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By Walid Shoebat Erdoğan's victory to cement his autocratic rule over Turkey had received calls of approval from only Qatar, Djibo...
Bible Prophecy Fulfilling At Alarming Speed: Turkey Is Declaring That They Are "The Beast Rising Out Of The Dead"
By Walid Shoebat
When I read the news from Erdogan's demonic mouthpiece these days, the words seem to jump right out of prophecy, right out of scripture and without a doubt, what we will show here is prophecy fulfilling right before your very eyes. They even speak literally of Erdogan visiting the graves and reviving dead spirits. Here, read some shockers:
İbrahim Karagül, Erdogan's favorite mouthpiece at Yeni Safak writes today:
"A new Turkey reality will stand out with the political identity of our past"
What past?
That "past" is the wounded Ottoman Empire coming back to life.
And when scripture in John's Apocalypse says: "And I saw another beast rising up out of the earth" it is speaking of a wounded empire in the process of resurrecting from burial since symbolically it was buried beneath the earth and then comes back to life, to resurrect, following the exact political, religious and expansionist system from its past glory.
Empires that die do not revive. Today there are no Egyptian Empire, Mughal Empire, Roman Empire, Grecian Empire, Persian Empire ...
Such expression as a 'rising beast' (empire) is exactly what we see read from İbrahim Karagül, Erdogan's favorite mouthpiece at Yeni Safak:
- The rising period post-World War I has started now, just as it started after the Crusades, just as it started after the Mongolian invasion. This is the third rising period after the third shock.
So what constitutes this "third rising"? Karagül explains:
- Turkey, which has been putting up a relentless fight against the global tutelage system, which has been displaying an example of “relentless resistance,” overcame the intervention of almost the entire world, “counter-revolution” scenarios and has now managed to draw a hard-to-intervene path for itself. This has thus triggered that “rising period,” the period of “Turkey's becoming a star” that we have all been waiting for. The era of being trapped into Anatolia is over.
This "trapped" beast "executed all the power of the former beast" "the first beast" "whose wound to death was healed". The Ottomans are no longer "trapped in Anatolia" and will expand via warfare. It broke the shackles out of its abyss.
"Following this stage, it [Turkey] needs to make the utmost investment in power" writes Karagül hinting that the time for war is coming after the completion of this resurrection in 2023.
And what is this new empire representing? This former beast had seven dynasties that persecuted Christendom. No other power has persecuted the church more than the seven Islamic dynasties from Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Almohad and ending at the Ottoman, which was wounded when the threat to Christendom ended by the fall of the Ottomans.
Now its all coming back. John even warned of its rising:
And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. And he executed all the power of the former beast [the seven headed beast] in his sight; and he caused the earth, and them that dwell therein, to adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed.
Hello. "To adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed."
It really can't get any simpler than this. A Bethlehem shepherd would get it, but a scholar?
For how many centuries did these so-called Bible scholars muddy this prophecies. This rising threat "adores the first beast, whose wound to death was healed" and Karagül says: "A new Turkey reality will stand out with the political identity of our past" to heed the prior structure, the Ottoman Empire which according to Karagül has been healed.
Such re-arising from the dead is being depicted in bizarre hints. Karagül says that with Erdogan's victory "Both Yavuz and Fatih are here now".
Say what? Yavus and Fatih died nearly six centuries ago. How could they be "here now"?
Are Muslims all of the sudden into Hindu re-incanation?
Indeed. Turkey's Sufi Islam is in to all sorts of dung. Erdogan now has their spirit in him so that when they behold Erdogan, they behold Muhammad, Allah and all the Muslim sages in the past.
Yavus is Yavuz Sultan Selim I and Fatih is Mehmed II commonly known as Mehmed the Conqueror who took the mantle from the Christian Roman Byzantine Empire in 1452.
Karagül makes it clear that when Erdogan visited the graves of the dead heroes, that he was sending a clear message that Erdogan obtained the spirits of the dead who will accompany Erdogan during his journey to Caliphatehood:
Now, Erdoğan is accompanied on this path by Yavuz, Fatih and Kanuni as much as by Necmettin Erbakan and Turgut Özal. The message is clear.
Erdogan is claimed to be literally "accompanied" by the spirits of these dead icons of Ottoman heroes.
They believe that they have not only revived an empire, but dead spirits.
Indeed it is a clear and utterly demonic revival of a dead empire which is coming after the seed of the woman (Mary's children), the martyrs of Jesus Christ.
The April 16 “yes” decision that resulted from the referendum, Karagül says "is a history, a struggle for power" that says "who is like the beast, who can make war with him". After all, according to Erdogan's mouthpiece, this "rising period" started before "after the Crusade" war and after "the Mongolian invasion".
This "third rising period" to us Christians is the "second rising period" of Islam's seven caliphate dynasties coming as the "eighth".
This "rising period" according to Erdogan will take six years from now to land at 2023.
To Karagül:
"There is no doubt that this step [April 16th victory] will take its place in the pages of history as 'the day of great transformation'. In other words, a new history has begun."
What is happening in Turkey debunks the modern biblical scholars who did not see it coming because they focused on Rome. Even the demon infested Karagül gets it:
"the European Union are beginning to collapse and new power axis are forming."
With all the lousy interpretations of John's Apocalypse saying that the Holy Spirit is what stops the beast from rising until He, the Holy Spirit, is "removed out of the way".
What utter nonsense. The hatred of Rome generates faulty interpretations. The text was speaking of the mystery of iniquity which is already at work. He who now holdeth, do hold is the very Pope of the Holy Roman Empire, which restrained Islam and heresy and it combated Islam. The haters of Rome therefore must be the heretic for they agree on one goal with the Muslim: the destruction of Rome.
This Christendom is slowly falling away and is being taken out of the way. One can even argue that the European Union and NATO which were designed to hold the rise of such tyrannies are slowly being taken out of the way with the praise by foolish crowds.
Europe is no longer “holy” and is turning into all sorts of syncretism, atheism, neopaganism and ultranationalism.
"The game-setters" according Karagül "did everything they can to 'stop Turkey'" from coming out of the dead.
And in the Muslim world, there is jubilation. The Turkish Hurriet Daily reports:
“From Beirut to Tripoli, in many areas in the Middle East, Arabs have been campaigning on social media for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,” Janna Jabbour told France 24.
"Why? Because for many in the Middle East, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan represents a hope to balance relations between the East and West. He is the leader to stand up to the West to say that the Middle East and Muslims are not subjugated by imperialist Westerners,” she added.
What can I tell you. I've been sounding the trumpet for decades. The Turks are coming.
Special thanks to Trevor and DeusLoVult
By Walid Shoebat When I read the news from Erdogan's demonic mouthpiece these days, the words seem to jump right out of prophecy, r...
National Socialists And Communists Battle In The Streets Of Berkeley- We Are Reliving 1930s Germany Today
We have repeatedly maintained that based on historical precedent and by trends taking place today and in spite of all of the rhetoric against Islam and Muslims, in the end the National Socialists will ally with the Muslims because they share the same basic philosophy. We have already pointed out how this is taking the form of according to a major National Socialist website what they are calling "white sharia," which is the execution of the tenets of Islamic sharia law except used under the guise and goal of carrying out eugenics against "undesirable" people.
In another article coming out of the Daily Stormer, it documents an example "white sharia" in action through an attack by a National Socialist named Nathan D'Amigo who is also a founder of the National Socialist group Identity Evropa. He punched out a self-professed "Social Justice Warrior" named Louise Rosealma at a recent protest at Berkle.
I have told you all that WHITE SHARIA is not a meme, it is a FACT, and it is the only solution.
At least one guy was taking it seriously: Nathan Damigo.
