The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle- How The West Sold Its Soul To Islam
The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle- How The West Sold Its Soul To Islam

John Griffing at American Thinker has penned a thoughtful piece about the decline of the West and Islam’s subsequent rise. As he notes in his article: Western leaders are aiding and abetting this insanity with a consistency and single-mindedness of …

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Watch 1,400 Employees learn their jobs leaving Indiana and going to Mexico
Watch 1,400 Employees learn their jobs leaving Indiana and going to Mexico

GOP Frontrunner Donald Trump has been talking about this for the last seven months. This is outrageous and it’s happening, this is not fake. Jobs are going overseas, to Mexico because it cost less for production and this country is killing small busi…

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Amazing! Ultra-Liberal VICE Magazine Does A Phenomenal Documentary About Muslims Who Have Risked It All To Leave Islam
Amazing! Ultra-Liberal VICE Magazine Does A Phenomenal Documentary About Muslims Who Have Risked It All To Leave Islam

VICE Magazine is not known for its support of virtue, as we know well here at Shoebat.com. Indeed, it tends to cover and support stories of a rather scandalous nature. As such, the magazine has a naturally liberal bend. It has come out in the past o…

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“10,000 Missing Refugee Children Have Been Sold Into Sex Slavery Or Harvested For Organ Trafficking” Muslim “Leader” In ...
“10,000 Missing Refugee Children Have Been Sold Into Sex Slavery Or Harvested For Organ Trafficking” Muslim “Leader” In ...

We profiled Central Council of Muslims In Germany President Ayman Mazyek last month on Shoebat.com for blaming the Muslim mass rapes this past New Years Eve on “drunken Germans.” As we noted in that piece: Mr. Mazyek’s refusal to address such a clea…

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“Our Orders Have Tripled Since After New Years” Arms And Weapon Dealers Throughout ALL Europe Reporting Record Profits A...
“Our Orders Have Tripled Since After New Years” Arms And Weapon Dealers Throughout ALL Europe Reporting Record Profits A...

Arms sales have reached record numbers in Germany, but in a recent report from Euronews, arms and weapon sales overall have TRIPLED throughout the entire European Union as people gear up to protect themselves from the invading Muslim refugee hordes …

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“Of Course We Want Our People To Come Back. The Western Governments Caused This Migration.” Must Read Interview With Syr...
“Of Course We Want Our People To Come Back. The Western Governments Caused This Migration.” Must Read Interview With Syr...

President Asad of Syria has been under attack from the United States and other western governments for almost a decade now. Regardless of what one thinks of him, he deserves a lot of respect because in spite of the fact that Syria is a Muslim majori…

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Chemtrail Flu: Have You Got It Yet ?
Chemtrail Flu: Have You Got It Yet ?

You’re sick. Your nose is stuffy. Your body aches, You’re sweaty, coughing, sneezing and you don’t have enough energy to get out of bed. It’s not the flu. It’s a conspiracy, according to Dr. Len Horowitz. His opinion is not based on conspiracy theor…

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MH370 Pilot Resurfaces In Taiwan, Two Years After Flight Disappearance
MH370 Pilot Resurfaces In Taiwan, Two Years After Flight Disappearance

  The pilot of the infamous flight MH370 of Malaysia Airlines that disappeared in March 2013, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, has mysteriously reappeared in a Taiwan hospital on Monday, suffering from severe dehydration and some type of amnesia. The 53-…

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WARNING: These Terrifying Mexican Cartels Are Operating INSIDE America Right Now
WARNING: These Terrifying Mexican Cartels Are Operating INSIDE America Right Now

Though much has been said regarding the devastation and havoc wrought by the Mexican drug cartels, most Americans know very little about the well-organized criminal enterprises, or the extent of their operations inside the United States. That may be …

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Why Is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reasons Are Worse Than You Think
Why Is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reasons Are Worse Than You Think

Across the world, more and more people are asking: Why is marijuana banned? Why are people still sent to prison for using or selling it? Most of us assume it’s because someone, somewhere sat down with the scientific evidence, and figured out that ca…

