Marine Le Pen Is A Nazi Sympathizer And Is Part Of The Political Shift
Towards Fascism. Fascism Is Becoming Fashionable
Marine Le Pen Is A Nazi Sympathizer And Is Part Of The Political Shift Towards Fascism. Fascism Is Becoming Fashionable

Marine Le Pen is a Nazi sympathizer, and is part of the political shift towards fascism. Fascism is become fashionable, which is the theme of my next video:…

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The Government Of Russia Just Banned The Jehovah's Witnesses As A
Dangerous Cult
The Government Of Russia Just Banned The Jehovah's Witnesses As A Dangerous Cult

The government of Russia just banned the Jehovah's Witnesses as a dangerous cult, as we read from one report:Russia has banned Jehovah's Witnesses after the Supreme Court ruled the Christian sect to be an “extremist” group.“The Supreme Court has…

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The Leader Of The Resurrected Beast With Two Horns Will Soon Be Sitting
In The White House
The Leader Of The Resurrected Beast With Two Horns Will Soon Be Sitting In The White House

By Walid ShoebatErdoğan's victory to cement his autocratic rule over Turkey had received calls of approval from only Qatar, Djibouti, Guinea, the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas and the U.S. President Donald Trump. And now to cement his…

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Muslims Kidnap 16-Year-Old Egyptian Christian Teen, Slit His Throat And
Leave Him To Die In A Pool Of His Own Blood
Muslims Kidnap 16-Year-Old Egyptian Christian Teen, Slit His Throat And Leave Him To Die In A Pool Of His Own Blood

In a report coming out of Egypt, Islamic terrorists kidnapped a 16-year-old Christian teen on Holy Thursday, slit his throat, and left him to die in a pool of his own blood:An Egyptian Christian boy found murdered on Maundy Thursday was killed b…

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Millions of Muslims All Throughout Egypt Are In Shock As Coptic
Christians Publicly Forgive Their Muslim Tormentors
Millions of Muslims All Throughout Egypt Are In Shock As Coptic Christians Publicly Forgive Their Muslim Tormentors

Tertullian once wrote that the "blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." This can be hard to believe today in a place like Egypt, where countless Christians have been and are being mercilessly slaughtered by Islamic terrorists.In spite o…

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Muslim Randomly Attacks And Crushes Newborn Baby And Five Other People
With His Car, When Arrested He Proclaims 'Islam Is The Only True
Muslim Randomly Attacks And Crushes Newborn Baby And Five Other People With His Car, When Arrested He Proclaims 'Islam Is The Only True Religion'

Violence around the world with Islam is increasing against any and all people, and none are spared. In a story coming out of Australia a Muslim man crushed six people to death with his car, including a newborn baby, after which he proclaimed tha…

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What The Media Is Not Telling You: The Dark Conspiracy Behind Fox News
Removing Bill O'Reilly
What The Media Is Not Telling You: The Dark Conspiracy Behind Fox News Removing Bill O'Reilly

Fox News just got rid of Bill O'Reilly, and as I see it, this is part of a conspiracy to advance the homosexual agenda and to also push Nazi eugenics. I explain all of this in my video:…

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Bible Prophecy Fulfilling At Alarming Speed: Turkey Is Declaring That
They Are
Bible Prophecy Fulfilling At Alarming Speed: Turkey Is Declaring That They Are "The Beast Rising Out Of The Dead"

By Walid ShoebatWhen I read the news from Erdogan's demonic mouthpiece these days, the words seem to jump right out of prophecy, right out of scripture and without a doubt, what we will show here is prophecy fulfilling right before your very eye…

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National Socialists And Communists Battle In The Streets Of Berkeley-
We Are Reliving 1930s Germany Today
National Socialists And Communists Battle In The Streets Of Berkeley- We Are Reliving 1930s Germany Today

We have repeatedly maintained that based on historical precedent and by trends taking place today and in spite of all of the rhetoric against Islam and Muslims, in the end the National Socialists will ally with the Muslims because they share the…

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Saudi Arabia Destroys 25-Year-Old Public Sculpture Because It 'Looked
Like A Christian Cross'
Saudi Arabia Destroys 25-Year-Old Public Sculpture Because It 'Looked Like A Christian Cross'

The hatred for Christ and all things even resembling Christianity runs deep in the Muslim world. Do not be fooled by outward gestures of "kindness," because ultimately the more Islamic a place is, the deeper the hate goes.Saudi Arabia is one of …

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ISIS Slaughters One And Injures Four Policemen In Attempted Attack On
Ancient Christian Monastery
ISIS Slaughters One And Injures Four Policemen In Attempted Attack On Ancient Christian Monastery

St. Catherine's monastery in Egypt is one of the oldest monasteries in the world. ISIS has pledged to wipe out Christianity from Egypt by any and all means possible, and they are sparing nobody.In a recent skirmish, ISIS attempted to attack the …

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Muslims Go On Rampage, Form A Mob And Attack Random Christians, They
Throw Stones At The Christians And Burn Their Homes
Muslims Go On Rampage, Form A Mob And Attack Random Christians, They Throw Stones At The Christians And Burn Their Homes

Muslims in Egypt went on a rampage, burning down Christian homes and throwing stones at Christians. In a recent report on this horror:A mob of radical Muslims has reportedly burned down three homes and injured eight Christians in Egypt's Minya G…

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The Government Of China Arrests Christian Pastor For Singing
The Government Of China Arrests Christian Pastor For Singing "Jesus Loves You"

The government of China arrested a Christian pastor for singing "Jesus loves you," as we read in one recent report:ChinaAid, which reports on persecution and human rights abuses in the world's most populous nation, said Pastor Xu Rongzhang from …

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All Turkish Christians, Turkish Jews and Non Muslim Refugees living in
Turkey Need to Leave to Save Themselves from a Future Holocaust,
Armenian type Genocide to be repeated by Erdogan
All Turkish Christians, Turkish Jews and Non Muslim Refugees living in Turkey Need to Leave to Save Themselves from a Future Holocaust, Armenian type Genocide to be repeated by Erdogan

Keith DaviesExecutive Director of Rescue ChristiansAs Shoebat.com has reported, as well as some in the world media of Recep Erdogan's elevation as President of Turkey for the next 14 years, which is in effect for life. Walid Shoebat has carefull…

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Absolutely Amazing Prophecy Fulfilling: Erdogan Of Turkey Brings Back
The Ottoman Scepter That Signifies The Tenth Horn Prophesied In The
Book Of The Apocalypse
Absolutely Amazing Prophecy Fulfilling: Erdogan Of Turkey Brings Back The Ottoman Scepter That Signifies The Tenth Horn Prophesied In The Book Of The Apocalypse

By Walid ShoebatAfter Erdogan won his referendum to have complete control over Turkey, the first thing he did was to return and unveil the Ottoman scepter that should not have departed from the first Ottoman Sultan until Erdogan had come. Erdoga…

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