In light of my last article whereby I point out the Chrislam agenda that has infiltrated Evangelical churches in Australia, particularly via a popular newspaper, Eternity, it is necessary for me to write about the Sufi infiltration of Christian chur…

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Donald Trump Slams And Humiliates Politically Correct News Reporter On National Television Who Demanded He Apologize For...
Donald Trump Slams And Humiliates Politically Correct News Reporter On National Television Who Demanded He Apologize For...

Now that is a person who would both be able to negotiate with powerful and dangerous world leaders and do it successfully. Now compare Trump with what we have had for the past eight years: Trump 2016. ***Do YOU want to save Christians? Please click …

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Muslim “Refugees” Intentionally Throw Themselves In Front Of Driving Cars WITH OTHER PEOPLE WATCHING To Try And Get Mone...
Muslim “Refugees” Intentionally Throw Themselves In Front Of Driving Cars WITH OTHER PEOPLE WATCHING To Try And Get Mone...

The “refugees” do this because they know they can get away with it. It does not matter to them that they are doing this where everybody can see them- they assume the government will side with them against the driver because they are “refugees.” It i…

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British Conservative Tory Party Cuckholds Distance Themselves From German AFD Party Because AFD Says Germany Should Prot...
British Conservative Tory Party Cuckholds Distance Themselves From German AFD Party Because AFD Says Germany Should Prot...

UK Tory Party Symbol UK Conservatives, just like with American Conservatives- have shown their true colors again. They are really cuckservatives– just like a cuckholded husband is dishonored by his cheating wife, the idea of conservatism in the Angl…

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Three Muslim “Refugees” Go Up To Two Underage Mentally Handicapped Girls In Hot Tub At Pool And Molest Them Both And The...
Three Muslim “Refugees” Go Up To Two Underage Mentally Handicapped Girls In Hot Tub At Pool And Molest Them Both And The...

The pool expelled the Muslims but did not report the crime because they were afraid of being called “racists.” Chancellor Merkel, who desperately wants to hide her STASI past, has made it very clear that “refugees” are in her special care just as Tr…

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Muslim Refugee Sex Fiend Kidnaps Four Year Old German Boy At Austrian Pool, When The Boy’s Mother Runs After Him, The Re...
Muslim Refugee Sex Fiend Kidnaps Four Year Old German Boy At Austrian Pool, When The Boy’s Mother Runs After Him, The Re...

There is no depth to which these Muslim “refugees” will go just to rape European women in order to indulge their diabolical lusts. It would not surprise me if this man was going to molest the boy, especially given how pedophilia exists on a pandemic…

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Canadian Government Houses Underage Muslim Refugee Children In Same Hotel Where Perverted Animal Costume Sex Fetish Conf...
Canadian Government Houses Underage Muslim Refugee Children In Same Hotel Where Perverted Animal Costume Sex Fetish Conf...

Yes, you read that title correct. This is a “furries” conference in Vancouver, CA– which is basically a conference for people with a bestiality fetish but who are too scared to actually pollute themselves with a real animal. Putting actual children-…

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Watch The Real Scene How EMPTY Is Marco Rubio’s Rally. Not Even Fox Megyn Kelly Can Help
Watch The Real Scene How EMPTY Is Marco Rubio’s Rally. Not Even Fox Megyn Kelly Can Help

By Walid Shoebat It is introduced as “Behind the scenes with a Fox News interview with Megyn Kelly from the kelly files with Marco Rubio Rally in hialeah …” hip-hip-hurray the crowds voices are captured. But the next video shows the reality of how s…

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Muslims Make This Declaration Against Russia: “Allah has given us this iron missile, and we will use it against the apos...
Muslims Make This Declaration Against Russia: “Allah has given us this iron missile, and we will use it against the apos...

ISIS made this declaration against Russia: “Allah has given us this iron missile, and we will use it against the apostate Putin and his dogs of accomplices”. According to one report: Islamist group Islamic State (ISIS) has threatened “Putin the apos…

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Donald Trump Is Going To Dominate Florida
Donald Trump Is Going To Dominate Florida

By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump is going to dominate Florida, according to the latest polls. Here is a video in which I predict that Trump will win Florida, alongside Ohio: According to a CNN poll, Trump is leading in both Florida and Ohio: Donald …

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Democrats In Missouri Want To Force Christian Businesses To Submit To The Homosexual Agenda, Republicans Pass Bill That ...
Democrats In Missouri Want To Force Christian Businesses To Submit To The Homosexual Agenda, Republicans Pass Bill That ...

By Theodore Shoebat Democrats in Missouri want to force Christian business to submit to the homosexual agenda and have been trying to prevent from being passed that would protect Christian business from being forced to participate in demonic sodomit…

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TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME? Psychologists and massage therapists are reporting surge in ‘Trump anxiety’ among clients
TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME? Psychologists and massage therapists are reporting surge in ‘Trump anxiety’ among clients

By BI: Adding to the catalogue of anxieties her patients explore during therapy — marriage, children, and careers — psychologist Alison Howard is now listening to a new source of stress: the political rise of Donald Trump. Trump Derangement Syndrome…

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House Republicans gave Paul Ryan a standing ovation after he funds visas for 300,000 MORE MUSLIM MIGRANTS
House Republicans gave Paul Ryan a standing ovation after he funds visas for 300,000 MORE MUSLIM MIGRANTS

By BI: You probably never heard about this but in December, House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) successfully pushed through Congress his $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that will also fund visas for nearly 300,000 more Muslim migrants over the n…

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