Nathan Damigo went to war Saturday, and he took out one of our top enemies.
She says her body is not a crime…
Acts 17:31: Jesus will judge you after death.
Pepe 14:88: NATHAN DAMIGO WILL JUDGE YOU NOW!She came to fight and she got what she came for!
This is called WHITE SHARIA in ACTION!
She is also a hairy fetish model going by the name of Venus Rosales at ATKHairy.
I’m not going to link a porno site directly, but it’s a hairy woman fetish site. That is, a site for men who are aroused by hairy women.
She is EXACTLY the archetype of woman who forced the demand for WHITE SHARIA.
Every single cuckolded white knight faggot bitch talking about “muh princesses” in response to calls for WHITE SHARIA supports this transformation.
People who are against the “oppression” of women are the actual woman-haters.
When this bitch was 15, you could genuinely say “Aryan princess.” She was glowingly pretty, I’m sure very sweet, giggly, would blush if you flirted with her – she was fit for a white analog to K-Pop.
But “freedom” and the university system turned her into a hairy porno monster rioting on the street.
The degree to which you allow women freedom is the degree to which they will destroy their own lives and the lives of everyone around them and by extension all of civilization itself.
Imagine this girl’s father, who is now getting these images sent to him in mass in his email box (something I support, by the way, even while I sympathize with him).
We have to forcibly marry-off teenage girls to men who will TAKE CARE OF THEM!
We WANT women to be taken care of, as they are the thing that cooks, cleans, gives sexual pleasure and produces and raises children! The white knights don’t care about the protection of women! White knights skirt their MASCULINE responsibility by refusing their biological duty to protect women in REAL terms, which mainly involves protecting them from themselves, rather than some external threat!
People who are opposed to the policy of forced teenage marriage are cucks and feminists, who care not for the wellbeing of women, but simply for their own childlike emotions which have been stimulated by Jewish propaganda in Hollywood films about the independent minds of women.
And people can be like “OH YEAH OKAY BUT WHITE SHARIA IS TOO EXTREME THO” – in fact, the situation is now so extreme that we don’t have any choice anymore.
Sergeant Damigo’s Situation
Nathan may be facing some troubles.
I’m not going to comment on any details of that, because there is no reason to right now, but many people are calling for him to be arrested, including that guy that plays Captain America.
Or wait, maybe he’s just threatening to beat his ass.
Anyway, some people are calling for his arrest.
They are outraged that a WOMAN would get punched – even after these same people:
a) celebrated Richard Spencer getting punched in the face, said it was great, called for more of it, and
b) argue that there are no biological differences between women and men
Doesn’t compute.But yeah, no matter what, we are going to be subject to a different standard for street action than our enemies.
Honestly, we should not be out on the streets without masks. In fact, there needs to be a uniform, so each person is indistinguishable from one another. Like the black bloc, there needs to be a uniform.
So, let’s celebrate the dawn of WHITE SHARIA, but at the same time, learn from this experience.
The system does not play by its own rules.
We will be punished for things that antifa do with impunity.
We have to be smart.
Hail Victory. (source)
Do read the entire article at the original source. There is a lot to take in here, so let's start deconstructing it.
National Socialism was attractive in the past and is attractive today because, in many (certainly not all) respects, it actually draws heavily on facts which are considered socially inappropriate and uncomfortable but cannot be disputed in their essence because they are factually correct. This is what begins to draw many people toward National Socialist ideals, because when a society is accustomed to being told blatant and dangerous lies and the same society has suffered grievously for a long time because of it, people look for answers and what they find is that it is this group who while for the most part is hated is also telling the truth. At the same time, the national socialists will use their status as outcasts and hated to build support, because the more they speak hard truths directly the more people will start to change their opinions about them, and they will start to think it is the national socialists who are and were telling the truth all along.
"Ode to a Dying People" This is a very popular National Socialist song. As I mentioned above, it does speak about many truths, such as the destruction of European society, the disappearance of culture, and the apathy that has come to define modern western life. It uses powerful imagery, and touches on issues close to the hearts of many people who know that something is gravely wrong and which other people do not want to discuss because it is considered social unacceptable.
However, as we have gone to extensive lengths to point out, the destruction of Western society is not a racial, but a religious issue. You can read our articles, but the basic point is the same- Western society wants to worship itself and not Christ, so as we have turned away from Christ so has He from us. We are just reaping the consequences of our behavior, and the answer is to return to Christ. However, songs like this will avoid this fact at all costs, instead emphasizing that the issue is race because, as one who studies them comes to understand, the National Socialists worship their race and use it as a lever for vaulting themselves into power.
This is how they attract people to believe in them, and once they do this they start using the same facts but begin interjecting their own conclusions into what those facts mean. The conclusions they put in are nothing less than pure propaganda and filled with the same lies of the past century, just recontextualized to the current time but remaining the same in their essence. People become deceived by them because the facts that they present appear to support the conclusions they are offering when they really do not at all. The result is a very clever illusion where indisputable facts are used as the basis to support a conclusion that is entirely philosophical and not connected to the facts at all except by general association, and the conclusion that the national Socialists want is a return to the darwinistic philosophy of the eugenicists of old and a revival of the old Germanic paganism where the rulers can proclaim themselves as "gods among men" in a power struggle no different than that between the Bolsheviks versus the Czar of pre-revolution Russia.
When dealing with National Socialism, you seldom can argue facts with them because they use facts to fit their ends. You have to look at and argue against the philosophy they are backing with said facts. That is their weak point. Take this article above about "white sharia" as a classical example of national socialist propaganda in action- With all fairness, is there not a lot in this article that is actually quite accurate?
Can anybody argue against the fact that many women in the Western world today have reduced themselves to little more than common prostitutes by the behavior and actions, saying that "women's rights" and "feminism" is nothing more than the unbridling of all restraints on female hypergamy while placing maximum restrains on male sexuality?
Or just take a look at the photos of the woman from this protest. Can you not argue that she is a representation of many "modern" women who associate with the "radical left"/"ANTIFA"/"feminist movement"? The deranged behavior she engages in, from making violent threats to fetish-themed pornography all speak to a twisted quality of the soul that is all to common place today and has been promoted without any public outcry against it:
Photos of this woman she put online. There is something gravely wrong with her. Normal people do not behave like this, and her behavior must be confronted. However, this is part of the "bait-and switch" approach, as national socialism gives the impression that it is the only effective answer to problems such as this kind of behavior.
Is it possible to say that something is not gravely wrong with society when it is not socially acceptable to support and a legal crime to oppose perversions such as homosexuality, the self-mutilation of one's genitals, pedophilia, and bestiality? It is not obvious that the societies of Europe and America are falling apart around us, being torn apart in a way and with such violence that has not been seen since the fall of the Roman Empire to the barbarians?
Just look at this recent video of Maine Democrat representative Richard Fochtmann speaking to his constituents. He openly praises white males committing suicide and encouraging their replacement by "minorities" and "women." This video would NEVER be shown in most media outlets, and yet if the exact same white male made the same statement but about blacks, Muslims, or women, it would be a story that would make international news. This is IN-YOUR-FACE attacking, just one step short of actual, blood-in-the-streets violence against a particular group. People have a right to be angry about this, but again- bait-and-switch tactic- the reason the National Socialists talk about this is because they style themselves as the answer to it when they are simply replacing one set of evils with another evil that is slightly different in appearance but with the same potency and origins.
Remember: race is to the national socialist as class is to the communist. They are the same evil but with different tension points.
So many of these points above and that were made by the Daily Stormer article are true. Nobody with a brain can deny them because they are so well-documented, so blatant, so egregious that to deny so is like the person who insists that "Islam is a religion of peace" in the face of more than 1400 years of Islamic history and actions. Only a completely mindless idiot or a very narcissistic person could persist in their errors because there is no excuse since the truth is so obvious. It does not matter if the person who the person is who points out these facts or what his affiliations are, because truth is truth no matter who says it even if one does not believe it or wants to use it to suit their own ends.
