021 as per table 8 of the Vaccine Surveillance reports.

The chart reveals that things are improving for the unvaccinated population in terms of cases whilst they are getting worse for the fully vaccinated population.
The unvaccinated accounted for the majority of Covid-19 cases between both week 35-38 and week 39-42. But the most recent four weeks have seen a significant switch with the unvaccinated cases declining by nearly 100,000 cases from week 39-42, whilst the fully vaccinated cases increased by around 53,000.
It’s also worth noting that a steady increase has been recorded amongst the partly vaccinated population over the past three months, and the reason for this is that children, who are currently only eligible for a single dose, are still catching Covid-19.
This is despite Professor Chris Whitty the Chief Medical Officer for England claiming he was overruling the JCVI because the jab would help in preventing further disruption to the education of children.
We knew this was a lie at the time because the jabs cannot and do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus, but now we have the evidence to confirm it.

The above chart shows the cumulative number of cases over the past three months by vaccination status as well as the projected number of cases per week up to the 2nd week of January 2022 based on the current trend.
As things stand there were 1,067,859 Covid-19 cases among the unvaccinated population between Oct 25th and November 21st, with projections showing cases could increase to a cumulative total of approximately 2.5 million by the second week of January 2022 among the unvaccinated.
But there are far more cases among the fully vaccinated population, with 1,108,306 cases being recorded between Oct 25th and Nov 21st, and projections show cases could rise to a cumulative total of approximately 4.8 million by the second week of January.
This chart proves that even without the alleged new variant we were already going to see a ‘Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated’ this winter.
Covid-19 Hospitalisations
The following chart shows the total number of hospitalisations over four week periods from August 30th to November 21st 2021 as per table 9 of the Vaccine Surveillance reports.

The chart shows that hospitalisations among the unvaccinated have floated around the 3,000 mark over four week periods throughout the past three months.
But unfortunately for the fully vaccinated population, hospitalisations among this group have been getting progressively worse by the month.
The number of hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated between week 43 and 46 is 30% higher than the number of hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated between week 35 and 38. Whereas the number of hospitalisations among the unvaccinated between week 43 and 46 is just 5% higher than the number recorded between week 35 and 38.
This shows that the fully vaccinated are currently the biggest burden on the NHS, not the unvaccinated, and it also shows us something peculiar in terms of the overall picture considering the vaccines are supposed to reduce the risk of hospitalisation.
In all there were 1,067,859 cases among the unvaccinated between August 30th and November 21st. Therefore, with a total of 8,825 hospitalisations, the case-hospitalisation rate among the unvaccinated is 0.82%.
However, with 1,108,306 cases among the vaccination population during the same time frame, and 15,191 hospitalisations, the case-hospitalisation rate among the fully vaccinated is 1.37%.
Therefore, the case-hospitalisation rate among the fully vaccinated is 67% higher than the case-hospitalisation rate among the unvaccinated. Should this be the case when the Covid-19 injections are alleged to reduce the risk of hospitalisation by up to 95%?

The above chart shows the cumulative number of hospitalisations over the past three months by vaccination status as well as the projected number of hospitalisations up to the second week of 2022, and yet again things aren’t looking promising for the fully vaccinated.
Hospitalisations are projected to rapidly rise to an accumulative total of approximately 67,500 among the fully vaccinated, an increase of 52,309. Whilst the projected number of hospitalisations among the unvaccinated is expected to rise to approximately 17,500 , an increase of 8,675.
The vaccinated have currently accounted for 64% of hospitalisations since August 30th, but from November 21st to the second week of 2022 they are projected to account for 86% of hospitalisations, meaning they may have accounted for 80% of hospitalisations since August 30th by the time new year resolutions have gone out the window.
Covid-19 Deaths
The following chart shows the total number of deaths over four week periods from August 30th to November 21st 2021 as per table 10 of the Vaccine Surveillance reports.

From August 30th to November 21st, England recorded a total of 9,592 deaths. Of these just 1,882 were among the unvaccinated population, whilst a shocking 7,710 were among the vaccinated population, with nearly 3,000 of these deaths occurring in just the last four weeks.
Does this make sense to you when the fully vaccinated account for only 47% of cases and the vaccines are alleged to reduce the risk of death by 95%?

