Muslims Send This Letter To Christians: “By December 20th We Will Cut Your Heads Off And Send Them As Gifts To ISIS, Thi...
Muslims Send This Letter To Christians: “By December 20th We Will Cut Your Heads Off And Send Them As Gifts To ISIS, Thi...

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Bangladesh sent a message to Christians in Bangladesh, saying “This time our plan is to kill one by one all those who are preaching Christianity” and how they are planning on cutting their heads off sending them as gif…

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While The Obama Administration Is Bringing In Thousands Of Islamic Refugees, The American Government Has Only Brought In...
While The Obama Administration Is Bringing In Thousands Of Islamic Refugees, The American Government Has Only Brought In...

By Theodore Shoebat While the Obama Administration is brining in thousands of Islamic refugees, the American government has brought in only thirty four Christians! Thats it. Read the story here: Conservatives are outraged over the small number of Ch…

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Two Muslims Declare That Muhammad Is A False Prophet And That Christ Is The Son Of God, The Muslims Hit One Of The Chris...
Two Muslims Declare That Muhammad Is A False Prophet And That Christ Is The Son Of God, The Muslims Hit One Of The Chris...

By Theodore Shoebat Two Muslims in Uganda declared that Muhammad is a false prophet and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. One of the new converts was a police officer named Ismail Kuloba. The Muslims attacked him first. One Muslim struck him on t…

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Atheists Murder Pastor And Then They Attack His Son And Shoot Him In The Face
Atheists Murder Pastor And Then They Attack His Son And Shoot Him In The Face

By Theodore Shoebat A group of atheists in the Philippines murdered a pastor because he did not agree with an atheist uprising. According to one report: Christians on the Philippine island of Mindanao believe Maoist rebels are responsible for killin…

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Muslims Enter Camp Where Poor Christians Are Living, And Butcher Eight Christians
Muslims Enter Camp Where Poor Christians Are Living, And Butcher Eight Christians

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in the Central African Republic entered a camp where poor and displaced Christians are living, and butchered eight impoverished Christians. According to one report: Armed Seleka militia attacked a camp for displaced peopl…

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Besides Trump Republican Candidates Are Actually Democrats
Besides Trump Republican Candidates Are Actually Democrats

Keith Davies Political Correspondent As the new speaker Paul Ryan continues the legacy of John Boehner, yet again the Republicans show us that they are actually really Democrats, who lie that they are Republicans based on this ridiculous new spendin…

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Calais Explodes Into War Zone As Muslim “Refugee” Hordes Overwhelm Police, Cross Channel Tunnel To England
Calais Explodes Into War Zone As Muslim “Refugee” Hordes Overwhelm Police, Cross Channel Tunnel To England

This must have been what it looked like when the Goths and Vandals invaded the Roman Empire during its final days. The names, places, and languages are different, but you know what they say- “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” The…

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Court Says Private Catholic School Must Disobey The Faith Employ Man In Open Same-Sex Relationship OR ELSE
Court Says Private Catholic School Must Disobey The Faith Employ Man In Open Same-Sex Relationship OR ELSE

Chicago Gay Pride Parade 2014. It’s only a matter of a few years time that if you refuse to accept this, you will go to jail. For the first time anywhere in the country, a Superior Court has ruled that a Catholic school must employ a man living in a…

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Scientists see Mars as a now-dead planet, with no living organisms habiting its surface. However, recent images seen via Google Earth reveal how the dusty terrain suffered changes due to some unknown event or phenomenon. What could be the reason of …

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U.S. Dollar Takes Strong Stand with Fed Rate Hike
U.S. Dollar Takes Strong Stand with Fed Rate Hike

I believe today’s interest rate increase announced by the Federal Reserve Bank is the fulfillment of the first part of a dream I had on July 7 2014. If this interpretation is correct, the implications are enormous and coming soon. I shared the detai…

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Tomb of a nomadic tribal princess will help unravel China’s complicated ethnic history
Tomb of a nomadic tribal princess will help unravel China’s complicated ethnic history

Chinese archaeologists have excavated the sixth century tomb of a nomadic tribal princess of the ancient Tuyuhun Kingdom in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. In the tomb they found two skeletons and 166 grave artifacts, including bronze ware, warr…

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VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment
VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment

By BI: After a teacher at a Virginia high school handed out a bizarre ‘geography’ homework assignment that asked students to practice calligraphy using an Islamic religious creed (Shahada), such an angry backlash flooded in that it prompted official…

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British media try to understand the wide-ranging appeal that Donald Trump has in blue-collar communities (traditional De...
British media try to understand the wide-ranging appeal that Donald Trump has in blue-collar communities (traditional De...

By BI: Donald Trump, never considered a serious candidate by most, has ended the year not only far ahead of his Republican rivals in the polls but also defining America’s political conversation. Not surprisingly, Channel4 News out of London looks to…

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Why Valdimir Putin’s words of praise for Donald Trump’s leadership is a good thing for America
Why Valdimir Putin’s words of praise for Donald Trump’s leadership is a good thing for America

By BI: Sorry, Trump-haters (Democrats and RINOS), like everything else you predicted would be Trump’s downfall, this, too, will increase his lead in the polls. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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Leftie ‘dhimwit’ claims American social norms are just as oppressive to women as Islamic sharia law
Leftie ‘dhimwit’ claims American social norms are just as oppressive to women as Islamic sharia law

By BI: Renner Larson describes himself as a white non-Muslim (moron) working to defend the ‘civil’ rights of Muslim supremacists who keep shoving their death cult posing as a religion in the faces of Americans. -- Delivered by Feed43 service …

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“We are all Muslim,” says left-wing loon and has-been director Michael Moore in front of Trump Tower
“We are all Muslim,” says left-wing loon and has-been director Michael Moore in front of Trump Tower

By BI: American filmmaker, left wing political and social activist Michael Moore has sent Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump a letter chastising him on his recent anti-Muslim statements and his call to “‘temporarily’ ban all Muslims from…

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