The controversial set of trade regulations known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership has been shrouded in secrecy since the deal was first reported. Now news has come from Brussels indicating that the proponents of this bill are wor…
If you can’t cut it off, twist it off! (WARNING: Very Graphic footage)

FRANCE: Gee, I wonder who would crash their cars at full speed through a cow pasture, breaking the legs of several cows,...
By BI: Well, we wouldn’t want to jump to conclusions, but this barbaric act took place in the area of Haute Saone, a town that is on the official French list of 750 “sensitive areas,” better known as dangerous Muslim NO-GO ZONES in France. Estrepubl…

GOTTA LOVE THE CZECHS for the bold ‘in-your-face’ way they have of expressing their disdain for Islam
BY BI: PRAGUE: The followers of the ‘We Do Not Want Islam in the Czech Republic’ and the ‘Bloc Against Islam’ groups installed statues of the torsos of Muslim women stoned to death under sharia law, in order to warn their fellow countrymen about the…

SWEDEN: Photo of what appears to be a beheading victim in IKEA indicates that the asylum seeking knife attackers were li...
By BI: The Swedish government and media are doing their best to conceal any evidence that the Eritrean knife attackers who killed two people in IKEA were Muslims. But an independent photo obtained appears to show that at least one of the victims was…

25,000 Indian Farmers Threatening Mass Suicide After Government Destroyed Land
This weekend, roughly 25,000 farmers in Mathura, India are threatening a mass suicide if the government does not compensate them for destroying their farmland. The farmers have had their lives torn apart since 1998 when the government constructed the…

Video: Mysterious triangular UFO spotted above Italian village
If you think UFOs are round than think again! A triangular shaped Pyramid Black UFO is spotted by the residents of Atrani, Italy. Two new UFO videos has been send by Cristiano Li Fonti and an anonymous person to Lions Ground.…

Energy Insider Leaks, “The Elite Are In a Panic!” Buying Up Supplies in a Rush! Prepare Now or Never!
Huge Red Alert! An alternative energy insider is causing ripple effects across the internet due to the nature of information he leaked to the news source SGTreports. In the report the insider who goes by Jay—an alias, due to the nature of the discus…

The State Of Arkansas Cuts Off All Funding For Planned Parenthood, Obama Tells Them You Have To Fund Planned Parenthood,...
By Theodore Shoebat The state of Arkansas just cut off all government funding for Planned Parenthood. Arkansas is joining numerous other states in defunding and — in some cases — putting Planned Parenthood under criminal investigation, such as Flori…

A Bird Lands On Erdogan’s Head Seen As A Sign That Erdogan Will Be Caliph
A grouse sits on Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s head and refuses to leave. August 14, 2015. REUTERS/Stringer By Walid Shoebat President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Friday inaugurated a mosque built atop a 1,200-meter mountain in his parents’ Black…

DONALD TRUMP uses ISIS beheader Jihadi John in attack ad against Clinton and Obama
By BI: Republican presidential contender Donald Trump posted a video contrasting a masked Islamic State beheader with images of Democrats “having fun” as international crises erupt around the world. The short Instagram video features the notorious I…

America Must No Longer Have Evil Politicians Who Worship The Devil. Get Rid Of Them And Replace Them With Leaders Who Wo...
By Thomas King and Theodore Shoebat The standards of God regarding a ruler: a short list A few years ago Putin made a speech in which he affirmed that the Western world was heading down a road of moral degradation. He stated: Many Euro-Atlantic cou…

Ferguson Protester Faces Four Years in Jail Over Charges of Kicking SUV
Ferguson Protester Faces Four Years in Jail Over Charges of Kicking SUV Ferguson Protester Faces Four Years in Jail Over Charges of Kicking SUV This article originally appeared on The Guardian A protest leader in Ferguson, Missouri, could face up to…

Why Police Killings of Latinos Spark Less Outrage than When Victims are Black
Why Police Killings of Latinos Spark Less Outrage than When Victims are Black Why Police Killings of Latinos Spark Less Outrage than When Victims are Black This article originally appeared on Al Jazeera ANAHEIM, California — On July 21, 2012, police…

Pope's Climate Push At Oodds with U.S. Catholic Oil Investments
Pope's Climate Push At Oodds with U.S. Catholic Oil Investments Pope's Climate Push At Oodds with U.S. Catholic Oil Investments This article originally appeared on Reuters Pope Francis heartened environmentalists around the world in June when he urg…