Once upon a time, Christians fought to the death against Muslims to keep them from taking their churches. It is a sign of the times that today the Muslims do not even have to fight because Christians are giving their churches away to the Muslim…
Muslims Are Attacking Christian Churches So Viciously They Are Forced To Have Guards Now- Muslims Have Been Caught Urinating And Defecating In The Pews, Doing Obscene Sexual Acts During Services, Stealing, And Dumping Garbage
If a Muslim so much as alleges that somebody may have done something to a mosque and with no proof, Muslims will exploded into rioting and violence, nations may pull their ambassadors, and they will attack non-Muslims near them in "revenge" for …

Major Christian Leader Gives Out This Message To All Christians In The West: 'Millions Of Christians Have Been Wiped Out By Muslims, Muslim Terrorists Are Working To Destroy Christians From The Face Of The Earth.'
A Christian leader, the Rev. Patrick Augustine, Rector of Christ Episcopal Church, is warning the Christians of the West of how millions of Christians have been killed by Muslim terrorists, and how these killers want to destroy all Christians. A…

The Rise Of Antichrist And How Will Donald Trump Deal With Him According To Biblical Prophecies (Learn A Secret On How To Predict The Future)
By Walid ShoebatSo how will the Donald deal with the Kurds (wanting a state), Russia (wanting to expand) and Turkey (wanting to revive an Islamic empire and is already encroaching into Syria and Iraq) and including but not limited to the Russian…

Major UK Muslim Leader Declares 'It's You White People Who Have To Integrate With Us Muslims Because We Are The Victims'
Miqdaad Versi is a UK Muslim businessman an notable figure in UK Islamic circles. His resume is impressive. However, in a recent article for the UK Guardian, he made the shocking claim that it is the job of 'white people' in the UK to integrate …

Muslims Attack Christian Couple And Murder The Husband, And The Father Of The Wife Suddenly Disappears And Is Nowhere To Be Found
Muslims in Egypt attacked a Christian couple, murdering the husband; and the father of the wife has gone missing ever since. According to one report:Three Christians from Egypt are currently seeking refuge in Cyprus after they fled their Muslim-…

Is Donald Trump The Great Monarch Or A Cyrus As Predicted By So Many Prophecies? Is He One Of The Seven Shepherds Who Will Defeat The Antichrist?
By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Christmas Special)So is Donald Trump the Great Monarch, the Cyrus of our times (Isaiah 45:1,2) who was ordained in this hour to be a blessing to the nations?There has been much fascination over the rise the "great mon…

CCTV Catches Group Of Muslims Kicking Random German Girl Down The Subway Stairs Just For Fun
In a shocking new video, Muslim men kick a German girl down the stairs and severely injure her just because they can for fun:This is an excellent video, for as we have pointed out before, this is how many of the Muslims really feel about non-Mus…

Wikileaks Releases 57,000 Emails From Turkish President Erdogan's Son-In-Law And Minister Of Oil To ISIS Terrorists Showing His Support And How Turkey Was Involved In Funding Their Smuggling Operations
In a scandal as large as Pizzagate and the Spirit Cooking rituals in the USA, Wikileaks has just released 57,000 emails from Turkish President Erdogan's son-in-law and Minister of Oil, Barat Albayrak, showing how he worked directly with ISIS ter…

Today Is The Seventy-Five Year Anniversary Of Pearl Harbor, Remember That Japan Is Still An Enemy And Is Not Our Friend. The War Is Not Over
Today is the seventy five anniversary of Pearl Harbor. I did this video as a reminder that Japan is still an enemy, not a friend:In 1959, the infamous soldier of the Cuban Revolution, Che Guevara, visited Japan with the objective of making trade…