NHS document shows GP’s to be paid an additional £10 for every child they inject with a Covid-19 Vaccine on top of the £12.58 already received – & Goo...
NHS document shows GP’s to be paid an additional £10 for every child they inject with a Covid-19 Vaccine on top of the £12.58 already received – & Goo...

The Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 injection is now being given to children over the age of 12 who are classed as vulnerable or live with others classed as vulnerable, and a Daily Expose Investigation can reveal that all GP’s are to be paid £22.58 for every do…

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We’ve been radically underestimating the true cost of our carbon footprint
We’ve been radically underestimating the true cost of our carbon footprint

More than a dozen Republican-led states are suing President Joe Biden over a number: 51. Back in January, Biden signed an executive order that tasked a working group with determining a social cost of carbon (SCC) — a measure, in dollars, of how much…

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Millions of Americans don’t have drinkable water. Can the infrastructure bill fix that?
Millions of Americans don’t have drinkable water. Can the infrastructure bill fix that?

Laurie Bertram Roberts has been drinking bottled water for years. Often, the tap water where she lives is questionable, she says. And sometimes, it’s straight-up brown. A longtime resident of Jackson, Mississippi, Bertram Roberts has dealt with the c…

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