The Coming Beheading Of Christians Will Spread Globally As The Masses
Of The World Follow The Antichrist And Desire For The Destruction Of
The Coming Beheading Of Christians Will Spread Globally As The Masses Of The World Follow The Antichrist And Desire For The Destruction Of Christianity

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, continuation of Part I, Part II)Reading Revelation 20:4 reveals that Antichrist will genocide Christians by beheading them. While many know this, so few examine how the world will get to this point. Will…

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The Coming Beheading Of Christians Will Spread Globally With The Rise
Of Populism As Biblical Prophecies And Current Trends Reveal. Turkey,
Austria, Germany, France, Japan to Poland, the Philippines, and Peru,
the so-called populists are on the rise
The Coming Beheading Of Christians Will Spread Globally With The Rise Of Populism As Biblical Prophecies And Current Trends Reveal. Turkey, Austria, Germany, France, Japan to Poland, the Philippines, and Peru, the so-called populists are on the rise

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, continuation of Part I, Part II)Reading Revelation 20:4 reveals that Antichrist will genocide Christians by beheading them. While many know this, so few examine how the world will get to this point. Will…

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Christians Complain About Muslims Blaspheming Christ In Anglican Church
During Services, Now UK Police Are Investigating Christians For
Christians Complain About Muslims Blaspheming Christ In Anglican Church During Services, Now UK Police Are Investigating Christians For "Hate Crimes" Against Muslims

Several days ago, we wrote about how an Anglican Church in the UK invited a Muslim in to blaspheme Christ on the holiday of the Epiphany. In an Orwellian move, UK police are investigating Christians for "hate crimes" after some Christians compla…

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Muslim Men Kidnap Swedish Woman, Take Her To A Muslim-Owned Store,
Chain Her To A Water Pipe In The Basement And Take Turns Savagely
Raping Her
Muslim Men Kidnap Swedish Woman, Take Her To A Muslim-Owned Store, Chain Her To A Water Pipe In The Basement And Take Turns Savagely Raping Her

In a shocking story out of Sweden, several Muslims have been arrested for kidnapping a young Swedish woman, chaining her to a water pipe in the basement of a Muslim-owned vape shop, and then keeping her as a sex slave:Originally there were seven…

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