At the same time, one must also ask how this decline happened. After all, women with rings in their noses and purple hair flashing their genitals for the world to see did not just happen on a mere whim out of nothing. Like all things, it had to have an origin. This origin is the decline and suppression of Christendom by elements within Western society used to gain benefit for themselves and suppress others in part of a centuries long power struggle beginning with heretical movements and coming through the days of modern secularism, atheism, and the current attempts at reviving neo-paganism.
So following what I mentioned earlier, much of what is mentioned in this Daily Stormer article as regards to the decline of culture and man-woman relationships is correct. However, you cannot look at the facts of what is being presented because that is tangental to the actual message it is attempting to deliver, which is that the way to solve the West's problems is to rain down a torrent of death, destruction, and war like what Hitler did, showing no mercy and destroying all who disagree, which would also include attacking the "weak" and "flabby" Christians, and insteady allying with the "strong" Muslims and Japanese "who value sacrifice for the fatherland as the highest good" in nothing less than a new for of neo-paganism:
You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness? (pulled from Albert Speer’s Memoirs Inside the Third Reich, page 96, read it here)
Speaking of Hitler and Islam, as I mentioned in a previous article and as the Daily Stormer piece mentions above, there is the term "white sharia," thus reinforcing what I recently pointed out, was that in the end the National Socialists will side with the Muslims and may even end up embracing Islam because they are philosophically of the same mindset:
The rise of Islam is a concern. However, the fact is that evil cannot cast out evil. Two wrongs do not make a right, and as the Bible says, the devil cannot cast himself out. If anything, there is a danger that Islam will overtake much of Europe not so much by invasion, but from within, for if the National Socialist sees in essence no difference between himself and a Muslim except in that they worship a different diety in name and eat different foods, then it will not take much to convince a national socialist given a little time to follow “divinely revealed and absolute truth” from Allah instead of a man-made god such as the worship of the self that national socialism promotes. (source)
If the popularizing of the use of the term "white sharia" was not enough, then there is also the fact that Nathan Damigo is very close with Richard Spencer, a National Socialist who we pointed out will cry against Islam and Muslims but has been working closely with major Turkish business and industrial interests and is helping the rise of the new Ottoman empire, as Ted pointed out:
It is no surprise, then, that the Property and Freedom Society will bring in Identitarian eugenists like Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor, while bringing in a Kemalist favorable to evolutionism like Mustafa Akyol, and someone who denies the Armenian Genocide like Norman Stone. While the two seem different — one being for White supremacy while the other for Ottoman supremacy — they are two different faces while being of the same essence, and that is, the diabolical.
The emphasis here is not whether or not the communist-affiliated "SJWs" and their supporters or the new National Socialists are good. Both are evil. The Church has traditionally maintained that socialism is evil because it overthrows the natural order in favor of reducing men to parts in a machine solely for power. However, they will still fight with each other for power. If this fight sounds familiar, it is because this is what happened in the 1920s and 1930s in Germany as Communists and National Socialists battled with each other in the streets just like in this story. I warned about this in a previous article about protests out in Berkeley at a Milo Yiannopoulos speech where I wrote:
Right now there is an disturbing intensification that is taking place in politics in America and Europe, and understandably so. However, as we have mentioned before, this is not a situation of “good vs. evil,” but rather “Coke vs. Pepsi.” The same evils of the past are being re-formulated under different names and faces, but their potency has not diminished in the slightest. Their is no “winning side” except that which Christ is on, and it is neither of the choices which we are being told are our choices today.
Now I am not saying that people do not have a right to defend themselves or that one should just be pushed over. The concern which I see is that as these “protests” (if they can even be called that, as many of these are planned and directed from higher and wealthier powers) intensify, they are going to get more violent. With “calls to arms” now being made openly on both sides, there is only a matter of time until somebody is going to get killed. Don’t know who it is or how it will happen, but somebody is going to die whether it is intentional or by accident. That person is going to be made into a “martyr” for the cause, regardless of how well (or poorly) he lived his life.
The issue here at play is not facts, because very few people are going to actually deny fact when, especially in our times, the Internet has made it very hard to do so with a straight face. What matters more and what is being pushed is the conclusion of what those who are promoting- allowing- such protests to happen want you to adopt. That is why the situation today is as it was a century ago- Horst Wessel died but his ghost did not, and it waits to be reincarnated again in a different body.
Neither side here is playing for truth or justice. It is not about as the “communists” or “cultural marxists” (to use a National Socialist term which has become popular today) about a class struggle, nor is it as the “national socialists” claim about a ethno-cultural struggle. Both are covers for a greater struggle, and that is the struggle for power at all costs. It does not matter to them who lives or dies or how that power is acquired, just so long as at the end of they day, they have power and the other does not. (source)
In this article I referenced a story about a man named Horst Wessel, who was a young man that was well-known in National Socialist circles. He used to engage in street fights against Communists, attacking people and earning a reputation as a man to be feared. He was later murdered by communists, and after his death the National Socialists turned him into a "martyr for the cause," using him as a rallying point and even composing a famous song called the "Horst Wessel Lied," set to the tune of the "Deutschlandlied":
The Horst Wessel Lied, an anthem of National Socialist Germany
Now while Nathan Damigo is still alive, notice how his "punch heard around the world" is being played up to rally support for National Socialism, to legitimize it as a kind of 'moral force' fighting against "cultural marxism" (a national Socialist code word for "communism, because they do not want to reveal how they are actually socialists themselves). Just like Horst Wessel, he is deeply involved in National Socialist causes, and is under death threats from his enemies. If the National Socialists are playing up Nathan Damigo's incident now, then if anything happens to him it is almost GUARANTEED he will be made into a martyr just as Horst Wessel was- I would not even be surprised if they carried pictures of the two along side each other.
Now Horst Wessel, as I pointed out in my article, was a scoundrel. Nathan Damigo is the same. As a recent article pointed out, he is an Iraq War veteran who has been arrested multiple times for a string of crimes including armed robbery and assault:
Damigo, who was profiled by The Times in December, is an Iraq War veteran who was convicted of armed robbery after drunkenly pulling a gun on a La Mesa cabdriver he thought was Iraqi.
In November 2007, he had been home for a month after his second tour of duty and was suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder, drug and alcohol abuse and paranoia, according to San Diego County court records. A few days after the anniversary of a friend’s combat death, he spent a night drinking and went for a walk with a gun. He came across the cabdriver, put a gun to his head and robbed the man of $43, records show.
He started reading books about race and identity in prison, he told The Times. He was greatly influenced, he said, by “My Awakening,” the book by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.
Richard B. Spencer, one of America’s most prominent white nationalists, has come to Damigo’s defense. Spencer was punched in the head by a black-clad person while being interviewed on Inauguration Day. (source)
What the National Socialists have done today as they have done in the past is to take a collective body of simple truths considered controversial in a lost and maddened society and claim them as their own. Like I mentioned above, a truth does not depend on the person who says it. However, the person who speaks a truth may use it to peddle a lie depending on how he presents it, and the national socialists do this very well. By claiming opposition to the parasitic cultural trends that have developed throughout the centuries as their own, they have been able to style themselves as "defenders" of "truth" and "justice" while at the same time using the facts to present the lies of eugenics, socialism, and paganism as the true answer. This works to their advantage because there are a lot of people in America and Europe who are lost and looking for truth. It is not right what has happened in society, because the situation today is the collective product of many since that have not been dealt with and instead covered up with more sins. The innocent are truly suffering, the good are being martyred, and the society is collapsing. People are understandably looking for a savior who can help them out of this entire mess they both created and were born into.