The above chart shows the cumulative number of deaths over the past three months by vaccination status as well as the projected number of deaths up to the second week of 2022, and things are looking disastrous for the fully vaccinated population.
Deaths are projected to rapidly rise to an accumulative total of approximately 34,000 among the fully vaccinated, an increase of 26,574. Whilst the projected number of deaths among the unvaccinated is expected to rise to just 4,500, an increase of 2,618.
Covid-19 Case / Hospitalisation / Fatality Rates

The above chart shows the total number of Covid-19 hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status and allows us to compare the numbers side by side. What this clearly demonstrates is that there is a much higher hospitalisation-fatality rate among the fully vaccinated and partly vaccinated populations than the rate among the unvaccinated population.
In all there were 8,825 hospitalisations and 1,882 deaths among the unvaccinated between August 30th and November 21st. Therefore, the hospitalisation-fatality rate is 21.3%.
But with 15.191 hospitalisations and 7,426 deaths among the fully vaccinated population population the hospitalisation-fatality rate is 48.88%.
This means the hospitalisation-fatality rate among the fully vaccinated population over the past three months has been 130% higher than the hospitalisation-fatality rate among the unvaccinated population.

The above chart shows the case-hospitalisation rate (No. Cases / No. Hosp.), case-fatality rate (No. Cases / No. Deaths), and hospitalisation fatality rate (No. Hosp / No. Deaths) by vaccination status.
It’s quite concerning to find that all three rates are much higher among the vaccinated population, we should surely be seeing the opposite if the Covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death?
But unfortunately the above figures do not just suggest that the vaccines are ineffective, they actually suggest that they make the recipient worse.
A vaccine effectiveness of +95% against death from Covid-19 would mean that the unvaccinated population have a 95% higher chance of dying if infected with Covid-19 than the vaccinated.
A vaccine effectiveness of 0% would mean that the vaccines are ineffective and the vaccinated and unvaccinated have the same chance of dying if infected with Covid-19.
But a vaccine effectiveness of -95% would mean that the vaccines actually make the recipient worse, by for example decimating the recipients immune system, or invoking a response such as antibody-dependent-enhancement. Which makes the following figures extremely concerning.

The above chart shows the current increased risk of hospitalisation if infected with Covid-19, the current increased risk of death if infected with Covid-19, and the current increased risk of death if hospitalised with Covid-19, among the fully vaccinated population. The percentages have been calculated based on the ‘Rates by Vaccination Status’ calculated in the previous chart.
The chart shows that the fully vaccinated are 67% more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 if infected, therefore this shows that the Covid-19 vaccines have an average vaccine effectiveness of -67% against hospitalisation.
But the most concerning figure demonstrated on the above chart shows that the fully vaccinated are 294% more likely to die with Covid-19 if infected. This shows that the Covid-19 vaccines have an average vaccine effectiveness of -294% against death.
The reason the fully vaccinated are actually suffering far worse than the unvaccinated, and are projected to suffer worse still, could have something to do with the fact that the data suggests the Covid-19 injections are decimating the immune systems of the vaccinated, as we demonstrated in a previous article published Tuesday November 16th which can be viewed here.

The case rates per 100,000 population contained in the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance reports show that the fully vaccinated 30 to 79 year-olds have a much higher case rate than the unvaccinated population, and things are getting progressively worse by the month.
This means the Covid-19 injections are proving to have a negative effectiveness, and this unfortunately suggests that they are decimating the fully vaccinated populations immune systems, and we are seeing further evidence of this hidden in official government reports.
For instance, the Week 42 Vaccine Surveillance report published by the UKHSA states the following –
“Recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination.”

What this means is that the Covid-19 vaccines interfere with the immune systems ability to produce antibodies against other pieces of the SARS-CoV-2 virus following infection, in the case of the N antibody this is against the nucleocapsid protein which is the shell of the virus, and a crucial part of the immune system response in the unvaccinated population.
Therefore, if any mutations to the spike protein of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus occur in the future, the vaccinated will be far more vulnerable and possibly unprotected due to their inability to produce the N antibody, even if they have already been infected and recovered from Covid-19.
Whereas the unvaccinated would have much better immunity to any mutations due to their ability to produce both S and N antibodies after infection.
What do we know?
The new “worst ever” variant is called B.1.1.529 and is allegedly incredibly, heavily mutated.
Professor Tulio de Oliveira, the director of the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation in South Africa, said there was an “unusual constellation of mutations” and that it was “very different” to other variants that have circulated.
“This variant did surprise us, it has a big jump on evolution [and] many more mutations than we expected,” he said.
In a media briefing Professor de Oliveira said there were 50 mutations overall and more than 30 on the spike protein, which is the target of the Covid-19 vaccines and now the only part of the Covid-19 virus that the fully vaccinated are able to produce antibodies against, as confirmed in the UKHSA report.
Therefore, – with 80% of deaths, 65% of hospitalisations, and 54% of cases being among the partly and fully vaccinated population since at least August 30th, proving England is experiencing a ‘Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated’, and the vaccinated populations inability to produce the N antibody because of the vaccines only targeting the spike protein – the unvaccinated population have absolutely nothing to worry about, but the vaccinated population have everything to fear in regard to the new “worst ever” Covid-19 variant.
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source https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/11/27/only-the-fully-vaccinated-should-fear-the-new-variant/
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