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Muslim Man In Ohio Takes A Machete, Runs Inside Of A Restaurant And Hacks Four People
Muslim Man In Ohio Takes A Machete, Runs Inside Of A Restaurant And Hacks Four People

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in Ohio of Somali origin, named Mohamed Barry, stormed a restaurant with a machete and struck and injured four people. According to a report: Police are investigating slain suspect Mohamed Barry of Thursday’s machete…

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Mexican Drug Cartel Slaughters Three Hundred People, They Take The Victims, Murder Them And Burn Their Bodies To Nothing...
Mexican Drug Cartel Slaughters Three Hundred People, They Take The Victims, Murder Them And Burn Their Bodies To Nothing...

By Theodore Shoebat In the El Limón Rance, which lies in the Mexican state of Veracruz, in the town of Tlalixcoyan, almost three thousand fragments of human corpses were discovered, leading investigators to believe that around three hundred bodies w…

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FRANCE: Another day, another savage attack by African Muslims on Christian girls in French subway
FRANCE: Another day, another savage attack by African Muslims on Christian girls in French subway

By BI: Get used to it. Wherever there is an infestation of Muslims, this kind of behavior skyrockets, because Muslim men consider ‘uncovered’ women to be whores who deserve to be raped. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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Still wondering why Bengali Muslims in Myanmar (Burma) are being forcibly driven out of the country?
Still wondering why Bengali Muslims in Myanmar (Burma) are being forcibly driven out of the country?

By BI:  Not sure exactly which country this is, Bangladesh, India, or Myanmar, but Bengali Muslims have decided that this Buddhist man needed to be beaten to death. Bengali Muslims comprise most of the Muslim minority in Myanmar. More on the Muslim …

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THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON’T THEY? (Viewer discretion advised)
THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON’T THEY? (Viewer discretion advised)

By BI: Yet another horrific example of Muslim animal abuse. Shooting a herd of horses and mules for what reason? Apparently, Muslims do it for the fun of it. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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AUSTRIA: Mother of 10-year-old boy who was raped by a Muslim ‘refugee’ in a swimming pool now regrets welcoming Muslim r...
AUSTRIA: Mother of 10-year-old boy who was raped by a Muslim ‘refugee’ in a swimming pool now regrets welcoming Muslim r...

By BI: Her son now has mental issues that likely will never go away. But despite this savage rape and the many sexual assault on girls and women by Muslim migrants, the left wing Green Party in Austria is “horrified that Muslims were banned from the…

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MICHIGANISTAN: First Muslim-majority city in America should strike fear in the hearts of every American
MICHIGANISTAN: First Muslim-majority city in America should strike fear in the hearts of every American

By BI: In the state with the largest Muslim population in America, Hamtramck, near Detroit, has just elected a Muslim-majority city council, with more Islamocentric changes to come. Not surprisingly, a lot of Muslims refused to comment on camera, fe…

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Mounting Evidence Putin Will Ignite WWIII
Mounting Evidence Putin Will Ignite WWIII

Relations between Russia and Turkey have been dismal since late November, when a Turkish fighter jet shot down a Russian bomber on the border with Syria, killing its pilot. That began a war of words between Moscow and Ankara that ought to concern ev…

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That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record

Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama. Aides said Mr. Obama…

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Fr. Malachi Martin’s Last Interview- A Foretaste Of Next Week
Fr. Malachi Martin’s Last Interview- A Foretaste Of Next Week

I was going to post an article about certain topics, but I am going to leave that matter for next week. Until that time, I would like to prepare you for *some* of the topics I am going to cover with the following radio interview between Coast-to-Coa…

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“Never be ashamed of Christ or of His doctrine. It is time to fight with open face”- St. Padre Pio’s Advice To An Ex-Fre...
“Never be ashamed of Christ or of His doctrine. It is time to fight with open face”- St. Padre Pio’s Advice To An Ex-Fre...

Read the whole story at Catholic Family News: Padre Pio smiled, took his visitor’s hand and with extreme kindness began to tell him the story of the Prodigal Son. That same day Cesare went down on his knees before Padre Pio and made his confession, …

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