As always, the answer is Christ and an unashamed return to the ways of old. It is the reason why we emphasize mercy and justice, why we have written about Christian being a spiritual as well as a militant religion, so that while our home is in Heaven, we strive to conform our lives and our world to the kingdom which awaits us so that it may be "on Earth as it is in heaven," knowing full well that we will struggle with sin until our final breath. It is why Christianity is as spiritual as it is physical, for while remaining in the world but not of it we strive to stand for what is right and to fight for Christ, for as Christ is worth living for, He is also worth dying for and worth fighting for. It is why the great saints took up military combat against the Muslims and other heretics such as the Cathars and the Albigensians for centuries, for fighting for truth is a reflection of the zeal of God for His people who He fought for in the Old Testament and still fights for today, always praying for our enemies but giving justice where it is due.
National Socialism is a petty, pathetic, pagan attempt to replace Christ with a god made in man's image. Christ calls use to make ourselves in His image, for as St. Athanasius says, "God became man so that man might become like God."
Above are Russian Orthodox Christians beating perverted feminists with whips. While there are many problems in both societies, Christ is the way, the truth, the life, and the way to stand up against these neo-pagan barbarians. Christ, not Hitler or Luther, is the answer.
Anybody with a sane mind will realize that most "feminists" and Muslims are perverted. However, so is National Socialism. We are witnessing the return of the 1930's battles between the two groups in our own nation just as it took place in Germany, with the reality being that both sides are evil and will result in the same end. The answer is only Christ- He always has been the answer- not different flavors of paganism.
We have repeatedly maintained that based on historical precedent and by trends taking place today and in spite of all of the rhetoric a...
Saudi Arabia Destroys 25-Year-Old Public Sculpture Because It 'Looked Like A Christian Cross'
The hatred for Christ and all things even resembling Christianity runs deep in the Muslim world. Do not be fooled by outward gestures of "kindness," because ultimately the more Islamic a place is, the deeper the hate goes.
Saudi Arabia is one of the worst offenders this way, violently persecuting Christians who show even the slightest outward expression of their commitment to Christ. Such was the case that a local province ordered a sculpture that had been in the public for 25 years ripped down because it "looked like" it could have resembled something of a cross:
One of Saudi Arabia's most conservative provinces has demolished a towering concrete sculpture in response to complaints by residents that it resembled a Christian cross, prompting a local commentator on Tuesday to criticize the move as possible blowback for recent reforms.
State-linked local news sites, including, reported that the municipal office for the landlocked, central province of Qassim took down the sculpture last Friday.Videos and photos posted on social media and local news sites showed the sculpture in ruins after demolition by bulldozers in Qassim's provincial capital of Buraydah, 220 miles (350 kilometers) northwest of the country's capital, Riyadh.
The surprise move comes as the kingdom pivots toward greater embrace of the arts by holding for the first time in decades musical concerts in its major cities, including an orchestra performance from Japan last week.
The entertainments drive — led by Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman — has also included monster truck shows, a hip-hop illuminated dance show, comedy nights and even a Saudi Comic-Con event that starred two Game of Thrones actors.
Saudi Arabia also curtailed the powers of the religious police last year, angering some among the kingdom's ultraconservative Wahhabi religious establishment.
Commentator Akal Al-Akal criticized the demolition in an op-ed in Tuesday's pan-Arab Al-Hayat newspaper, saying the sculpture had been there for 25 years and its destruction was an attempt to embarrass state institutions.
He said those behind such acts are "playing on the emotions and feelings of the local public," adding that he believes the destruction of the sculpture may have been aimed at "inciting public opinion about life in Saudi Arabia as it embarks on a real opening for the arts."
"We must respect the symbols of other religions, just as we seek similar treatment in other countries," he said, adding that Islam is superior to narrow interpretations by extremists groups like the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Islamic State group in Iraq, which have destroyed religious sites, shrines and temples.
Municipal officials in Qassim could not be immediately reached for comment.
Many Arab Christians communities and minority Muslim sects across the region are struggling in the face of war, religious violence and discrimination.
Mosques are the only legally permissible places of worship in Saudi Arabia, though Christian residents have conducted worship services discreetly without interference.
An ancient community of Christians once inhabited the southwestern region of Najran in the Arabian Peninsula, which in present-day Saudi Arabia runs along the Yemen border. The Prophet Muhammad's treaty with the Christians of Najran, and allowing them a space to pray safely in his mosque in Medina, are often cited by scholars of Islam and moderate clerics as an example of religious pluralism and tolerance. (source, source)
The fact that no major news outlet has provided good photos of the sculpture says that the sculpture probably looked almost nothing like a cross. But the issue here is not the sculpture, but the hatred motivating why it was torn down.
We are witnessing in our modern times the revival of Islam as it was in the past. This is something that has not been seen for at least 300 years, since the Ottoman Empire went into decline following the treaty of Karlowitz in 1699. What we are watching is actually nothing new, since Islam goes through period of violent revival followed by militaristic attempts at expansion. Given that Ottoman Turkey is returning to its former state- and really, I should emphasize its NORMAL state, since the current conception of a "secular Turkey" is scarcely a century old and if Turkish President Erdogan has his way, the modern Turkish state will not live to see its 100th yea- and part of that means it will seek control over the Islamic Holy sites of Mecca and Medina. As we have documented on, the Saudi family is afraid of Turkey because they know this and fear their power will be in jeopardy, being deposed from power for being "un-Islamic." Therefore, it is in the interest of Saudi Arabia to start more open persecution of Christians and all things Christian, as they would rather be a vassal of the Ottomans than absolutely deposed.
We recently warned that Christians in Muslim nations, especially Turkey but also Saudi Arabia, need to leave as soon as possible and by whatever means necessary because war in coming to that region. If the genocide of 1917 was bad, what is coming will be far worse for not only are the tools and means to carry out death and destruction greatly improved, but this time the Muslims will draw on their lessons from the last century and attempt to "finish the job" that the Ottomans started. This will not happen overnight, but will be precipitated by a series of "warning shots" to those who are paying attention. It is no different that with the genocide of 1917- the Ottomans were massacring Christians for at least the past 30 years in greater numbers until it culminated in the great genocide.
In the words of the classic country song by Kenny Rogers, The Gambler,
You got to know when to hold 'em,
know when to fold em,
know when to walk away,
and know when to run.
The time to walk away has already passed. It's time to run.
The hatred for Christ and all things even resembling Christianity runs deep in the Muslim world. Do not be fooled by outward gestures o...
ISIS Slaughters One And Injures Four Policemen In Attempted Attack On Ancient Christian Monastery
St. Catherine's monastery in Egypt is one of the oldest monasteries in the world. ISIS has pledged to wipe out Christianity from Egypt by any and all means possible, and they are sparing nobody.
In a recent skirmish, ISIS attempted to attack the monastery but was stopped by local police at a checkpoint, where after a gun battle one officer was killed and four others were injured:
Gunmen attacked security forces near the St. Catherine's Monastery in Egypt's south Sinai on Tuesday evening, killing at least one police officer and injuring four others, according to Reuters.
The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack on a police checkpoint about 800 meters (yards) from the entrance to the monastery, one of the world's most important Christian sites, the local health ministry said.
St. Catherine's, founded in the 6th century and located at the foot of Mount Sinai, is one of the oldest Christian monasteries in the world and a UNESCO world heritage site.
The attack near the monastery came a week after the bombings of two Coptic Christian churches in Egypt, which were also claimed by ISIS.
At least 43 people were killed in the bombings in Tanta and Alexandria which went off as worshipers were gathering to mark Palm Sunday.
