American Border Patrol Agent In Texas Works With Absolutely Evil Drug Cartel, And Is Helping Mexican Gangsters Come Into...
American Border Patrol Agent In Texas Works With Absolutely Evil Drug Cartel, And Is Helping Mexican Gangsters Come Into...

By Theodore Shoebat A border patrol agent in Texas, named Omar Lucio, alongside several Mexican Gulf Cartel members, beheaded a man. Whi...

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A New Biblical Plague Has Risen Which Homosexuals Are Catching By The Droves And Is More Brutal And Violent Than HIV And...
A New Biblical Plague Has Risen Which Homosexuals Are Catching By The Droves And Is More Brutal And Violent Than HIV And...

By Walid and Theodore Shoebat Just when man thought he was smarter than God by inventing condoms, God looks down and creates a new bibli...

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Muslims Enter Catholic Monastery And Destroy It. The Reason Why Muslims Destroy Catholic Churches And Monasteries Is Bec...
Muslims Enter Catholic Monastery And Destroy It. The Reason Why Muslims Destroy Catholic Churches And Monasteries Is Bec...

In Erbil Kurdistan Region ISIS have blown up a Christian convent located 18km north of the occupied city of Mosul, told Rudaw on Thursda...

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