Canada To Announce Mandatory Covid Vaccinations Soon
Canada To Announce Mandatory Covid Vaccinations Soon

Canadian Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos told the nation on Friday that he believes mandatory vaccinations will be announced soon. Asked if the government would consider instituting mandatory Covid vaccination laws, Duclos said, “I personally think…

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How protests in Kazakhstan could become a geopolitical crisis
How protests in Kazakhstan could become a geopolitical crisis

Days into demonstrations in Kazakhstan, it remains hard to fully grasp what’s happening on the ground. Peaceful protests began in Zhanaozen, a city in the western corner of Kazakhstan, earlier this week. A rise in fuel prices in this oil-rich city t…

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“The Science Isn’t Strong Enough”: British Health Minister Schooled by UK Physician on Covid Jabs
“The Science Isn’t Strong Enough”: British Health Minister Schooled by UK Physician on Covid Jabs

Cameras were rolling during an incredible exchange between British Health Secretary Sajid Javid and a savvy, unvaccinated UK healthcare worker, who educated the unelected bureaucrat on everything from the benefits of natural immunity, to the dangers…

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Why the Left Cannot Let Go of Jan 6
Why the Left Cannot Let Go of Jan 6

“Every Day Is Jan. 6 Now.” That was the headline over the editorial of 1,000 words in The New York Times of Sunday last. On first read, I thought the Times was conceding its obsession and describing its mission. For the editorial began by bewailing y…

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Crucial Video: Learn Who Alex Jones Named ‘The Most Important Person In The World’
Crucial Video: Learn Who Alex Jones Named ‘The Most Important Person In The World’

Learn who Alex Jones has named as ‘The Most Important Person in the World’ as the model for resistance to unchecked tyranny. Jones says Tucker Carlson speaks the truth in the most understandable way that transcends left vs. right so citizens can bet…

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Mexico: SUV Full of Bodies Parked in Front of Governor’s Office
Mexico: SUV Full of Bodies Parked in Front of Governor’s Office

Explore HomeNewsPodcastsBreaking NewsSocial Watch Live Infowars NetworkThe Alex Jones ShowThe War Room with Owen ShroyerThe American Journal More Banned.VideoInfowars StoreArchiveRSSDownload Our App Terms of Service DMCA Advertise with us Affiliates…

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The rehabilitation of Trump national security officials says a lot about Washington
The rehabilitation of Trump national security officials says a lot about Washington

Matt Pottinger served four years on President Donald Trump’s National Security Council, including 15 months as deputy adviser, and then resigned mid-insurrection. “The events of that day, January 6, were for me a red line. Decided that it was time to…

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How to use rapid tests in the omicron era
How to use rapid tests in the omicron era

Should we be swabbing our noses or our throats for at-home tests? Do rapid tests even detect omicron at all? Are PCR tests the only results we can trust right now? Guidance about how to approach testing in the omicron era seems to be evolving by the…

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“Everyone Who Died With Covid Should Be Considered Murdered”: Nurse Promoting Early Treatment Exposes Scamdemic in Epic School Board Rant
“Everyone Who Died With Covid Should Be Considered Murdered”: Nurse Promoting Early Treatment Exposes Scamdemic in Epic School Board Rant

A former ICU nurse laid waste to the Covid narrative at her local county school board meeting this week, exposing how the medical authorities are responsible for coronavirus deaths by not promoting early treatment protocols. Speaking at a New Hanove…

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Alex Jones: The Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Jan 6th ‘Terrorist’ Comments Revealed
Alex Jones: The Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Jan 6th ‘Terrorist’ Comments Revealed

Infowars host Alex Jones took Sen. Ted Cruz to the woodshed Thursday after the Texas Republican described the Jan. 6 protest as a “violent terrorist attack.” On Thursday’s Alex Jones Show, Jones put Cruz’s comments this week during a Senate Rules com…

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Reuters Data Scientist Fired After Nuking BLM Narrative, Exposing ‘Significant Left-Wing Bias’ In Reporting
Reuters Data Scientist Fired After Nuking BLM Narrative, Exposing ‘Significant Left-Wing Bias’ In Reporting

On Tuesday, we republished a column from a journalist who resigned from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation because the network exhibited such extreme left-wing bias and propaganda that she couldn’t be a part of it any longer. Today, bring you the…

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