Following the attacks, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi declared a three-month state of emergency in the country.
Coptic Christians in Egypt have continuously been targeted by terrorist attacks.
In 2015, ISIS released a video purportedly showing the beheading of the Coptic Christians it had captured in the Libyan capital Tripoli.
Egypt has for years been battling an Islamist insurgency in the northern Sinai, which gained pace after the military overthrew President Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013.
Most of the attacks in Egypt have been claimed by the Sinai Province, ISIS’s branch in the Sinai. (source)
Egyptian Christians, flee while you can or be ready to fight, because this is just the beginning...
St. Catherine's monastery in Egypt is one of the oldest monasteries in the world. ISIS has pledged to wipe out Christianity from Eg...
Muslims Go On Rampage, Form A Mob And Attack Random Christians, They Throw Stones At The Christians And Burn Their Homes
Muslims in Egypt went on a rampage, burning down Christian homes and throwing stones at Christians. In a recent report on this horror:
A mob of radical Muslims has reportedly burned down three homes and injured eight Christians in Egypt's Minya Governorate following a prayer service on Thursday.
According to International Christian Concern (ICC), the Christians in the town of Kom el-Loufy were attacked after they held a prayer service at a local Christian's home.
"We asked local security authorities to grant us a permit [to] hold prayers and they agreed. They granted us a permit to hold these prayers and the security forces came to secure the mass," an anonymous Christian eyewitness told ICC.
The witness said that they were on their way to their home when they were attacked by a mob of Muslims.
"They hurled stones at our homes and set fire on three houses owned by Christians named Issa Saroufim, Marris Botros and his father, Faris Faris," the witness recounted.
Kom el-Loufy is home to approximately 1,800 Christians, but the village does not have a local church.
Another Christian witness who wished to remain anonymous claimed that the attack occurred in the presence of security forces.
"All these attacks occurred despite the presence of police in the village. There are eight big cars from the central security and more than 15 police cars.I don't know why the police haven't arrested anyone who attacked us until now," the witness said.
A similar attack took place in June 2016, when radical Muslims looted and burned down the homes of Christian brothers after rumors circulated that one of them was building a church in the village.
Egypt is currently under a state of emergency following the bombings of two churches on Palm Sunday. At least 45 people were killed in the attacks that were carried out by suicide bombers in Alexandria and Tanta.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the bombings and has warned of more attacks to come. The terror group also took credit for the suicide bombing of St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo in December 2016.
Christians in Egypt have faced intense persecution from radical Muslims over the past year. In February, hundreds of Christian families were forced to flee from the Sinai town of Al-Arish after seven Christians were murdered in the town in less than a month.
Several churches in Minya have canceled Easter celebrations as a mark of respect to the victims of the twin Palm Sunday bombings. It is traditional for the Coptic community to attend Easter services on Saturday and visit family on Sundays.
Muslims in Egypt went on a rampage, burning down Christian homes and throwing stones at Christians. In a recent report on this horror...
The Government Of China Arrests Christian Pastor For Singing "Jesus Loves You"
The government of China arrested a Christian pastor for singing "Jesus loves you," as we read in one recent report:
ChinaAid, which reports on persecution and human rights abuses in the world's most populous nation, said Pastor Xu Rongzhang from Taiwan was detained on Saturday, the day before Easter, because he led a group of Christians in Zhengzhou to sing the song.
Xu was released later on the same day, though his identification documents and permit to travel to mainland China were not returned until Monday.
Local officials never explained why singing "Jesus Loves You" is now deemed to be an illegal activity, though several Christians across China in recent months have been arrested and even sentenced to prison for participating in religious activities.
Five Christians, including a pastor, were sentenced back in February by a court in the northeastern Liaoning province to between three to seven years in prison for purchasing and selling what authorities called "forbidden Christian devotional books."
"Most of them belong to a Korean ethnic minority group that resides within China, and all of them attend registered churches. They were arrested last June," ChinaAid said at the time.
The persecution watchdog group also reported in January that a Christian woman was arreseted by police along with four other believers for holding a Bible study without government approval and were subsequently sentenced to three years in prison.
Ma Huichao was reportedly convicted of "gathering a crowd to disturb public order," a charge that is often lobbed at underground Christians in China.
The Communist Party has been engaging in a wide-spread crackdown on Christianity over the years, with ChinaAid reporting that authorities are concerned about the rise of the Christian population.
In March, Freedom House warned that at least 100 million people, including Protestant Christians, are facing "high" or "very high" levels of persecution at the hands of Chinese officials.
"A Taoist disciple joins the order without knowing when he will be admitted to priesthood. Dozens of Christians are barred from celebrating Christmas together. Tibetan monks are forced to learn reinterpretations of Buddhist doctrine during a 'patriotic reeducation' session," the Freedom House report said of the various religious freedom abuses taking place in China.
"A Uighur Muslim farmer is sentenced to nine years in prison for praying in a field. And a 45-year-old father in northeastern China dies in custody days after being detained for practicing Falun Gong," it added.
The report also accused President Xi Jinping of intensifying persecution and restrictions on religious believers since taking the helm of the Communist Party in 2012, though noted that believers have responded "with a surprising degree of resistance" to the challenges.
The government of China arrested a Christian pastor for singing "Jesus loves you," as we read in one recent report: ChinaAid,...
All Turkish Christians, Turkish Jews and Non Muslim Refugees living in Turkey Need to Leave to Save Themselves from a Future Holocaust, Armenian type Genocide to be repeated by Erdogan
Keith Davies
Executive Director of Rescue Christians
As has reported, as well as some in the world media of Recep Erdogan's elevation as President of Turkey for the next 14 years, which is in effect for life. Walid Shoebat has carefully analysed the role of Turkey as the Beast and Anti Christ system going back many years, even before Walid Shoebat wrote his first book "Why I Left Jihad" in 2005. Walid's correct interpretation of Bible prophecy is being vindicated as Turkey and President Recep Erdogan have fully exposed themselves as the anti Christ system with incrediblly specific and accurate comparisons to the attributes of the Anti Christ. One can also sift through our archives over many years of to see the immense research we have compiled on Erdogan and the role of Turkey in End Times.
Now that we know what the future brings and as the End Days approach with amazing speed, we as Christians and Jews must do as we are commanded and warn and save our brethren that are in harms way. It is now a matter of urgency that all Turkish citizens of the Christian faith, Turkish Jews and other Non Muslims including over 30,000 Christian refugees make plans to leave Turkey before the dark clouds have totally enveloped them. Once the Anti Christ unleashes his evil persecution it will be too late to save them. Most Jews failed to heed the warning when Hitler came to power. Hopefully already many Non muslims who now live in Turkey will make plans to move form Turkey ASAP, we know of many clergy who are very aware of the danger of Erdogan and his Caliphate ambitions. The number of Christians, Jews and non Muslim refugees is over two hundred and fifty thousand people who currently live inside Turkey's borders. We have already started to make private inquiries about their possible evacuation.
Tonight I was invited to see a preview screening of the brand new movie which will be released this Friday April 21st 2017 called "The Promise." I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS VERY WELL MADE MOVIE. Do not be decieved by the trailer as a love story. It is a love story but this is only used as a way of telling the story of the Armenian Genocide. It shows you all the atrocities that were carried out by the Ottoman Turks who were as brutal and cruel as the Nazis. Remember, it was the Nazis who copied the exact same methods as the Turks: cattle car transports, concentration camps, forced marches, starvation, collective punishment and mass murder. The only thing the Nazis did different was the gas chambers. Three million people were murdered which included one and a half million Armenians, seven hundred thousand Chaldeans and five hundred thousand Greek Orthodox. Do not be deceived by the trailer below as "just a love story" this is done to attract people who like love story type movies and suck them them in so that they might get an education, which sadly too many Americans need. Support this great film, GO AND SEE IT and drag some friends with you who need to WAKE UP.
