Government-Funded Study Says “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Dangerous And Could Join ISIS
A government-backed study recently published in the UK has equated “conspiracy theorists” with violent terrorists, saying that belief in alternative viewpoints could be a warning sign of terrorist activity. The author of the study, Quassim Cassam, a…

Reunion Island Volcano Erupts Near Possible MH370 Wreckage
A volcano has erupted on the island where debris from the missing MH370 planemay have been discovered. The Piton de la Fournaise volcano erupted on Friday on a remote island in the Indian Ocean hampering work of investigators examining the debris. T…

Hillary’s Sidekick And Muslim Brotherhood Aid Huma Abedin Investigated For “Fraud” Including “Theft Of Public Money” (Re...
By Walid Shoebat The State Department concluded this year that Huma Abedin, one of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s closest aides had committed violations of rules governing vacation and sick leave during her tenure as an official in the department. Abedin,…

ITALY: Catholic councillors in Turin under fire for removing a Muslim prayer rug from the lobby of their city hall
By BI: Hey, Italy, it’s time to grow a pair and stop selling your soul to the Muslim supremacists who are invading your country with the ultimate goal of conquering it. ANSA Councillors from Italy’s anti-immigrant Northern League party faced critic…

Hijab (headbag)-wearing Muslim women are being turned away from beach resorts…in of all places EGYPT!
By BI: Many Egyptian women say they are facing a difficult summer season as Hijab-free zones have soared in popularity, as more restaurants and high-end resorts enforce a de-facto ban on wearing Muslim headbags. BANNED IN EGYPT! al-Arabiya Social m…

TENNESSEE: Knox County Clerk under fire for telling the truth about Muslims on Facebook
By BI: Knox County ‘dhimmi’ commissioner blasted County Clerk Foster Arnett and questioned whether Arnett could fulfill his job duties after making “disparaging” (but accurate) remarks about Muslims on Facebook. KnoxNews “To make statements like th…
UK: Horrific CCTV video shows gang of Muslim men launching vicious, unprovoked attack on a 29-year-old man for no appare...
By BI: Sickening footage has been released showing a 29-year-old man being brutally beaten by a gang of Asian Muslim men on Tower Bridge in what police have described as a ‘cowardly attack’. (UK leftist media insist on slandering all Asians by alway…

The Real Reason MH-370 Missing Plane Hoax Is Back In Headlines, September 23, 2015
This video is about The Real Reason MH-370 Hoax Is Back In Headlines, 239 Passengers & September 23, 2015 -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

Remember That Church That Was Burned Down In Israel? Well It Turns Out That It Was Really Jews Who Burned It Down (All O...
By Theodore Shoebat Remember the church that was burned down in Israel last month? I remember reporting on it when it took place, affirming that it was indeed fanatic Jews, who hate Christ, who perpetrated the crime. People were very upset at me, an…

Homeland Security Chief Is A Holocaust Denier Who Refuses To Call Chattanooga ‘Islamic Terrorism’ Out Of Respect For Mus...
(with special thanks to The Right Scoop) Why won’t the Obama administration call Fort Hood Islamic Terrorism? Why aren’t they calling Chattanooga Islamic Terrorism? Because it’s ‘disrespect to Muslims’ and ‘Islam is about peace’. So says Homeland Se…
The Road to Athabasca: Why I’m Biking To the Tar Sands
The Road to Athabasca: Why I’m Biking To the Tar Sands Six months ago, my friend Phil Jones announced that he was making a bicycle pilgrimage to the tar sands in Alberta, Canada, and asked if anyone wanted to join him. As he spoke, I nodded and list…
The Media Wants US To Focus On A Hunted Lion, But Ignore The Current Holocaust Of Millions Of Babies Killed In Abortion
The frantic frenzy the media is expressing to get our attention on a lion, is a distraction to keep out focus away from the current holocaust that is happening now against millions of babies through abortion. This demonic fixation is a result of the…

Germany Just Got 78 Percent Of Its Electricity From Renewable Sources
Image: Jürgen from Sandesneben, Germany – Flickr On July 25th, Germany set a new record for renewable energy by meeting 78% of the day’s electricity requirements from renewables, exceeding the previous record of 74% set in May 2014. This is a huge …
US-Coalition Air Force Slaughters 15,000 ISIS Terrorists
The US-Coalition air force has slaughtered 15,000 ISIS terrorists since 2014. According to the report: Over 15,000 Islamic State members have been killed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes since the campaign began nearly a year ago, as the militant Is…
Two Christian Pastors Send A Letter To A Church To Encourage Them, They Get Accused Of Being Spies And Are Now Sentenced...
By Theodore Shoebat Presbyterian pastors Yat Michael Ruot (left) and Peter Yein Reith face the death penalty in Sudan. Two Christian pastors in South Sudan (a secular and traditionally Christian nation) sent a letter to a church in North Sudan (a Mu…
Muslim Man Kidnaps Christian Woman Who Has Three Children And Forces Her To Be His Sex Slave And “Property”
A Muslim man named Muhammad Nazir kidnapped a Christian woman who is a mother of three, named Fouzia Sadiq, and she is now his sex slave and “property.” According to the report: A Christian mother of three has been kidnapped and forced into an Islam…