North Korean authorities are hanging Christians on crosses above fire, and are also crushing Christians to death with steamrollers, as we read in one report:Christians in North Korea face rape, torture, enslavement, and being killed for their fa…
Disgusting British Women Are Travelling To The Camps In Calais For The Sole Purpose Of Having Sex With Muslim Invaders For Fun
The following post was leaked anonymously on Facebook by an "aid worker" in the infamous Calais Muslim camps that exposes a reality that is both shocking as it is disgusting- how British women (and some men) are volunteering to work in the camps…

'The Hell Of The Apostates' ISIS Releases New Video Showing Them Rounding Up People And Mass Executing Them
ISIS barbarians have released a new video showing them rounding up people and mass executing them for being "apostates." It also shows footage of car bombs being set off against American troops in Iraq:In a purported new Islamic State video from…

Major Political Leader In France Makes This Declaration To The United States: 'There Is Going To Be A Civil War In France, Between The French And The Muslims. America, Do Not Make The Same Mistake We Made.'
A major political leader in France, Francois-Xavier Peron, has declared that France is about to enter into a civil war, between French and Muslim. We spoke with Francois-Xavier about this, and also about the subject of a Christian France and how…

Massachusetts Judge Forces American Christian Woman To Go To Mosque And Study Islam For Her "Probation", Says 'You Have To Respect People Of The Muslim Faith'
Judge Paul YeeWe have been arguing that Islam will not conquer America by war, but through judicial orders. In a case that disturbingly reflects this, an elderly Christian woman landlord who got into a scuffle with a Muslim tenant is being force…

Man Throws Firebomb Into Car Of Muslim Man And Shouts 'There You Go, Muslim!' As Vehicle Is Consumed In Raging Inferno
Americans are fed up with Islam and Muslims, so expect more of these attacks in the future. In this recent incident in Philadelphia, a man threw a firebomb into the car of a Muslim man while shouting 'There you go, Muslim!':The incident reported…

A Simple Explanation Why It Is Impossible For Saudi Arabia To Survive The Next Few Years
By Walid ShoebatThere is a reason why God called Arabia "a whore" prophesying that her lovers (the kings of the earth) will ultimately abandon her services and refuse to drink her intoxicating wine of fornication.Eventually all prostitutes age a…