The Armenian Genocide/Holocaust is about to happen again, There are over 100 million Christians living as minorities in Muslim majority countries, we need to do what we can as soon as we can to save our brothers and sisters.
Keith Davies Executive Director of Rescue Christians As has reported, as well as some in the world media of Recep Erdogan...
Absolutely Amazing Prophecy Fulfilling: Erdogan Of Turkey Brings Back The Ottoman Scepter That Signifies The Tenth Horn Prophesied In The Book Of The Apocalypse
By Walid Shoebat
After Erdogan won his referendum to have complete control over Turkey, the first thing he did was to return and unveil the Ottoman scepter that should not have departed from the first Ottoman Sultan until Erdogan had come. Erdogan is mimicking a Messiah. To Erdogan, the Muslim messiah, he is whom this scepter rightfully belongs.
To bring and unveil the diadem of Selim I, the tenth horn of the Islamic Empire, is a significant symbol.
Allow me to explain so that a westerner comprehends the significance. According to the Daily Sabah, Erdogan's mouthpiece in the Arab world, this scepter, in the form of a turban with a diadem, was hidden from the public eye in a museum after Fethullah Gulen attempted to smuggle it to the U.S., in order to return later to Turkey to reclaim the Caliphate for himself after the ousting of Erdogan.
The fight over the symbolic scepter ended up capturing the smugglers at the airport in Istanbul and was hidden secretly by Erdogan, awaiting the moment for his Ottoman resurrection on April 15th, 2017. He then veiled it over the tomb of Selim I and kept the matter secret. When his victory was complete, the first thing Erdogan did was rush to the tomb of Selim I and unveil the diadem (silk turban) which was positioned on the grave to signify the Ottoman resurrection from the dead.
This is very significant. Selim I was the tenth horn (king) with a diadem. Erdogan wants to proclaim that he is the rightful owner, being the eleventh (more on that later).

In the middle of the tray notice the silk crown
All this escapes the naked eye of the novice prophecy student. So lets explain it in detail.
A diadem from a biblical perspective is not exclusively a golden crown, as many who brush through the biblical text miss it. A Diadem comes from the Greek verb διαδέω which means "to tie around", "wrap around", or as Strong's defines, it is the mark on a "turban or tiara, the kingly ornament for the head. Rev XII.3" A diadem in the east is understood to be "a crown made of cloth," usually the finest of silk.
The Daily Sabah, Erdogan's mouthpiece in the Arabic world just published the astonishing event which none mentioned it in the western media:
"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has unveiled the Sultan of Selim I, the Kaftan [Diadem], known in Turkey as the "caftan of the caliphate" after returning it to its place at the Sultan Selim I shrine in Istanbul after its disappearance from 2005 when Fethullah Gulen attempted to smuggle it to the United States of America.
The caftan [diadem] was moved from its place in 2005 for restoration, and two members of the Gulen terrorist organization tried to smuggle the caftan to the organization's leader Fethullah Gulen [in the U.S.] because of the great moral value the caftan carries."
In other words, the holder of the diadem is the holder of a scepter, he becomes the successor of the Ottoman Caliphate and the Muslim world as a whole. The Daily Sabah explains that had Gulen got his hands on the Diadem, he would be successor:
Some politicians revealed that Fethullah Gulen had intended to declare himself a successor and wear the caftan himself worn by Sultan Selim I during his return from Egypt.
The article continues:
The story of the caftan [diadem] dates back to 1517 when Sultan Yawoz Selim [Selim I] fought the Mamluks in Egypt [king of the South] and managed to annex them to the territory of the Ottoman Empire and became the first successor to the Muslims of the Osman [Ottoman] family ...
After the attempt to smuggle the caftan at Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul, it was restored and preserved for years by the Department of Museums and Archeology and then returned to its original place and remained hidden from view until Erdogan removed the cover, yesterday during his visit to the mosque and the shrine of Sultan Selim I in Istanbul.
So what are the significances to all this from the prophetic perspective? First of all, Selim I is dead. To unveil the diadem on the dead Sultan's tomb is to declare Ottoman revival and that Erdogan is now the holder of this symbolic scepter. In other words, his kingdom's revival from the dead signifies the coming threat to Christendom, which John warned of as a wounded dead beast coming back to life.
John in the Apocalypse speaks of a head that was wounded to death and it revives. The symbolism is significant once we later examine prophecy.
Selim I was also the Sultan who invaded Egypt (King of the South), which Erdogan is now hinting to return Egypt back to his Caliphate. History is simply repeating.
Erdogan is reverting back the clock to when Sultan Selim I (King of the North) of the Ottomans had just pushed back and vanquished the Safavid Persians (The biblical Bear) at the Battle of Chaldiran in 1514—and turned their full might against the Mamluks, who ruled in Syria and Egypt (The biblical kingdom of the south) to complete the Ottoman conquest of the Middle East.
Answer: pride. Correct prophecy is revealed for only the lowly at heart. Only these will understand.
Pride begets selfishness. With selfishness one would tend to believe that the whole of scripture strictly relates to them. They become as though they have tunnel vision, as if it is all about the U.S. or about their favorite nation, Israel, or about their favorite hated city, Rome. They focus exclusively on a specific part of history while forgetting that prophecy spans the whole history of God's people. Such pride and pet favorites is what made 'pharisees' hate messengers.
The span of prophecy is the most significant key to unlock everything. Always understand that God always aids his people (God's people) throughout history. Apocalypse is not intended only for the end times, but for the entire history of the humble people of God. A single prophecy can include the church era and also include the ancient faithful of Israel.
For example, John in Revelation 13 includes past empires and Daniel speaks of expeditions fulfilled by Antiochus who persecutes God’s people Israel. But such prophecy is also for the Church, which endured the expeditions of the Seven Muslim Caliphates who also persecuted God’s people, the Church, for 1260 lunar years.
They also resemble the future expeditions of the Antichrist, in which he persecutes the church for only 1260 literal days as God speeds it all up “lest no flesh is saved”. This is why the Antichrist is a 'little horn', for he only rules for seven years after a covenant is made with him. This will take a few years from now to happen.
Daniel, for example, has multiple layers foretold in a single prophecy which is once fulfilled for Israel during Antiochus and also later on in history it is fulfilled during the church era as well.
So we can find battles that ultimately ended in the victory of the King of the North. This is not just by Antiochus, but way later by the Ottoman Selim I over Egypt’s King of the South completing the conquest of most of the Middle East by the Ottoman Empire ending the Mamluk Sultanate. The Ottoman Empire’s victory in this battle gave it control of the entire region of Syria during the Dabiq war and later into Egypt.
But this history will repeat in the near future as well, when Turkey invades Egypt to re-install the Muslim Brotherhood.
Selim I who carried out the Dabiq war is key to unlocking Daniel when on May 18, 1516 when Al-Ashraf Qansuh al-Ghawri, started from Cairo, Egypt with 20,000 knights to later be killed by Selim I.
This prophecy will repeat. To Erdogan, this mimics Al-Sisi’s end. Egypt’s future will mimic this historic and eschatological event and will parallel the Turks invasion of Egypt. After the death of the Mamluk Sultan, the new Sultan, Tuman Bay (King of the South) who finally, at the doorstep of Cairo, faced Selim I who defeated Tuman Bay and hung him at the gate of Cairo.
Dabiq is why Turkey hates Egypt and is why Erdogan hates Al-Sisi of Egypt.
On April 15th, two days before Erdogan unveiled Selim I diadem, explained the ten diadems pin-pointing to Selim I before Erdogan even visited the shrine:
Then the Ottoman Caliphate (1517–1924 the seventh head), founded by Selim I (10th crown) and by that he was the tenth and final horn of the seven heads.
