Lucas Hobbs is showing the world that nothing can stand in the way of you accomplishing your dreams. Credit: WCCO-TV If you loved food as much as self-professed foodie Lucas Hobbs, you wouldn’t let something like Cancer stand in the way of your dream…
Oncologist Sentenced To 45 Years In Prison For Wrongly Diagnosing And Administering Chemo To Patients
This unfortunate account shows how far some doctors will go just to receive some financial kickbacks. Credit: NaturalSociety The ‘sick care’ industry is a big money maker for pharmaceutical companies. While some health care practitioners have begun t…

New ‘Earth’ Capable Of Life Discovered By NASA Scientists
Scientists have found what they’re calling Earth’s “older, bigger cousin." [embedded content] Have you ever wondered if other intelligent life forms exist in the universe? According to NASA, it’s pretty much a guarantee, as was shared in the article …

New Study: Living Near Trees Is Good For Your Body AND Wallet
Not only do trees supply life-sustaining oxygen, they help nearby residents become fitter, happier, and richer. Credit: It’s no secret people adore trees. Why, just a couple of weeks ago, TrueActivist shared what happens when you give …

The People Who Live On This Island Will Kill Anyone Who Tries To Come Ashore
By:Anna Lemind, TheMindUnleashed, North Sentinel Island, located in the Bay of Bengal, between Myanmar and Indonesia, is home to an isolated tribe that has never been colonized or even made contact with. These people are one of the last Stone Age tr…

Generosity Triumphs Greed In This Awesome Social Experiment
If you came across the opportunity to 'help yourself to some free money,' what would you do? Credit: Ark Project Now If you came across the offer to ‘help yourself to some free money,’ what would you do? This is what the folks from Ark Project Now de…

100,000 German Beekeepers Demand Ban On G.M.O.'s to Prevent Colony Collapse
100,000 German Beekeepers Demand Ban On G.M.O.'s to Prevent Colony Collapse 100,000 German Beekeepers Demand Ban On G.M.O.'s to Prevent Colony Collapse This article originally appeared on True Activist Bees’ importance cannot be overstated. As TrueA…

In Latest Victory, New York's Fast Food Workers Get $15 Minimum Wage
In Latest Victory, New York's Fast Food Workers Get $15 Minimum Wage In Latest Victory, New York's Fast Food Workers Get $15 Minimum Wage This article originally appeared on The Washington Post After three years of campaigning, New York's fast food …

Can the Student Movement for Free Public Education Win in Chile?
Can the Student Movement for Free Public Education Win in Chile? Can the Student Movement for Free Public Education Win in Chile? This article originally appeared on Waging Nonviolence The next few months are of critical importance to Chile’s long-r…

"The Lives of Others": How One Region's Women Are Driving the Return to Organic Farming
"The Lives of Others": How One Region's Women Are Driving the Return to Organic Farming "The Lives of Others": How One Region's Women Are Driving the Return to Organic Farming This article originally appeared on The Source Project and /The Rules The…

Update: House Passes Bill Blocking States From Requiring GMO Labels On Food
The US House just passed a bill banning states from passing their own laws requiring GMO labels. Credit: Do consumers deserve to know what’s in their food? The House of Representatives just voted to make that harder, when on Thu…

The 12 Year Old Girl Who Silenced the World for 6 Minutes
Severn Cullis-Suzuki, daughter of David Suzuki, addresses the very first U.N. Conference on Climate Change in Rio. A 12-year old girl from Canada traveled to Brazil and spoke to the United Nations Earth Summit to speak the truth with such power and …

Project Lucifer, The Strangest Conspiracy Involving NASA
Saddle up, it’s time for an awesome conspiracy theory. If you’re a fan of science fiction, you know about Arthur C. Clarke’s (and Stanley Kubrick’s) seminal novel series 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the second installment, 2010: Odyssey Two, the alien m…

This Guy Converted His Motorcycle To Run On Water! Now He Will Have To Watch His Back
For decades there have been stories about vehicles that could run on water, and now we can actually see one of these vehicles in action. The T Power H20 motorbike was developed in Sao Paulo, Brazil by a man named Ricardo Azevedo. The motorcycle can t…

Bernie Sanders Introduces $15 Minimum Wage Bill As Federal Contract Workers Strike
Bernie Sanders Introduces $15 Minimum Wage Bill As Federal Contract Workers Strike Bernie Sanders Introduces $15 Minimum Wage Bill As Federal Contract Workers Strike This article originally appeared on Huffington Post A group of progressive members …

Generation Rent: The U.K. Housing Ladder Is Collapsing for Under-40s
Generation Rent: The U.K. Housing Ladder Is Collapsing for Under-40s Generation Rent: The U.K. Housing Ladder Is Collapsing for Under-40s This article originally appeared on The Guardian House price rises of 5% a year and a shortage of affordable ho…

Week-Long Protests Challenge A.L.E.C. As Extreme Right Group Meets In San Diego
Week-Long Protests Challenge A.L.E.C. As Extreme Right Group Meets In San Diego Week-Long Protests Challenge A.L.E.C. As Extreme Right Group Meets In San Diego This article originally appeared on San Diego Free Press A wide range of organizations, s…