This last one encompassed all the previous ones and is the seventh.
But when one pays close attention to Apocalypse 17:11, this “seventh” also arises as “the eighth” (in our time) as the 11th little horn. It is little because it only spans 7 years. The length of the horn is its time ruling. (to understand this click here)
Selim I was the tenth crown (diadem) and the one to come afterwards is the 11th "little horn" which we will explain later.
But Dabiq is why Erdogan sees himself as Selim I and is why he publicly read an Islamic poem that includes the lines, “the mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets, and the faithful our soldiers” and is why Erdoğan has used public funds to build more than 17,000 mosques while announcing plans to create a super-mosque overlooking Istanbul to celebrate the 560th anniversary of Istanbul’s conquest by the Ottomans. Erdoğan broke ground on a third Bosphorus Bridge linking the Asian and European sides of the city, naming it after the controversial conquering Sultan Selim I, the conqueror of Dabiq.
Erdogan is already getting close to Dabiq in Syria and plans to invade it. The western mind doesn’t get it, that in the Muslim mind the needle is stuck on the record in which the Christian crusader (General Allenby) took Jerusalem and the Christians finally brought an end to the Muslim Ottoman Caliphate in 1924. So this was the pause in this history. This is the first beast of Apocalypse 13 that was wounded. The song continues from there and the record will continue to play as soon as the electric surge is back, until the needle comes to a screeching halt when Christ comes.
All throughout the Middle East they are getting it. The Free Palestine Agency, excited about Erdogan's move, explains Erdogan's visit to the tomb of Selim I and also Mohammed al-Fateh (the conqueror) as "telling the Sultan in his grave that the days of glorious history had returned sending a clear message from [the dead] Sultan to his European enemies."
So without unity between Turkey and Europe, the western interpreters of prophecy who adhere to a revival of a Roman Empire can no longer make their case since the Roman Empire's eastern leg is split from its western leg. This would mean they wait longer or go back to the drawing board.
We warned that the latter will happen. And so here we have it, Erdogan was so excited about the symbolism of reviving the dead and wounded head of the Ottoman empire that he literally went on a quick expedition to speak to the dead Ottomans and the souls of their recent dead heroes who recently tried to revive it but failed. The FPA explains:
"Today, the Turkish president visited graves of leaders who tried to change the constitution: Nejaduddin Erbakan, the prime minister in the 1990s, Erdogan's spiritual father and the most prominent leader of the political Islam movement. He also visited the tomb of Adnan Menderes, the prime minister executed by the army in the 1960s. In addition to the former president Turgut Ozal."
All these "tried to change the constitution" and Erdogan is telling their souls that he finally succeeded. And by this Erdogan qualifies to be the one who succeeded to "change set laws" (Daniel 7:25).
The article continues even further exposing Erdogan's significant moves:
But what sparked the international newspapers was the visit of the Sultan's tomb, "Muhammad the Conqueror", the "Islamic Prince" and the famous religious symbol of the Muslims. He also went to the burial place of Sultan Selim I, the ninth Ottoman sultan, and the first to carry the title of Prince "Amir" of the Ottomans ... Some see President Erdogan's visit to the tomb of Sultan Selim I, a reference to the title of the Sultan once again. Selim is the first to take the title of Prince of the Faithful from the Osman [Ottoman] family. Erdogan has long chanted the sultan's slogans in front of his crowds. Does Erdogan really want to become the first?
In Islam, the one who gets the title of "Prince" becomes the man, the Caliph, the holder of the scepter to rule the Muslim world.
It is this type of prophecy that reveals the multiple facets in fulfillment where God covers the whole history of His people. This is key. Scripture strictly stated: "The people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary" (Daniel 9:26) was thought to have been Titus.
But to someone who was Muslim like myself, "Prince" in Islam is significant for a Caliph is titled "the prince of the faithful".
And it wasn't Titus who ordered the destruction of the Jewish Temple after all. It was his army, the mob, that, plus the Roman general, Titus, in 70 AD was never called a "prince".
However he is a type of prince, as he does in a way fulfill the verse, for he was adopted by the emperor. But ultimately this "prince" is in regards to the Antichrist.
One needs to re-read a prophetic verse several times to see the multiple facets, eras and historic timeframe it is fulfilled. It is sort of like the Shroud of Turin where we find the face and the skull on one single sheet. The shroud is not simply a 'painting' but a set of information.
God is an amazing author. So when He constructs a prophecy, at face value it sound ridiculous to the scoffer, it is loaded to the wise and it kills multiple beasts with one stone.
In other words “the people [hegemony] of the prince [the Antichrist] that shall come [two millennia or so later]” these will be the ones who will destroy the temple in 70 A.D.
It can legitimately also be read as “the people of the prince [Titus] that shall come. These will be the ones who will destroy the temple."
Both are perfectly legitimate interpretations. One as a warning for God's people at Israel's fall, while the other is a warning for God's people at the Church's fall (the falling away).
It can also be examined like this “the people [hegemony] of the prince [the Antichrist] that shall come [two millennia or so later] to destroy the [Christian] temple", that is, the body of the believer, by defiling it with the mark of the beast. The believer is also a temple. One must read the text from the new perspective, the Church's, as the book of Hebrews had a different plan from Israel's sacrificial system in a temple building to a temple that consumes the bread of sacrifice.
So in other words, Antichrist comes from the same hegemony from the legion which under Titus it destroyed the Temple. This would be Legion X Fretensis. Josephus reveals this army as from “The greatest part of the Roman garrison was raised out of Syria". Syria in ancient times expanded into Asia Minor, Turkey.
In other words, the people of the Antichrist will be the same people who sacked Jerusalem under Titus, namely Turks, Syrians and Arabs and he will be called "the Prince".
And now we have Erdogan who wants to be titled as "Prince" and as a revived Selim I and Suleiman the Conqueror.
The multiple facets of reviewing prophecy is key. Without this key there erupts so many disagreements. So that when John writes of "seven mountains" which are "seven kingdoms" and "ten horns", we find multiple interpretations, none of which completely fit perfectly unless we understand, there are multiple fulfillments.
We had the primitive church looking at ten pagan Roman emperors. In a way they are right. God warns his people all the time. But as a type.
But these prophecies also do fit in other various forms for we have 1. The Egyptian Empire with the first horn 2. The Assyrian Empire with the second horn. 3. The Babylonian Empire with the third horn. 4. The Persian Empire with the fourth horn. 5. The Greek Empire with the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th horns since after Alexander the Great it was divided to four. John then says and "one is", at his time, this is number 6, the Roman Empire with the 9th horn. The 7th head (mountain) is then what took the mantle from the Roman. All historians would agree this would be the Ottoman Empire which would make Muhammad II as the 10th horn of this model.
This is why when we examine the primitive interpretation pointing 1. Augustus 2. Tiberius 3. Gaius 4. Caligula 5. Claudius, 6. Nero, 7. Titus, 8. Domitian ... but no matter how they shuffled these it never completely fits.
While these are types, the prophecy must fit, like a glove, but this will only happen at the ultimate fulfillment. The prophecy repeats. While no one can draw the final outcome with precision until it happens, what we do know is that there is only one beast (threat) that fits John's "seven mountains [kingdoms]" as well as Daniel's Four Kingdoms, as well as the Two Legs of Daniel's image and the Two Horns of the "lamb with two horns that speaks like a dragon"; all in one beast: the Islamic Caliphate.
No other history fits these prophecies combined except this one.
Let me explain in simple fashion. First of all, whoever persecuted the church throughout history must be the beast (the threat) mentioned in scripture. Nothing in history so perfectly fits like these seven heads and ten crowns. Anyone who disagrees must answer: where else would anyone find a beast that persecuted the woman (the church and the seed of Mary) like these seven Islamic dynasties?
Islam is four main caliphates:
Here Muslims gladly share their SEVEN Dynasties. If in doubt, show this to a historian. There are four main caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abasid and Ottoman) with the other three within this same timeframe (Fatimid, Ayyubid and Al-Mohad) adding to seven caliphates (heads).
The Islamic caliphate also fits the two legs of Daniel for we have the Shiite and the Sunni divide. It fits John's Leopard (Greece/Turkey) and Bear (Persia) in Revelation 13. It is also the one that brought down all kingdoms, the gold (Babylon/Iraq) the silver (Persia) the bronze (Greece) and the Iron (Byzantium, Roman) which Daniel insists that this beast take down all others. Rome never defeated Persia. Rome can never completely fit "the iron", yet it does, in a way.
This one encompasses all. So when John says of the seven headed beast that “five [mountains/empires] have fallen” (Rev 17:10) these are pre-church that pertain to ancient Israel which we mentioned above (1. The Egyptian Empire with the first horn 2. The Assyrian Empire with the second horn. 3. The Babylonian Empire with the third horn. 4. The Persian Empire with the fourth horn. 5. The Greek Empire with the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th horns).
Then he says “one is” (the sixth, at John’s time) is the Roman, during the primitive church, the 9th horn and diadem. Then we have "the other that is not yet" which will be the seventh. This is the Ottoman Empire with Selim I, the 10th horn with a diadem.
It is here after the fall of this Ottoman Empire, the seventh head which was mortally wounded, where we have a break. When this empire received a mortal wound on its head it fell into the abyss, the earth, and died. This is why we have a break. This is why we have two beasts. The church age suffers two beasts (two massive threats) as clearly described by John; one comes as a “seven headed beast” which its seventh head is wounded to also come again as the second beast (in the end of days) described as “a lamb with two horns” which finally resurrects out of the grave (earth) and is why Erdogan is so fascinated with the dead Ottomans. So here is the prophecy starting with the first beast, the longest threat to God's people:
“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast [first beast] rise up out of the [Mediterranean] sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. [denies Father and Son (Trinity), see 1 John 2:22]”
And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns: and on his head seven diadems (Apocalypse 12:3)
This seven headed (7 caliphates) beast from 1. Rashidun to 7. Ottoman was controlled spiritually by the Arabian harlot city, Mecca and it made war with the church specifically at the Mediterranean region (the Sea): “it was given unto him to make war with the saints,” and “to overcome them” and it ruled “over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations”.
The red dots below presented on the Mediterranean sea are all the battles against the Church. Where were they fought? The Mediterranean sea. When scripture speaks of the “sea” its always the Mediterranean sea.
Each of these red dots is a war or battle between Christians and Muslims.
And Daniel gives us the same kingdoms, but as “Four Beasts” in Daniel chapter 7 arise out of “the Great Sea” (Daniel 7:2) because Islam has four main caliphates. And sure, the Four Beasts were history past for Greece, but they are also future: the Four Muslim Caliphates.
“The Great Sea” is the Mediterranean region, not the entire globe. That with all the literal nations of end-times encompasses only the Middle East and Asia Minor. If the first beast (Babylon), second beast (Medo-Persia) and third beast (Greece) all were out within the “Great Sea” (Mediterranean) then the fourth beast of Daniel 7 could only pertain to the Mediterranean Sea as well and it too has four dynasties.
To make the Antichrist rule the globe, many western interpreters today allegorize “The Great Sea” as “the sea of humanity.” In so doing, we lose the meaning and the intent of the prophecy. This reference to “The Great Sea” cannot be an allegory pertaining to the “sea of humanity” since every verse in the Bible refers to “The Great Sea” as the Mediterranean Sea (see Num 34:6-7, Jos 1:4, Jos 9:1, Jos 15:12, Jos 15:47, Jos 23:4, Ezek 47:10, 15, 19, 20, Ezek 48: 28).
Our analysis becomes crystal clear when we examine John:
“And the beast which was [Greco-Roman], and is not [at John’s time]: the same also is the eighth [the coming Antichrist], and is of the seven [the seventh], and goeth into destruction.” (Revelation 17:11)
So the two beasts John spoke of, one with seven heads, the first one, which finally got a mortal wound, this deadly wound, has to be on its seventh head, the last head, the Ottoman, and then the one which “looks like a lamb” is the eighth, the final one and “is of the seven" as the text strictly mandates.
This is crucial. So what fell in 1924, which was the Ottoman, must revive, most likely after 100 years in 2023-2024. All the biblical text that mention the literal names of nations involving the end-times match this Ottoman geographical composition to exact. If in doubt examine history in light of all nations in Ezekiel, Isaiah, Amos, Joel, Zechariah, Galatians … they all follow this model.
Therefore, understanding that God does not instruct only a select group helps tremendously in understanding these prophecies. Church history has already endured the first beast (which will revive again) as the second beast with two horns encompassing the two legs of Daniel. This is why when one continues reading John then ‘pop’, we have yet another beast, the ends of days beast:
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth [from the grave after being wounded to death]; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon and it exercises all the power of the first beast [which went to the grave] before him … whose deadly wound was healed [coming out of the grave of the dead].”
Is Erdogan's actions making sense now? The first beast comes out of “the sea,” which are multitudes of nations, tribes and different tongues within the Mediterranean region then is “swallowed by the earth” (Rev 12:16). This is the same as when the seventh head (Ottoman Caliphate) which was wounded to death and John explicitly tells us “is also the eighth”.
This “also” makes it clear. Its the same empire: the Ottoman.
This is the “seventh,” which is also coming back as the “eighth” and is also “the second beast” resembling “the first beast” and the "four heads" which comes out of “the earth” after it was “swallowed by the earth” having received the deadly wound coming back again with two divisions: Turkey (leopard/Greece/Turkey) and Persia (Iran).
It all fits. Like a glove. I know that this a big load to fathom, but keep in mind “it exercises all the power of the first beast". Scripture several times makes this point.
So it must be the same type of empire.
Some still even today allude to Rome as this beast. But this is impossible. Rome did not expand throughout church history as a persecutor of the church unless the Cathars were the real Christians and we are all confused. For Rome to fit, one must show how it persecuted the saints throughout the ages. This is impossible to do. While some allude to the Cathar wars, these were no saints and no sound Protestant today would agree with their heretical theology (examined here).
It is this model which we followed for two decades and so far, it is happening, perfectly.
What we have been saying for a while now has become obvious to all in the Middle East from Morocco to Israel but not to the West, yet. Elwehda Moroccan newspaper explains:
It seems to some that what is happening in Turkey today is merely a political and ideological rivalry between two opposing fronts, one clinging to the Ataturkian model and the other defending the Erbakan model. But a little bit of reflection suggests that the bets of the model led by Erdogan have roots in the the global organization of the Muslim Brotherhood Founded by Hasan al-Banna [in Egypt], which aims to restore the model of Islamic caliphate. Erdogan's ambition remains not only to establish the authorities in his hands as president of Turkey, but also to legitimize the launching of the series of rebuilding the Islamic caliphate state that has revived in our contemporary history the Muslim Brotherhood based in Turkey.
And the Muslim Brotherhood, which under Erdogan is now ruling the second most powerful army in NATO after the U.S., will be soon heading towards their homeland of Egypt and is why Daniel speaks of the king of the North (Turkey) going towards the king of the south (Egypt).
Any doubting Thomasses please read our previous critics first to see their folly.
By Walid Shoebat After Erdogan won his referendum to have complete control over Turkey, the first thing he did was to return and unveil...